Opus Two RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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[Nov. 29th, 2010|10:28 pm]
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[Mood | predatory]

*has spent long, glorious months fulfilling her purpose (teach them to fear), and savoring more and more freedom as her Lady loosens her hold from afar (well done, little one)*

*is starting to feel the distinct itch of boredom, though; all of the dark alleys and dive-y bars are beginning to look alike, and there are only so many ways to frighten a mortal without damaging them* *so fucking boring*

*on a whim, creeps past the border of Ossiriand, all of her senses on high alert* *is even better with skulking in shadows than she was before, but still—her last experience in these parts taught her to be extra-cautious*

*drifts through the dark alleys and dive-y bars, finding them to be depressingly similar to those found in the other corners of the world* *finally decides to spice things up a little by heading somewhere a little less... dark and dive-y* *ooh, a college campus, should be plenty of self-absorbed young things in need of some (hee) education!*
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[Nov. 14th, 2010|06:27 pm]
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[Mood | sick]

*goes straight home and doesn't throw up, but doesn't feel much like eating anything, either* *begs off supper entirely (a rarity, to be sure) and goes to bed much sooner than he'd planned, cold and miserable* *figures he'll get up early to work on his paper*

*spends the first half of the night drifting in and out of weird, frightening dreams* *finally gives up on the sleep thing several hours before his alarm clock is due to go off, and in frustration, heads out to the kitchen for some milk*

*takes his mug to the living room and flips on the TV, muting it as he hunkers down on the couch under a knit throw* *vaguely hopes the infomercials might put him back to sleep* *...a hope that slowly drains down the tubes while the minutes tick by, the milk left untouched*
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[Mar. 27th, 2010|08:32 am]

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[Mood | stressed]

*has been walking on air for the past couple weeks, not to mention going out with Domíran as often as possible* *hasn't had to explain her whole situation yet, which is a bit of a relief (Mír was way too close to missing his curfew to take her home)*

*curls up in the living room on a Saturday morning to do some reading* *rather loathes anything that feels so much like schoolwork but she's got to satisfy her curiosity*

*closes the book a half-hour later and, visibly shaken, book in hand, goes to look for the one person in this house she would trust with her life*
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[Jan. 25th, 2010|07:15 pm]
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*has a date for his school's winter dance, and she's basically the coolest, most gorgeous girl ever* *is vaguely aware that most a few of the girls at his school are heartbroken a little disappointed that he's taken—which, okay, is kinda nice, he supposes?*

*as the day of the dance approaches and the initial excitement (she said yes!) wears off, begins to experience a brand of panic he's not entirely sure how to handle, panic to the tune of what the hell do I do now? and what if I step on her feet? and kiss or no kiss?* *does ask his dad whether it's hard to dance, at which point he's subjected to an embarrassing but overall hilarious attempt at a lesson god his parents are such dorks sometimes*

*finally remembers a few important details, such as the fact that he has no idea where or when he's acquiring his date* *brings up her number in his phone at least four times in the space of an afternoon, practicing his opening line very quietly to himself* Hi. Hiya. Hey. This is Mír? It's Domíran. Hi, Lily, it's me, Mír. Hey, how're you? HI. *oh god why can't he sound even a little bit cool??*

*eventually just presses Send before he can rethink it, resigning himself to the fact that he's going to sound stupid, so he might as well try to be cute-stupid*
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[Oct. 16th, 2008|10:13 am]
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[Mood | stressed]

*paces the floor of the nursery with Domíran finally sleeping in her arms*

*wipes her eyes, red-rimmed from crying, with one hand* Please, please stay asleep this time. I just need a nap.

*moves slowly over to the crib and slowly, ever so slowly, lays him down in it*
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