January 16th, 2009

[info]robinindahood in [info]paracomms

mass text to the people on his contacts list.

Taking off for a few days. Don't worry, not doing anything stupid..just something I have to do.

[ooc: if you think you're on this, you probably are.]

[info]regenerating in [info]paracomms

text to Heather;

[ooc: sent in the evening while Claire's at the house with Ben]

Doing okay?

[info]daddywinchester in [info]paracomms

text to SAMUEL;

[ooc: YEAH, SAMUEL. And lulz, drunk!Sam is cracking me the heck up.]

We can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way.

[info]dawn_breaks in [info]paracomms

ooc: NOTE: the following emails are set to send about an hour after she goes to meet ben, so they won't be visible until then, she figured that was either enough time for her to miraculously solve the glory issue on her own or get into massive trouble

various emails, buffy, spike, xander, mack )

[info]robinindahood in [info]paracomms

text to Mack.

Don't panic. Just be ready. Dawn is with Glory. We need to protect the city. Buffy's predicting demons. Lots of them. why couldn't it have been kittens or something, just once

[Seperate text to all rangers and those at the Lang Mansion]
Get ready for a fight.

[info]robinindahood in [info]paracomms

text to Bart.

Hells breaking loss and Lana lets Alyssa drink? Alyssa's younger than me. She says Alyssa's with her, but the way she's been acting lately is it a surprise that I'm suspicious? and worried What the hell is going on.

[Separate text sent a few minutes later]
I'm going after her.

[info]hopeandglory in [info]paracomms

Txt to Dawn

That park I told you about, in an hour? Thanks again Dawn

[info]no_savior in [info]paracomms

mental call to both Claires

[backdated to just after this]

I'm taking your dad back to the Hyperion. He... goddamnit He saved my ass, but Glory... she made him like the others. Niki and Toby and the rest of them.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

[info]ex_girlsuper149 in [info]paracomms

Text to Clark(s), Raya and Jack

ooc: posted after she caught up with Bart

It isn't Lana, it's Isobel. She's back.

[info]decembervision in [info]paracomms

text to Bart

Have a nice run, Bartholomew?

[info]robinindahood in [info]paracomms

pix message to Sam Winchester.

you have (1) new pix message )

[info]hopeandglory in [info]paracomms

Mental Communication to the Brainsucked People.

Yoo Hoo! In my Holy Name and all...

Get your crazified butts to me people, I got jobs for all of you.

January 2010



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