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Opus Two RPG

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[Feb. 13th, 2011|08:38 pm]

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[Mood | blank]

*having been to the hospital with her mother to visit her amnesiac aunt (like the obedient girl she is), somehow let the detail slip that she knows sign language*

*was quickly suckered into going out for coffee with said aunt in order to translate for her date or friend or boyfriend or whatever he is* *agreed to this without any fuss (like the obedient girl she is)*

*really, has hardly spent any time at all lately thinking about her boyfriend ex-boyfriend boyfriend ex-boyfriend and his dead grandfather, and how badly Mír must be hurting, and how she would do pretty anything to be with him right now, and how her mother actually gave her permission to text him even though they all know perfectly well there's not a chance in hell it got through* *because she's such an obedient girl...what?*

*wings a quick text to Finduilas (ty 4 the stuff) as she walks* *looking up* No, left, I said. You really don't remember any of this?
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[Aug. 2nd, 2010|11:12 pm]
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*is actually rather surprised at how much she misses her daughter and almost regrets letting her go to Ossiriand all alone until she hits upon the perfect solution*

*travels to Ossiriand with the express intention of surprising her daughter and accompanying her back to Gondolin, perhaps via Fingon in Hithlum*

*is in a rather brilliant mood when she arrives at her daughter's father's house and is even a bit amused at the servants' surprise at seeing her* *has no wish to see the master of the house (and is certain he is otherwise occupied with his tabloid edition of romance)*

*texts Lily (surprise! am in ossiriand at your father's house. dinner and a late flight tonight okay? mom xxx) and makes herself comfortable in the library, while she waits*
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[Jul. 25th, 2010|06:41 pm]
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[Mood | alert]

*doesn't understand exactly why Cúthalion has deemed it necessary for him to personally intimidate interrogate meet some nondescript prisoner, only that the marchwardens seem to think she might be some sort of security threat*

*does feel his interest perking up when they inform him that she names herself Nimloth, however* *can't tell whether he hopes more that this is the same little girl his brother mentioned, or some contrary, arrogant fool who thinks it wise to so mock one of the beloved of his kingdom*

*either way, fully plans on doing this thing properly, whether it's in the hope of jogging some memory or just scaring the crap out of a criminal*

*which is why he is, at this very moment, sitting on his throne in the cold, cavernous stone of his disused Great Hall, waiting to receive his..."guest"*
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[Jul. 24th, 2010|02:50 pm]

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[Mood | scared]

*has been sitting in an uncomfortable chair in an interrogation room for at least an hour*

*alternates long periods of silence with long and detailed answers to questions which nonetheless seem not to satisfy her captors (probably because they're all lies)*

*through all of it, tells herself to stay calm, that nothing can happen to her if she keeps cool, that they've got nothing on her beyond missing identification papers and vague suspicions*
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[Jan. 4th, 2010|10:10 am]

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[Mood | pensive]

*got a message from her sister letting her know she's back in town for a little while* *understands that Lily at least went out to breakfast or something with her mother, so that's progress, anyway*

*is hard at work in the lab (where else, these days?) when she finally gets The Call*

*or The Text, anyway (maybe he's afraid she wouldn't answer the phone? he should be), a short and sweet I miss you...where are you?*

*wraps up her work for the day and rides out to Celegorm's house, where she points out her name on the list to the new guy at the gate and lets herself inside*
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[Aug. 30th, 2009|10:44 pm]

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[Mood | curious]

*is just on her way out of the lab to grab some lunch when she gets a call from, of all people, her niece's nanny*

*listens patiently while Petra explains that she brought Lily into town to take her to her ballet lesson when her (Petra's) grandmother called with some dire emergency (something about a runaway vacuum? isn't quite sure she got all of that), and if she (Káni) is anywhere near campus, would she perhaps, possibly, pretty please with a cherry on top be able to meet them and see Lily to the dance studio?*

*says nothing of her personal vow never to aid or succor anyone who says "pretty please with a cherry on top" and instead arranges to meet her erudaughter and the harassed nanny just a few blocks down from the physics building*

*waves off Petra with her reassurances* It's fine, really, I'll look after her. You go stare down those appliances. *once she's gone, turns to Liltëas with a warm smile* How've you been, Lils? How's your dad? It's been a while.
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[May. 8th, 2009|09:21 am]

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[Mood | peaceful]

*has been feeling a bit guilty that she hasn't had much time or any time, really to check up on her erudaughter lately*

*sneaks out of the lab early one afternoon and takes a taxi out to Celegorm's*
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[Feb. 25th, 2009|10:19 am]

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[Mood | anxious]

*thinks it's high time she checks up on her erudaughter and so makes a strategic plan with Celegorm's household staff to drop by when she knows her cousin will be otherwise engaged in town*

*is a little surprised to be shown in by an unfamiliar woman (i.e. not Nina) but doesn't think much of it until she is informed that Celegorm is waiting to see her in his study*

*briefly entertains the idea of walking right back out of the house but decides she's being a little foolish (and she's going to have to deal eventually) and so heads straight there*

*how bad could it be?*
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