Opus Two RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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[Jun. 10th, 2010|08:41 pm]
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*is fairly pleased about having a potential new friend (mostly because she doesn't have all that many friends)* *is less than pleased that the one time she gets to come to Gondolin, her second cousin is also in town (what are the odds?)*

*gets all dolled up and supposes it would be polite to invite her second cousin and, apparently, the son of her sister's friend?* *not that she usually cares about being polite, of course, but should probably make some effort in the country where her sister is Queen*

*heads up to the quarters that were assigned to her (and pretty nice quarters they are too, with two bedrooms and a huge living room, with widescreen TV, etc)* *manages to extract a couple of bottle of vodka from one of the Palace staffers, through a combination of bribery and blackmail* *has a shot of vodka, in the name of experimentation, before the others arrive (and prepares to assume a bored expression if Celeborn arrives first)*
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[Jun. 7th, 2010|11:10 am]

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[Mood | discontent]

*has spent a reasonably pleasant few weeks in Gondolin, exploring the city and spending more time with her mother, who seems considerably less stressed-out in her brother's city* *doesn't talk much to her mother about Domíran, however, and wonders from time to time whether her mother has divined just how...close they've become (can you tell just by looking at someone?)*

*now that the novelty of an unfamiliar city has worn off, however, is feeling increasingly bored and dejected, and missing her boyfriend more and more, afraid of calling or emailing him too often in case her father should hear of it and decide to make her life (more) miserable*

*stops into a coffee shop on her way home from dance class one afternoon, planning to do her homework there in an attempt to avoid her cousin, who keeps wanting to spend "girl time" with her (shudder)*
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[Mar. 27th, 2010|08:32 am]

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[Mood | stressed]

*has been walking on air for the past couple weeks, not to mention going out with Domíran as often as possible* *hasn't had to explain her whole situation yet, which is a bit of a relief (Mír was way too close to missing his curfew to take her home)*

*curls up in the living room on a Saturday morning to do some reading* *rather loathes anything that feels so much like schoolwork but she's got to satisfy her curiosity*

*closes the book a half-hour later and, visibly shaken, book in hand, goes to look for the one person in this house she would trust with her life*
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[Mar. 2nd, 2010|09:48 am]

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[Mood | anxious]

*on the evening of the winter formal, barricades herself in her room to get dolled up in her blue dress and do her makeup and hair* *did consider asking her mother to help her, but was afraid she'd expect to meet her boyfriend? date (and she doesn't know if she's ready for that yet)*

*when her makeup is absolutely perfect, her hair a cascade of curls tumbling down her back, finds her coat and clutch and leaves the house as quickly as possible (doesn't think he's paying attention, but she'd like to avoid any difficult questions)* *spares a glance for the ancient (and likely incredibly boring) book she pulled out of her father's library, which she keeps meaning to skim through but hasn't gotten around to yet (well, now is definitely not the time)*

*takes a taxi to Bankside High, having arranged to meet Mír there (despite his hints that he'd really like to pick her up, she's not ready for that yet, either)* *follows the couples and groups of giggly teens toward what turns out to be the glammed-out gym (glammed-out in a cheesy high school-y way, at least)*

*takes her coat off and stands just inside the door, feeling awkward and unusually shy* *doesn't think she's imagining those girls staring and whispering by the punch table*
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[Feb. 2nd, 2010|10:28 pm]

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[Mood | restless]

*on the night of her date, starts getting ready hours in advance, even though she's just wearing jeans and a simple top and a teeny-tiny bit of makeup (it takes careful preparation to get carelessly windblown hair just right, okay?)*

*when she finally satisfies herself that she looks presentable, bundles up, grabs her pocketbook (double-checking that she's got the crappy tickets), and is driven into town*

*gets out of the car some distance from Patsy's so she can walk the rest of the way* *has already grabbed a table by the time she realizes that she is disastrously early (but ugh, it's freezing outside...I'll just have to wait)* *settles in and tries not to look overeager (which is sort of difficult considering she is)*
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[Jan. 25th, 2010|07:15 pm]
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*has a date for his school's winter dance, and she's basically the coolest, most gorgeous girl ever* *is vaguely aware that most a few of the girls at his school are heartbroken a little disappointed that he's taken—which, okay, is kinda nice, he supposes?*

*as the day of the dance approaches and the initial excitement (she said yes!) wears off, begins to experience a brand of panic he's not entirely sure how to handle, panic to the tune of what the hell do I do now? and what if I step on her feet? and kiss or no kiss?* *does ask his dad whether it's hard to dance, at which point he's subjected to an embarrassing but overall hilarious attempt at a lesson god his parents are such dorks sometimes*

*finally remembers a few important details, such as the fact that he has no idea where or when he's acquiring his date* *brings up her number in his phone at least four times in the space of an afternoon, practicing his opening line very quietly to himself* Hi. Hiya. Hey. This is Mír? It's Domíran. Hi, Lily, it's me, Mír. Hey, how're you? HI. *oh god why can't he sound even a little bit cool??*

*eventually just presses Send before he can rethink it, resigning himself to the fact that he's going to sound stupid, so he might as well try to be cute-stupid*
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[Jan. 25th, 2010|06:39 pm]
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*has settled into a routine of sorts in Ossiriand, which primarily consists of spending as much time with her daughter as possible, and as little time with her daughter's father as possible*

*generally tries to avoid going near Celegorm's house but allows that it is occasionally unavoidable, when Lily's lessons run late, &c*

*ensuring that she is impeccably turned out, in a top, a pair of jeans and a perfectly tailored coat, makes her way to Celegorm's house, feeling edgy as soon as she passes through the gateway*
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[Jan. 4th, 2010|10:10 am]

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[Mood | pensive]

*got a message from her sister letting her know she's back in town for a little while* *understands that Lily at least went out to breakfast or something with her mother, so that's progress, anyway*

*is hard at work in the lab (where else, these days?) when she finally gets The Call*

*or The Text, anyway (maybe he's afraid she wouldn't answer the phone? he should be), a short and sweet I miss you...where are you?*

*wraps up her work for the day and rides out to Celegorm's house, where she points out her name on the list to the new guy at the gate and lets herself inside*
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[Dec. 25th, 2009|04:54 pm]

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[Mood | guilty]

*does nothing to disturb the stony silence of the next few days, even spending a quiet Erumas alone in his study, his brother and daughter having gone to his mother's house for the day and dinner (and the requisite fussing-over, no doubt)*

*expected things to be rather peaceful, but the reality—a day without Aredhel or Arakáno or anyone he cares about—turned out to be very lonely indeed* *so lonely that by the time evening falls, he finds himself unable to sit still in any particular room, staring at book pages without seeing them and lifting his head to listen harder every time he thinks he hears a car starting up the drive*
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[Dec. 21st, 2009|12:24 pm]

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[Mood | restless]

*is actually kind of enjoying having a houseguest for a change, though the girl is obviously a bit clueless about the more important things in life (i.e. clothes, shoes, makeup, and men)* *it's okay, though! because she's the perfect person to offer instruction on such topics (and that's been kind of fun, too)*

*doesn't quite understand, however, just how she ended up in the home of the most annoying person alive, sitting cross-legged on Lily's bed in her old room and glancing nervously toward the door from time to time*

Can you hurry it up a little? Your dad will skin me alive if he catches me in his house. Unless Curufin's with him, in which case he'll probably kill me first, to be nice.
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[Dec. 12th, 2009|01:56 pm]

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[Mood | worried]

*hears through the grapevine that her third basket case of a son is on the outs with his cousin (again), and that her teenaged granddaughter has left home* *tries to quell the maternal certainty that Ninquelótë is lying dead in a ditch somewhere and decides to pay her a little visit instead (perhaps to subtly look her over for mortal wounds)*

*stops off at a bakery in town to pick up a box of assorted cookies (why bother learning to bake when so many other people do such a nice job of it?) and makes her way over to Curufin's hotel*
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[Nov. 30th, 2009|11:36 am]

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[Mood | lonely]

*after a couple nights spent shacked up in the Savoy, being a fully funded self-sufficient woman (i.e. buying movies and raiding the minibar with abandon), came to the conclusion that living on her own totally sucks*

*considers calling her uncle (but he already checks on her constantly and she doesn't want to give him the satisfaction) or her mother (she misses her, but she needs to think about what—or who—she's done) or even Finduilas (she's a television star, so her life must be exciting, and maybe she has some good advice for the wild and crazy single girl who misses her mommy and her bed and her horses)*

*sighs and shoves her phone in her handbag and just goes out into town to see what there is to see*
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[Nov. 2nd, 2009|07:03 pm]

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[Mood | bored]

*for all her claims of acute independence, has been wishing there was someone she could tell about encounters with cute boys and maybe get some answers to a few burning questions* *isn't close enough to any of her girlfriends to gush with them, and she isn't sure whether her mother would be pleased or horrified (and she's not sure which reaction would be worse)*

*some things never change, however, which means another evening and another "family" dinner at her father's house (don't think for a second it belongs to her, too, or even her mother), which generally involves her parents talking to one another with occasional attempts to bring her into the conversation (which her father ignores) or similar attempts to bring her uncle into the conversation (which her mother ignores)*

*waits until her father isn't paying her any attention (it doesn't take long) and poises a pea atop her fork* *slingshots it across the table at Curufin and bites her lip hard to keep the giggles at bay*
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[Oct. 25th, 2009|05:58 pm]
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*heads home after football practice, freshly-showered and lugging his gear in an oversized duffel, a wide smile practically tattooed to his face* *is positively glowing with the compliment his coach gave him earlier on the field—that he might be a wide receiver this season, but if he keeps up the way he is, he could make quarterback next year*

*is excited to get home and tell his parents (especially his dad), but decides to circle around the long way and take a look at the OU field on the way* *does that once in a while, especially before a big game* *gets a little psyched-up just thinking about playing at the college level (and now he'll dream of being the frosh QB)*

*about halfway across the campus, reaches into his bag for his water bottle, only to realize that he left it at school* *is pretty sure he'll die of thirst if he waits till he gets home, after the way the coach ran them today* *ducks into the closest building that looks open—Riverside Music Hall, according to the big letters on the side—and proceeds to wander in search of a drinking fountain*
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[Oct. 12th, 2009|06:19 pm]

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[Mood | bouncy]

*as promised, hightails it inside immediately after seeing her niece wed to "that cute boy", as her mother might say*

*moves a couple of namecards around and parks herself at the table nearest the bar after finagling a couple of drinks for her and Gil-galad* Thank Eru. It was freezing out there, bless Itarillë's heart. She's wearing a strapless and I don't think she even noticed. At the risk of becoming a cliché, I fucking love open bars.
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[Oct. 11th, 2009|09:46 pm]
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[Mood | chipper]

*arrived yesterday in Sirion and was rather taken aback at how familiar it all seems, in spite of the fast food joints and supermarkets* *is very taken by the hotel on the seafront (though not as taken by it as Idril is) and is very satisfied with the security measures put in place by Rôg*

*wakes up (or is woken up by Ecthelion) good and early on the morning of the wedding, which is at noon* *indulges in a pint or two in the hotel bar to steady his nerves (and has no idea why Ecthelion is so nervous, seeing as he's not the one getting married today) (not that Tuor is nervous either, of course!)*

*finally, just before noon, is standing at the top of a makeshift aisle on the beach, enjoying the very end of the warm(-ish) autumn sunshine*

*murmuring* Now I'll allow that kilts probably weren't the best choice. Still, my skin hue must match my blue tartan, right?
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[Sep. 14th, 2009|06:18 pm]
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*has been pretty busy since school started up again, between class, lab sessions, his greenhouse job, and extracurricular studying* *also squeezes in time to hang out with Elliott, of course, although his twin's also been busy with AOT resuming its hectic shooting schedule* *and with his girlfriend-soon-to-be-fiancée-maybe*

*leaves class late in the afternoon with his interpreter and stops off with her at a park bench on the outskirts of campus proper, figuring they can go over the next week's schedule before they part ways* *folds a leg up on the bench comfortably to face her and is soon engrossed in a rapid-fire conversation (which, yes, has somewhat to do with the schedule)(but the prof made such hilarious faces during the lecture, he was having a hard time concentrating, and that third slide was so lame it was practically crippled...)*
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[Aug. 30th, 2009|10:44 pm]

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[Mood | curious]

*is just on her way out of the lab to grab some lunch when she gets a call from, of all people, her niece's nanny*

*listens patiently while Petra explains that she brought Lily into town to take her to her ballet lesson when her (Petra's) grandmother called with some dire emergency (something about a runaway vacuum? isn't quite sure she got all of that), and if she (Káni) is anywhere near campus, would she perhaps, possibly, pretty please with a cherry on top be able to meet them and see Lily to the dance studio?*

*says nothing of her personal vow never to aid or succor anyone who says "pretty please with a cherry on top" and instead arranges to meet her erudaughter and the harassed nanny just a few blocks down from the physics building*

*waves off Petra with her reassurances* It's fine, really, I'll look after her. You go stare down those appliances. *once she's gone, turns to Liltëas with a warm smile* How've you been, Lils? How's your dad? It's been a while.
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[Aug. 11th, 2009|11:48 am]

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[Mood | excited]

*on the evening of the ball, gets all dressed up in her bright yellow gown (it's poofy!) and her jeweled mask and goes downstairs to join the gathering throng*

*wanders among all the people (there are a lot of them throughout the palace, considering she's invited all the staff from all the Houses), oohing and ahhing at all the beautiful, colorful costumes and trying to guess who's who*

*thinks that tall and muscly one over there is probably Egalmoth, and oh, there's her aunt, surely, resplendent in white, and her little cousin (and she breathes a little sigh of relief because it seems Lómion must have gone back to Uncle Fingon's after all)*

*can't guess who most people are (even the really obvious ones), though she never forgets a name, but it's great fun to try!* *collects a glass of champagne and whirls and twirls around the ballroom, humming to herself and eagerly awaiting Tuor's arrival*
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[Jul. 25th, 2009|01:59 pm]
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[Mood | calm]

*arrives in Gondolin, as arranged, with her son and her daughter (and is rather pleased to have her family with her)* *is not so foolish as to expect to stay in the Palace so checks in to the premier hotel in Gondolin*

*hopes that her brother and his family won't be too surprised to see them!*

*once she is settled into the suite that she is to share with Maeglin and Liltëas, suggests going out to lunch and ventures forth into the City (her home) and smiles at the sunlight and the peace and quiet*
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