Mar. 12th, 2008


Hi folks!

I'm back from SXSW (woo!) and I'm trying to dry out and get back into the whole "using a computer" thing again... so bear with me! I'll be 100% by this weekend, if not sooner.


Davy Jones/Deadpool/Poison Ivy

Feb. 25th, 2008


Howdy folks!

Work has been a bit on the stupid side, but I am still here! I play Davy Jones, Poison Ivy, and Deadpool.

Deadpool was in an interview thread with Mia- is her mun back?
Davy Jones needs something to do!
Poison Ivy isn't doing too well with the blackout, she's had to abandon her garden of eden for some warehouse with a bunch of those full spectrum lights or whatever.

Anybody want to thread or plot? I might be a bit slow for a while still since work is still acting dumb- and in a week I will be out of town (SXSW!) but you can catch me on AIM at virtually any time. ^_^
