December 18th, 2007

[info]fuzzypink_lil in [info]paraooc

'Lo! Figured I'd pop in here and do a quick introduction for me before I post in the game section.

I'm Tabi. The uber lovely Kirsten talked me into coming over here (because yes, I was so hard to persuade. XD). Um..

I'm bringing in Lil Marchette, who's a vampire from the Dead End Dating series, which is written by Kimberly Raye. A few facts I've gathered from the books so far, that you might be interested in knowing (to explain the way she does things). )

Um, anyways. Yes. Hi, thanks for having me. Looking forward to all sorts of fun threading with everyone.

ETA: 'Cause I'm.. well I don't know. I guess I forgot? I was born blond, if that helps explain anything? *grins* You know Jessica Simpson, famous for saying/doing stupid things? Yeah. I'm like her. But clumsier.. and not as hot.
And, anyways, moving on. My actual/personal journal here is [info]brokendelusions, and I have a list of everything else you could possibly want to find in this journal (other journals, screen names).

[info]thewarning in [info]paraooc

Hello everyone! I'm Lilah and I'm playing Jennifer Bloom from The Lost Room! How's everyone's holiday? I can't wrap :(.