October 14th, 2011

[info]oneofmynames in [info]papillonnetwork

Dean? I can only assume that where there's trouble there's a Winchester, so you'd better be here. Not that I'm blaming you.

[info]freaknextdoor in [info]papillonnetwork

What the hell is this?

Greatest wishes? Fondest desires?

Right now my greatest wish and fondest desire is to know where my husband is!

I've got a three year old who is scared and upset and someone had better explain this mess right now.

[info]lonely_god in [info]papillonnetwork

Do you know what's bothering me? Beyond the whole bit where apparently I've been kidnapped, I mean, because that's happened before, yawn, could we please come up with a new theme, but what I do not like, what makes me especially upset, is that the person or persons doing the kidnapping know Gallifreyan and have not bothered to introduce themselves to me. That, and they're lecturing me about time. Me.

Oh, and one other thing, one thing which is, frankly, more important than all the rest. One thing that could make me very, very upset if it is not rectified within the next few minutes, because you see, when you separate me from Rose Tyler, I tend to lose my temper. I'm not pleasant when I lose my temper. You don't want to be the one between me and Rose when I do.

[info]indestructigirl in [info]papillonnetwork

What. The. Fu Hell?

[info]greatestminds in [info]papillonnetwork

As interesting as all this is, I would appreciate an explanation that sounds a little less like the opening speech at a cult's reeducation facility. Please?

[info]jennyforshort in [info]papillonnetwork

Right. First off, of course I'm an anomaly. It isn't as though it's some grand secret. Half the universe knows that's what Jenny stands for and the other half simply can't be bothered to care. And really, what business is it of yours besides? I'm hardly harming anyone by simply existing, now am I?

As for this entire kidnapping situation, I tell you what. Let me leave now, without any fuss, and I'll convince my dad to leave you be once he learns what's happened, yeah? Believe me, it's the best deal you're going to get and it's a rather good one. I'd take it if I were you.

[info]ravenwolf in [info]papillonnetwork

Right then.

If I'm reading this right, then I've been kidnapped from my home and brought to another planet/world/reality/something because I'm an "anomaly" and some other reality is correct, making me wrong.

I'm not the only one who finds that a bit insulting, right? Who's to say one reality is any more right than another?

Took me a minute to figure out this gadget. Rather like a very tiny typewriter with a screen. It's a bit fascinating.

[info]companionably in [info]papillonnetwork

Right. Kidnapped. On an alien world. That's definitely new and different. Not at all a regular occurrence.

Whatever shall I do?

I think I have time for a cuppa before the Doctor swans in.

Actually, I've just seen him posting. He's never usually that punctual. Not, of course, that I'm complaining.

[info]fleurdelils in [info]papillonnetwork

Certain demise? Lovely. How about whoever-you-are return me and my son to our home as quickly and easily as possible?

[info]fireinthesoul in [info]papillonnetwork


I get sucked in to yet another alternate reality and all I get is a Mission Impossible style note?

Screw that 'certain demise'. I'm not sticking around.

[info]raisedtohunt in [info]papillonnetwork

This isn't I don't understa No, no, no. I'm not

Whatever it is you're trying, it won't work. I'm not falling for it again.