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Opus Two RPG

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[Feb. 13th, 2011|08:38 pm]

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[Mood | blank]

*having been to the hospital with her mother to visit her amnesiac aunt (like the obedient girl she is), somehow let the detail slip that she knows sign language*

*was quickly suckered into going out for coffee with said aunt in order to translate for her date or friend or boyfriend or whatever he is* *agreed to this without any fuss (like the obedient girl she is)*

*really, has hardly spent any time at all lately thinking about her boyfriend ex-boyfriend boyfriend ex-boyfriend and his dead grandfather, and how badly Mír must be hurting, and how she would do pretty anything to be with him right now, and how her mother actually gave her permission to text him even though they all know perfectly well there's not a chance in hell it got through* *because she's such an obedient girl...what?*

*wings a quick text to Finduilas (ty 4 the stuff) as she walks* *looking up* No, left, I said. You really don't remember any of this?
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[Jan. 1st, 2011|11:18 pm]

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[Mood | happy]

*it's New Year's Eve, the drinker's holiday (a tried and true Kániday, if you will)!*

*so she really has no excuse for why she still has a half-full glass of wine, except that she's at a late dinner with Ethan and has barely stopped smiling or laughing long enough to drink anything*

*thinks she's earned this night out, given how utterly wrecked she's been these past few weeks (but she's dolled up for the occasion and hopes thinks her makeup covers up the worst of the damage)*

*giggling like a fool* I don't care how epic the Great Elrond Turkey Debacle was. I'm telling you, nothing is as bad as Gil-galad, in Lindon, on his birthday. I try to tell him it's not a sign from the gods that Erumas happens to fall on the same day but he's a lost cause.
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[Nov. 29th, 2010|02:12 pm]

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[Mood | exhausted]

*has spent a relatively uneventful couple of weeks hard at work for Vána, her boss not seeming to have made much progress on her own creepy projects lately*

*is feeling awfully drained and listless these days nonetheless, which is a little annoying considering she's not exactly doing hard labor or anything, being mostly cooped up in the shop or a lab during the workday* *thinks she probably should go out drinking a little less and exercise a little more (already eats enough veggies!)*

*takes out her laptop on her lunch break and opens her video conferencing program, having prearranged a time for a chat* *is all smiles as she dials (even though the makeup doesn't really cover up the dark circles around her eyes)*
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[May. 10th, 2010|10:08 am]

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[Mood | tired]

*isn't especially nervous the morning she is to defend her dissertation (it's not her way), but is definitely feeling drained afterward, when the post-presentation Q&A finally comes to an end and she is swarmed by other scientists wanting to grill her about some of the stunning revelations she's turned up in her research*

*gamely answers a few more questions as she tries to catch Ethan's eye (help), or Fániel's, but the former appears to be too busy trying to wake up the latter*
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[May. 25th, 2009|03:08 pm]
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*is rather used to keeping a bit of distance from people (and it's usually not difficult, where most of the world doesn't care to hear him), but after much thought, decides to let his brother and Káni in a little closer, so to speak*

*invites them both to meet him in his favorite piano room at the university early one afternoon, when they're all free* *arrives a little early with his interpreter (Eliza, this time), and if he's a little nervous, it's only because he hardly ever invites anyone to see him play (much less hear him)*
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[Dec. 7th, 2008|02:50 pm]
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[Mood | relaxed]

*returns to his dorm room after an early morning shift at the greenhouse*

*has a few hours before class, but doesn't feel like hauling himself all the way over to the fine arts building right now* *figures he can transfer lab data from his notes to the spreadsheets while he waits, so settles at his desk and boots up the laptop*

*opens his mail program to start with and ditches the junk mail, scanning through a few notes from friends and one from his father (smile)*

*chews his lip a moment, pondering* *hits the Compose button* Hi, Káni. What are you up to today? *has no idea if she'll even get the message before he has to go, but sends it anyway*
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[Nov. 14th, 2008|02:06 pm]
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[Mood | contemplative]

*meets up with some of the other deaf students on campus for lunch, still rather preoccupied two days after the fact*

*soon finds himself asking whether anyone knows a Káni (Celegorm's cousin? student here? might be a heavy drinker?), and is surprised when one of the girls replies that oh yeah, Káni was in a couple of her classes a year back—she seemed like a wild card, but she was definitely the smartest person in that class (might have been smarter than the prof, even)*

*chews over that all the way to the lab, finally deciding that at the very least, he owes her a proper explanation and possibly an apology*

*sets up his laptop on an unoccupied table, finds Káni's email address (having written it down on paper almost immediately after leaving Celegorm's grounds), and sends her a short, simple message:*

Hi. It's Ethan, the deaf plant guy from the other day. I think there might have been a little miscommunication somewhere. Try again?
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[Nov. 9th, 2008|11:48 pm]

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[Mood | nostalgic]

*decides she wants to get away from the noise and bustle of campus for a little while and so gathers up notebooks full of data and takes a taxi out to Celegorm's house so she can relax (and be waited on) and write up that week's lab report*

*makes sure to choose a time when she has it on good authority her sister will be shopping in town with their mother (because even though things have been unusually calm between them lately, why tempt fate?)*

*spends some time sprawled out on the living room couch, working, but eventually bores of this endeavor*

*wanders upstairs to check that the "secret" nursery still looks presentable (it does) before the thought enters her mind to start properly baby-proofing the house and grounds*

*heads out back, toward the pool (closed up for the winter), half expecting to find that Celegorm has affixed shiny objects to the ground in a path convenient to lead a crawling baby straight to the deep end* *finds nothing of the sort, of course(?), but lingers a moment, thinking how odd it is that these were once her home and her pool and her grounds, in a manner of speaking, and how they still are, in some strange way (a rather intangible way, nonetheless)*
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