Opus Two RPG - April 13th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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April 13th, 2009

[Apr. 13th, 2009|04:05 pm]
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[Mood | scared]

*Figures he'd best stick to his word and get in touch with Varda, lest he face the Wrath of Ilmarë, or worse still, the Bottle Lip Quiver of Ilmarë.*

*Dials at least three times before pressing 'send,' before finally mustering up the courage to call.*

*Sort of hopes that there's shouting. Can deal with shouting far better than icy cold silences.*
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[Apr. 13th, 2009|06:21 pm]


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*wakes up late the morning after the Virtuosos, having slept deeply through the whole night* *sits up and immediately feels woozy and nauseated* *rubs his head and forces his eyes open*

*looks around his hotel room with a sinking feeling (because he hasn't been responsible for this kind of carnage for months and months)* *swallows thickly and registers the empty mini-bottles of wine and an entirely full litre-bottle of water* *sees his clothes strewn around the room and blinks, startled (and cannot remember the frenzied search for his mobile phone at some point during the previous evening)* *examines a couple of blister-packs of medication and they seem legitimate enough (anti-nausea and anti-emetic) but isn't quite sure how the loose tablets on the bedside table fit in to the picture*

*shakily gets to his feet and feels slightly better after a hot shower* *gets dressed with painstaking slowness and packs his bag* *puts the medicine packets into his bag but sweeps the loose tablets and the bottles of wine into the waste paper bin (it is damage control and he doesn't want to think about it)* *grabs the bottle of water and makes his way out into the living room (and he is already cringing)*
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[Apr. 13th, 2009|07:16 pm]
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[Mood | anxious]

*is relieved when the awards show doesn't go on for so long, so she can get back to the hotel and rest* (*as nice as it was to be dressed up and out for the first time in... well, Eru knows how long, really*)

*waves off Maglor's suggestion to find a second room if she needs it, because there's two beds aren't there, and there's no sense forgoing practicality at this stage*

*settles in after some post-mortem chatter ("It was rather bizarre, the whole thing?" "Indeed, what some people won't do for attention..."), to a light sleep*

*isn't sure what time it is when she wakes, awash in a sudden wave of panic, her heart pounding, surprising her enough to shout herself awake* *grasps awkwardly for the bedside lamp and pushes herself up to sit still, realizing she's awake*
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[Apr. 13th, 2009|11:45 pm]


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*gets home from Nico's party much earlier than he'd expected to* *lets himself in and shuts the door, leaning on it for just a moment to rub his eyes and wonder whether a) Ecthelion's learned yet about the latest way in which his life is going to be difficult, and b) Nico's realized yet how much trouble she's in* *is just generally feeling like scum at the moment*

*hangs his jacket up and toes off his shoes, padding into the kitchen just in time to see Mabel toddle out from wherever she's been, yawning and blinking her huge kitten-eyes* *scoops her up and sighs* Daddy's having a crap night, little girl. Suppose we should just go to bed, read for a while, and deal with everything else in the morning?

*thinks that sounds like a plan* *retrieves his cell phone from his coat pocket and heads to his bedroom, idly bringing up the last text message he received (feel like steak when you come up? there's a place running a special for the next few weekends in a row)*

*...* *on impulse, hits the callback option*
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