Dec. 14th, 2009


for Faith on her birthday;

[ either given at the party, or some time during the day ]

To FAITH, from SARAH & Peter )

To FAITH, from NATHAN, HEIDI & the boys )


To FAITH, from BEN )

To FAITH, from JOHN & MARY )

Nov. 30th, 2009


delivery to Buffy;

Delivered to the Hyperion on the evening of the 30th is a box, addressed to Buffy. Inside the box is a note, printed copies of some of the funnier stuff Spike said and a 'Superman S' cape from a cheap Halloween costume. The 'S' now has Sharpie markered fangs at the top of it.

Mocking's only fun if you have stuff to go along with it.

- Ben



[ sent in the early a.m. of the 30th. "Normal" cell numbers would be for the phones characters usually have but didn't have during the plot ]

[ duplicate text to DEAN, SAM, JOHN, ABC, FAITH & RUBY's normal cell numbers; ]
Hello? Anybody out there? Normal maybe?

[ sent thirty minutes later, after there's no response from Dean's number ]

[ text to FATHER DEAN's cell number; ]
Dude, it's me, Ben. I need you for something.

Nov. 28th, 2009


texts to Castiel & Eve;

We've kind of got a problem. Eve, you still outside?

Nov. 21st, 2009


text to Castiel;

This isn't sending a grownup, it's sending an angel 'cause I don't have any superpowers, okay?

Blond Claire says she's remembering but not even EVE remembers yet and she's a freaking ANGEL and whatever they did to them is probably magic, not a lobotomy, right, so she can't just heal up from it or they'd both have healed forever ago.

Can you check her brain to see if she's telling the truth without getting too close, so those Wolfram & Hart assholes can't do some magic mumbo jumbo on you? If something happens to you, I Grandma's not gonna know what to do. Megan will probably come out with four ears or something. You don't want Megan to look like a freak, right?

Sep. 27th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

[ooc: following scene with Ruby. Also, yes, I have now noticed this is in the wrong comm. SORRY!]

Dammit, if people's fingers or toes start vanishing because you guys are screwing up the past beyond repair, I don't want to hear any bitching about your ruined manicures.

Not. One. Word.

Aug. 27th, 2009


text to ben.

Knock knock.

Aug. 5th, 2009


text to Dad;

[backdated to this post]


Jul. 9th, 2009


Text to Ben.

Hey dude, you free?

[added a little later, a separate text to Bruce]
I'm gonna go out for a while. Oh..and report cards are in. It's in the kitchen.

Jun. 18th, 2009


text to Castiel;

Did she come back?

Jun. 7th, 2009


text to Ben.

Hey kid. Think we can take a rain check on the Arcade?

Jun. 3rd, 2009


Text to Ben

You doin' okay?

May. 31st, 2009


text to Dad;

Can I ask you about something?

May. 17th, 2009


May. 9th, 2009


Gifts for Ben! )

May. 2nd, 2009


gifts for Sam;

A pile of boxes outside Sam's bedroom door the morning of his birthday contain the following:

to Sam, from Claire )

to Uncle Sam, from Ben )

to Sam, from Dad & Mom )

to Sam, from Dad )

to Dean, no note )

Mar. 18th, 2009


text to Eve;

I'm done with school for the day, want to do something?

Feb. 24th, 2009


Text to Claire

Still no sign of Ruby. Is Ben still mad at me?

Feb. 5th, 2009


Evening of the Fifth

Text to John Winchester
Dad, I'm going out for a little bit. Not sure when I'll be home but I'll stay safe. I know you'll keep an eye on Mom, and that Peter's there, but could you keep an eye on Ben and Claire too?

Text to Ben
Hey, kiddo, headed out. Don't worry if I'm not home til late. Stay in and let the adults know what you're up to, ok? We're spies like that.

Headed out. If something happens, let me know, ok?


Delivery to the Winchester Home, the morning after Claire and Mary go missing. Package addressed to Ben.

Mail! )

Feb. 4th, 2009


Text to Ben

Are you some place safe?

Jan. 23rd, 2009


text to Dean;

[ooc: slightly forwarddated to early afternoon of the 23rd]


Jan. 15th, 2009


text to Dean;

How long are you gonna be gone?

Dec. 27th, 2008


from Santa, Cox, John, Alice, Ben [backdated];

[ooc: Because this thing is currently fourteen pages long, omg, and I still need a few more things for a few characters, I'm cutting the Santa + seven characters list into two posts. Gifts from Sarah, Nathan & Claire will be up before the end of the night and then I'm throwing myself back into the game. <3

ETA: ARGH something's missing, hang on! Freaking HTML, fixed now!]

from Santa;
to: Ben Braeden, Bobby Singer, Castiel, Claire Bennet, Cox, Dean Winchester, Faith Lehane, Harry Mason, Heather Mason, Jo Harvelle, John Winchester, Mary Winchester, Sam Winchester, Ruby )

from Cox;
to: Jo Harvelle, Jordan Sullivan, the Winchester household )

from John;
to: Ben Braeden, Bobby Singer, Castiel, Claire Bennet (SBC), Dean Winchester, Faith Lehane, Harry Mason, Heather Mason, Jo Harvelle, Mary Winchester, Ruby, Sam Winchester )

from Alice;
to: Bella Cullen, Cathy Hyatt, Edward Cullen, Jasper Hale, Peter Petrelli, Renesmee Cullen )

from Ben;
to: Bobby Singer, Castiel, Claire Bennet (SBC), Dean Winchester, Hannah, Harry Mason, Heather Mason, Jo Harvelle, John Winchester, Mary Winchester, Ruby, Sam Winchester )

January 2010




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