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May. 6th, 2009


text to ruby.

I'm gonna be pulling in heavy hours at work between tonight and tomorrow night. Stupid boss has me working like a triple. You should go spend some time with Castiel. Even if he is a major DICK.

May. 2nd, 2009


Various gifts to Sam, backdated to the morning of May 2

A package left outside of Sam's door from Mary )

A package left at Sam's spot at the table from Dean )


gifts for Sam;

A pile of boxes outside Sam's bedroom door the morning of his birthday contain the following:

to Sam, from Claire )

to Uncle Sam, from Ben )

to Sam, from Dad & Mom )

to Sam, from Dad )

to Dean, no note )

Apr. 27th, 2009


Txt to Sam


Apr. 22nd, 2009


Voicemail to Sam

We're all really worried about you, Sam. I want to think you and Faith are just out sleeping off some hangover, but I'm sca--worried. I'm really worried, honey, so if you could just give me a call *voice cracks* I'd appreciate it.


Text to Sam
Hey bitch.

Text to Sam five minutes later.
Jerk. The correct response is JEEEERK.

Text to Sam five minutes later
The silent treatment really isn't funny, Sam. Dad's all pissed and worried. Speaking of Dad, you should call him.

Text to Sam
Sammy? Shit...

Apr. 21st, 2009


texts & voicemails to Sam; text to Dean;

texts to Sam )

voice mails to Sam )

text to Dean, after the texts/voicemails to Sam;
He responded to your texts or phone messages yet?

Apr. 15th, 2009


text to faith.

Got a lead on this vigilante you were talking about. Where are you?


Text to Sam

There'll be a demon at [address] in twenty minutes. Red skinned with a kind of tatoo thing all along his face, left side. He'll be attacking the bar owner. He'll say all the right things to make people believe it was him, hit all the right notes. Won't stop fighting till his dead. And when you and Faith kill him that'll be that.

Let me know when he's dead. I have some loose ends to tie up when he is.

[ooc: Following on from her narritive]


Text to Sam

I'm going after this vigilante demon killer thing...gonna see what's going on.

You wanna come? I haven't seen you in a while, and we could do a big family dinner or something afterward. Mom's been talking about wanting to get everyone together.

Apr. 12th, 2009


text to ruby.

I wanna bring Faith out with us sometime.

Apr. 11th, 2009


text to faith.

I have a pink teddy bear.

Apr. 7th, 2009


[Text to Sam]

You ok?

[Text to TK]

You busy?


Text to Sam

I'm coming with you to look for Heather.


texts to Dean, Sam;

text to Dean;
How's everything over there?

[ooc: ETA]

text to Sam;
You talked to Heather recently?

Apr. 4th, 2009


Txt to Sam

We never just go for fries anymore. I'm beginning to feel neglected

[ooc: Sent after log with Ruby and John]

Apr. 2nd, 2009


text to ruby.

I need you to babysit Faith for me.


Gift for future!Claire! )

[ooc: Backdated to the 1st.]

Apr. 1st, 2009


various texts;

Faith. )

Dean. )

Mar. 21st, 2009


text to Sam;


Mar. 18th, 2009


Text to Sam

You did good you know that right, all of it. You should be proud.

How do you feel about a few weeks training free? Just a few.  Because there will be more to fight, I think you accept that now. Least I hope you do. But you certainly earned a break. And I think I need to let you. Can't believe he thinks I'm pushing you, he doesn't get it, never will

Oh and you're taking me for fries tomorrow. Just so you know.

Mar. 13th, 2009


text to Sam;

I forgot to tell you something.

Mar. 12th, 2009


text to faith;

I heard that Buffy was gone.

Are you okay?

Mar. 7th, 2009


text to Sam;

Be careful.

Mar. 6th, 2009


texts to Sam & Ruby;

We've got some possible leads, Dean might even have the location Alastair's holed up in.

[ooc: To divide up the info, Sam and Ruby separately, or Sam & Ruby together, can 1) find out there's more than one 'Hell' location so they know that the different addresses aren't fakes and 2) get the address of location two. Dean got the location that Alastair's "allegedly" at and John has the address for location one, which he'll treat as legit once someone reveals the multiple locations information.]

Mar. 4th, 2009


text to faith;

You have 1 new text. )

[ooc: Backdated to last night.]

Feb. 23rd, 2009


text to Sam;

Didn't find her, didn't even find a trace of her after a few hundred feet.

Castiel weighed in on her location yet?


various texts and calls to ruby;

You have 2 new texts, 7 missed calls, and 2 new voicemails. )

Feb. 21st, 2009


text to ruby;

wher u


Feb. 19th, 2009


text to heather;

Hey, I'm gonna be home in a couple hours.

I think we need to talk when I get there.

Feb. 18th, 2009


[Text to Sam Winchester]

Something's up.
I'm worried about you.
Are you really happy?

Wanna grab a coffee? I believe it's my turn to buy you one.


texts to john, mary, & dean.

Went out. Won't be coming home. Staying over at Cas and Ruby's. I'll see you tomorrow.

Feb. 14th, 2009


Sam, grumpy as he was, made sure that he handed out Valentine's presents for everyone.

He personally delivered a box of chocolate to each of the following people this afternoon: Faith, Jo, Claire (future), Alessa, and Ruby. Faith was given a teddy bear in addition to the box of chocolates, while Ruby was given a bottle of ketchup (as Sam was afraid to give her anything cuddly).

A $125.00 gift certificate to a nearby spa and one of those baby naming books will be found next to Heather when she wakes up in the morning.

And Poor Mary will be given one of those annoyingly large Valentine's Day cards that sing, along with a breakfast that was prepared by Sam. It will include mashed pancakes, two runny eggs, and a slightly burnt piece of bacon. This breakfast will come in the form of a big old lopsided smile.

Ben, John, Harry, Bobby, and Dean just got lots of candy. :)


text to Sam;

Where are you?

[OOC: I'm adding to the spam, I know, but she would totally try contacting him on her own.]


Text to Sam

Sammy, PLEASE tell me you aren't out doing something stupid.


text to Sam;

You're not in the house. Where are you?

Feb. 13th, 2009


Package, sent to a nonexistent address near Stanford University. )


Txt to Sam

The Bitch that owns those Pits is talking and I don't like what she's saying.

How do you feel?

Feb. 12th, 2009


text to dean;

Can you do me a favor?

Feb. 11th, 2009


Text to Sam

Heather texted me. I told you I wasn't gonna speak to her to save you problems so I'm not  replying. Just wanted you to know in case it gets used in a 'Ruby's a bitch' arguement down the line.

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January 2010




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