December 17th, 2007

[info]ex_mikaela_b485 in [info]paraooc

QueenC again, with another character. Mikaela Banes from Transformers (the live action movie, obviously hehe). She's coming in post the movie, and following a fight/break-up with Sam. Any and all plots welcome. :)

AIM: queenofcordyland

[info]psycho_mantis in [info]paraooc

This is Psycho Mantis, from Metal Gear Solid. He's.. well. He's creepy. He's also a little tragic, an extremely powerful psychic, and more than just a bit crazy.. So uhh.. yeah. Handle with care?

As always, I'm available on AIM @ xx rapturously. (:


[info]ex_rockgod281 in [info]paraooc

Hey everyone!

My name is Kate and I'll be bringing you Charlie Pace from Lost. This is my very first time playing him although I've loved his character for quite some time, so I'm excited! As you can imagine, I was quite a wreck during the Season 3 finale. :( Anyways, I won't get into that now! :D Charlie is here pre-Lost so I imagine he'll be happier! He's in L.A. hoping to get his band back together, but he's beginning to realize that fame and drugs aren't his thing so he's not really sure what he's doing at the moment. He's not quite the Charlie he is on the island yet, but I'm sure somehow he'll get there!

Anyways, more about me! I'm seventeen and a high school student and I'm quite the dork for Lord of the Rings, Lost, and X-Men. I also enjoy tea and coffee and am often wired on it, and I'm also not very good at introductions! And it's rather late and I've got a paper to write so I don't think I'm very coherent at the moment. But you can contact me by email at or AIM on onlyy stars anytime and if anyone has an OOC journal you can go ahead and add mine at [info]evenstars, and it's lovely to meet you all! Let me know if you've got any plot ideas and I'd of course be up for them! I hope everyone's having a great day/night!

-Kate :)