Feb. 13th, 2008


Hey, new pup for me here. Damien Thorn of The Omen fandom. Set some years after the 2nd movie. He's 21, in control of his powers, leader of his Satanic cult (Daddy would be proud), and CEO of his own company. Ohhh, the firm would love this one. Hehe.

So, that's him. Ohh, and he also gets his kicks from corrupting the innocent and naive into commiting sin.. another trait he got from his father. ^_^

- Mike

Jan. 29th, 2008


I had an idea, about the Terminator's arrival. Would it be possible that W&H's science division, with their techo stuff, would have detected a spike in unusual activity? Temporal shift, antimatter, something about a small space being taken out of the time frame, etc.?

Like when the sphere brought the T-850, the globe swapped that small section of 2005 with an empty space. It might also be noted that not far from that site, a police file may indicate that a naked man wounded two very tough bikers and took all the clothes from one of them.

Anyway, that's just an idea I had. He can thread with John soon. Actually, could John start the post, maybe have him hanging around somewhere, and the cyborg meets him? I know T-850 is in mid-post with Duo, but perhaps the time of the thread with him and John can take place during a day or two after the arrival. :)

- Mike (player of Caine, Clark, Lex, Tony, T-850)

Jan. 26th, 2008



Some of us know already, but I have a new character here. T-850, the latest model of Skynet's soldiers, he's from the Terminator movies. Although, the present-day events in T3 hasn't happened with him, but just the future stuff mentioned in it (the future info in the new TV series is also part of him).

So.. here he is. Oh don't worry, he's been reprogrammed, so don't worry about him shooting any cops or bikers. Though he will get some clothes and a bike upon arrival. Still thinking if I should leave an open tag for a pup to be his victim, or just use NPCs. I'll try to post sometime today. :)

- Mike (Tony, Lex, Caine, Clark, T-850)

Jan. 24th, 2008


Hey, I got a new character. He's a Shaolin priest named Kwai Chang Caine ([info]i_am_caine) from Kung Fu: The Legend Continues. I figure Chinatown wouldn't be too far away, so he might stay in L.A.

Who knows, maybe he'll open up another kwoon to teach kung fu to citizens. Lol. Anyway, plottage, he's open to any.

Oh! I also see that we have a... John Connor? Oh boy, that rocks. Now I'm tempted to app my Terminator (Arnold) journal. ;)

- Mike (player of Tony, Clark, Lex, Caine)

Jan. 17th, 2008


Hi, there's a post in the main comm, set at night. Anya arrived mysteriously on the streets of L.A., met Clark, and now they're at a payphone calling Angel's hotel. The post is here.

Anyway, I was wondering that whoever might be around at the time in that part of the building.. Angel, Connor, Cordy, Fred, Zuko, etc... whichever one would be closest to answer it, could do it. :)

- Mike

Jan. 1st, 2008


Hey, Mike here again... and I bring you one of my fave villains from Smallville. Lex Luthor. ^_^

He's from after "Gemini", so he owns the Daily Planet, runs Luthorcorp, and has a few 33.1 labs around the country (and world), so it's likely he plans on opening one here in this city.

I was thinking, he could join forces with the evil law firm? Sort of like a partnership. He could lend them his vast resources (and vice versa) for their operations, and in return, he could benefit from their best lawyers to get him out of a legal jam if he ever needs it (besides, we all know he always gets off somehow, hehe).

He's definitely up for any evil plottage. Lol.

- Mike

Dec. 25th, 2007



I have a question.. I'm considering a new character. I was wondering, would Tony Montana from Scarface be cool to play here? He did die, and though some have returned to life.. he technically died back in 1983... unless I go with my previous style for him.

Which is, before he got that nasty shotgun blast from behind (which killed him), he was somehow transported to the present by an unknown source, or a fluke in the cosmic design, or something.

Of course with all the powers that the evil law firm has at its disposal, maybe one of them (no one special, could be an unknown NPC lawyer/demon/shaman) brought him back for a reason.. or for no reason at all, lol. I wonder if that idea could be used for here.

Dec. 24th, 2007



Hi, I'm new... my name is Mike, AIM is KingMike33315. I played in some comms at GJ, so I thought I'd try IJ for a bit.. looks good so far. :)

Anyway, I bring you my first character here--- Clark Kent from Smallville. Open to any plottage, especialy with any other aliens here. Lol.

Quick quick question, though: do I need to post an intro to the Graffiti comm first, or can he jump into the main one now?