October 19th, 2009

[info]regenerating in [info]paracomms

text to Sam;

[ooc: non-urgent text, sent late morning of the 19th]


[info]betterthanmost in [info]paracomms

Package gift

Small package sent to Ailyn Gev-Anders )

[info]mrswinchester in [info]paracomms

Text to Sam

How are you doing, honey? It's good to have you back.

[info]regenerating in [info]paracomms


[ text sent to family (Petrelli, Bennet, Winchester & co, etc) & close friends; ]
Get ready, we're going to go get pumpkins and have a carving party at the LAWC, Cathy posted about it on the boards. Think of the kids. Think of acting like kids for an afternoon. Think of the pumpkin seeds and the pumpkin foods. IT WILL BE SO MUCH FUN.

I'm not taking no for an answer!

[ additional text to Lyle; ]
I know I've been making with the avoiding since you got here and have been at the house, but please come?

[info]notimpossible in [info]paracomms

Text to Spike: (just as she felt the tug)

I'm going home. Soon. A few minutes maybe. I just know, I felt it. I'm here with mom saying goodbye but I won't get to you in time. Thanks, for giving me a chance, dad. Maybe you'll see me again, maybe you won't, just don't forget the awesomeness that could be me annoying you for a good chunk of your life. I'll miss you.

[info]thelittlesister in [info]paracomms

Note laying on Megan Winchester's night stand

If you're reading this, I got a one way ticket back to the land of decent music, technology that doesn't bore me to tears, and best of all, MY ROOM. I've really liked being here with you, and it will be really good for laughs and blackmail when I get home. I LOVE you all, even you boys that are too good for chick flicks.

Sammy, give em hell. I'm glad you're back, you have no idea how good of a big brother you are, especially in the future when I've had fourteen sixteen years to get you wrapped around my little finger. When I show up in a few months, hide all those frilly lacy dresses and all things pink, they make me look like a pumpkin.

Faith, Claire, you're going to make some awesome sisters in law someday. I apologize for all of the crazy crap my brothers are going to do over the years, they're really the biggest dorks in the world, but they love you, I know that for a fact. Be patient with them, be prepared to hide the tickets for all the chick flicks we're going to see so they don't give you crap...just be there. I know those two are a pain in the ass but they're my brothers and they need you.

Dean, I don't even know what to say to you. You're as big of a mess now as you are in the future. Stay that way. I like you that way, and if you ever changed, I think it would be a sign of the end of the world.

Midget Nephew Ben, good luck surviving your dad. Just remember when your awesome Aunt Megan shows up soon that I'm the one in charge. You're adorable. Oh, and in a few years when you get the Impala? Take my word for it, go slow on 9th street or you'll be working all summer to pay off your tickets.

Cas, thank you. Just...thank you so much for everything. You're the best godfather a girl could ask for. Without you, I'd be in a whole lot more trouble than I get into now. You're my hero, really. I'd give you advise, but you don't need it. You always knew when to be there, when to let me get myself out of messes, when to tell Dad and Mom and when to let me slide. You're pretty much awesome, and I bet you'll be there waiting for me with that patiently annoyed look when I get back. I can't wait.

Mom, Dad, you know I love you both. Remember how kick ass I turn out to be in the future whenever I get on your nerves as a midget, ok? You two are the best parents ever, and if I could show you how great things turn out in the future, I would. I love you, it's gonna be ok.

Don't forget about me, I'll see you soon, in a slightly smaller, louder package.

[OOC: Megan prepared a note similar to this not long after she came to LA, and has redrafted it several times for a 'just in case' scenerio. It is resting under her alarm clock, and anyone entering her room after she's gone will easily see it. ETA Cas because I suck at memory! Do not blame Megan :p ]

[info]inhisfootsteps in [info]paracomms


[ text to Allana; ]
Don't know how much time we've got. When you get back, you tell me - that me - to take care of you or I'll find a way to reach through time and break his fucking neck.
[ text to Ruby; ]
No time to be anything but a fucking chick flick. You'll do it, everything we've said and more. I believe in you.

January 2010



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