Opus Two RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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[Jan. 30th, 2011|02:42 am]
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[Mood | cranky]

*Is glued to the front desk because the phones have been going mad all day (an unspecified crisis in another province will do that).*

*This is stressful enough but she wouldn't let it bother her under normal circumstances but circumstances are not normal because someone has stolen her cigarettes and replaced them with a pack of nicotine gum.*

*Unwraps a stick of gum and starts chewing while she cross-references phone messages by time-stamp and alphabetically (has already arranged her pens by size and colour).*

Urgh. This tastes like ass.
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[Jan. 5th, 2011|07:28 pm]

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*following a leisurely Erumas, spent in Vinyamar, with very little done by way of work (just the merest bit of rum-running and the removal of some goods here and there)*

*bids his parents goodbye (and his mother gives him a packed lunch, d'awww) and makes his way to Gondolin* Eru, it's been a while.

*checks into a boutique hotel in town and, after lunch, ventures into the city, to see how much or little it has changed since Arda (the fact that it's not just been razed to the ground helps with the first impression, certainly)*
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[Nov. 28th, 2009|07:57 pm]
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*gets it into his head to stretch his legs, as it's coming into flu season (one of his busiest times of year!)*

*goes to Gondolin (it's been a while) and settles in a café, not really noticing that all of the other tables around him fill up, though the tables next to his are the last to fill up and the waitress really isn't being all that attentive to his continued caffeine needs*

*sits, stretching his legs out in front of him, and waits for someone of interest to pass by*
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[Sep. 23rd, 2009|10:14 pm]
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[Mood | blah]

*Is indeed, not stupid and knows that something's up.*

*Hears that Glorfindel is back in town so takes a wander over to the Flower.*

*Shuffles through the lobby looking out for him, when he spots a sign on the front desk that says, "INFORMATION."*

*Stands on his tip-toes.* Excuse me? What's a good way to cheer up a lady?
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