Dec. 27th, 2009


[OOC: Christmas Gifts, in one post cause its easier :) - Delivered on the 24th/25th]

From Ruby )

From Tenel Ka )

From Kennedy )

From Mirta )

From Angel )

Dec. 10th, 2009


I demand to speak with the ruler of this kingdom. I don't how you have come to bring me to this foul place but you will return me right now. Or believe me when I say that you won't live to regret it.

Nov. 2nd, 2009


Txt to Castiel

I assume I don't need to tell you what the plan is.

It seems to have worked, she didn't realise nothing and no one would make me lie to you ever again.

Things got pretty raw but if it helps...
Tags: ,

Oct. 19th, 2009



[ text to Allana; ]
Don't know how much time we've got. When you get back, you tell me - that me - to take care of you or I'll find a way to reach through time and break his fucking neck.
[ text to Ruby; ]
No time to be anything but a fucking chick flick. You'll do it, everything we've said and more. I believe in you.

Oct. 12th, 2009


Sam's right
I can't
I don't deserve
You're so much better than...

Would it be better for you not to be with me? Honestly

[ooc: following this ]
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Sep. 13th, 2009


Txt to Castiel

1 new message )
Tags: ,

Aug. 25th, 2009


Text to Ruby.

The Firewhiskey is ready. So whenever you're up for experimenting.

Jun. 16th, 2009


Text to Sam

[address] as soon as you can get here,

I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, But things are gonna be better now Sammy, so much better.

Jun. 1st, 2009


Txt to Sam Winchester

I just saw, I don't even know where to begin to tell you...

I'm so sorry Sammy, Just tell me what you need, whatever you need to make this better its yours?

[ooc: Sent just after it became apparent on Faith's grafitti what happened. And yes she is abusing the Vamp Faith situation to get Sam even more hooked...who thought she wouldn't!]

May. 17th, 2009


May. 6th, 2009


text to ruby.

I'm gonna be pulling in heavy hours at work between tonight and tomorrow night. Stupid boss has me working like a triple. You should go spend some time with Castiel. Even if he is a major DICK.

Apr. 27th, 2009


Txt to Sam


Apr. 22nd, 2009


Various Texts

 [Text to Sam Winchester]

You're late, bring fries.

[a little later]

...okay look if this is cold shoulder I get it, I'm even used to it, I know you don't like talking about it but...

[about ten minutes following]

...Sam? Just call me.

[Texts sent to John, Mary and Dean]

Is Sam patrolling still. If you just convinced him not to meet me after thats fine but he'd have let me know...

[ooc: sent during log of April 21 2006. -]

Apr. 15th, 2009


Text to Sam

There'll be a demon at [address] in twenty minutes. Red skinned with a kind of tatoo thing all along his face, left side. He'll be attacking the bar owner. He'll say all the right things to make people believe it was him, hit all the right notes. Won't stop fighting till his dead. And when you and Faith kill him that'll be that.

Let me know when he's dead. I have some loose ends to tie up when he is.

[ooc: Following on from her narritive]

Apr. 12th, 2009


text to ruby.

I wanna bring Faith out with us sometime.

Apr. 4th, 2009


Txt to Sam

We never just go for fries anymore. I'm beginning to feel neglected

[ooc: Sent after log with Ruby and John]

Apr. 2nd, 2009


text to ruby.

I need you to babysit Faith for me.

Mar. 31st, 2009


Txt to Dean

You owe me fries.

And you gotta tell me, did you sing. I bet you sang.

Mar. 30th, 2009


text to Ruby;

Thinking it's time we had a little talk.

Mar. 18th, 2009


Text to Sam

You did good you know that right, all of it. You should be proud.

How do you feel about a few weeks training free? Just a few.  Because there will be more to fight, I think you accept that now. Least I hope you do. But you certainly earned a break. And I think I need to let you. Can't believe he thinks I'm pushing you, he doesn't get it, never will

Oh and you're taking me for fries tomorrow. Just so you know.

Mar. 6th, 2009


texts to Sam & Ruby;

We've got some possible leads, Dean might even have the location Alastair's holed up in.

[ooc: To divide up the info, Sam and Ruby separately, or Sam & Ruby together, can 1) find out there's more than one 'Hell' location so they know that the different addresses aren't fakes and 2) get the address of location two. Dean got the location that Alastair's "allegedly" at and John has the address for location one, which he'll treat as legit once someone reveals the multiple locations information.]

Feb. 23rd, 2009


various texts and calls to ruby;

You have 2 new texts, 7 missed calls, and 2 new voicemails. )

Feb. 21st, 2009


text to ruby;

wher u


Feb. 13th, 2009


Txt to Sam

The Bitch that owns those Pits is talking and I don't like what she's saying.

How do you feel?

Feb. 11th, 2009


Text to Sam

Heather texted me. I told you I wasn't gonna speak to her to save you problems so I'm not  replying. Just wanted you to know in case it gets used in a 'Ruby's a bitch' arguement down the line.

Feb. 7th, 2009


Txt to Jo

You said we were friends right? Can we talk?

Jan. 5th, 2009


TXT to Sam Winchester

I just caught up on all the stuff with Claire...

You okay?

Nov. 24th, 2008


Phone call to Ruby.

Christina was sitting on the ground in a secluded part of a park, in front of her was a horribly mutilated body.

A man was dead.

And she had killed him.

Christina held onto her cell phone with a shaking hand. She wanted to pray that Ruby would answer her phone, but Christina wasn't sure she was even allowed to pray. Instead she shut her eyes tight, not wanting to look at the body.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up," she repeated over and over. "Please, pick up!"

[ooc: I have a thread all typed up too. It has unpretty flash back snippets of Christina killing said man, so yeah. Whenever you're game :D]

Nov. 22nd, 2008


Email to John Winchester

To: John Winchester
From: Ruby
Subject: That Talk.

Nov. 21st, 2008


Txt to Sam Winchester

Somwhere in Silver Lake.

Best I could narrow it down. Its still a needle but the haystacks smaller. Where are you?

Nov. 3rd, 2008


Txt to Sam Winchester

Don't do anything stupid. Promise me. We'll work this out.

Nov. 1st, 2008


Txt to Sam Winchester

When and where?

January 2010




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