November 22nd, 2011

[info]daftoldman in [info]papillonnetwork

( Filtered to Doctors and Companions and the two who look like Amy and Rory and their other friend )

Right. So, River is here. Except she's not River. She's Melody. And that's bad. It's very bad.

Melody was raised to be a weapon. Specifically a weapon to kill me. Us. Really it's us, because there's three of us and she won't care that we're not all the same. She is very, very clever and very very dangerous. Oh, and she's an utter psychopath. And she's killed me twice. Sort of. It's all very complicated. The point is that you really shouldn't underestimate her.

Really. I mean it. She is dangerous and she will kill you. A lot. She knows how to kill a Time Lord...mostly because she's a bit Time Lady herself. She is a brilliant shot. Just believe me when I say she is very, very scary. And she can kill you. I cannot stress that enough.

Jenny, Ianto, you met River. But this isn't River. So don't think she's anything like her. She will have no qualms about killing you to hurt us.

What are your names Lily? Remus? Severus? I'm sure you're rather confused as to why you're included in this. Well, Lily and look rather exactly like Amy and Rory. And they're her parents. So she will notice you. And probably not in a good way. And better safe than sorry. careful.

I think that's it.

[info]infiniteforms in [info]papillonnetwork

How fascinating. This is like a tiny typewriter. But what on earth does it do with the messages?

Oh! Perhaps it's like a telegraph.

Excuse me? Are people receiving this?

I'm quite confused. Why is this device calling me an anomaly?

And, more to the point, where am I? And how did I get here?

[info]tellthefrogs in [info]papillonnetwork

Anyone hears gunshots, don't worry 'bout it. 'M setting up some targets in the woods.

[info]aramblingman in [info]papillonnetwork


Where did you hide my beer?

Give. It. Back.

[info]fireinthesoul in [info]papillonnetwork

Well, that was fun.

Jane )