Opus Two RPG - April 14th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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April 14th, 2009

[Apr. 14th, 2009|08:47 am]


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[Mood | humiliated]

*after the disaster at the Virtuosos, caught the red-eye out of Vinyamar and a nearly empty train back into Gondolin, taking full advantage of the anonymity a hat and sunglasses afforded him*

*spent the following day holed up in his apartment, watching game shows and eating everything in sight (and thinking that if he stays here long enough, he really will become yesterday's news...and last week's...and last month's)*

*is becoming increasingly desperate as the second day wears on, however; he may actually have to face humanity in the form of a pizza delivery guy*
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[Apr. 14th, 2009|07:52 pm]
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[Mood | nauseated]

*has been hiding in her office all morning, trying to avoid contact with everyone (most especially her boss)* *hasn't been able to get away from the various staffers who've dropped in or called up to quietly congratulate her on a "job well done", though*

*by lunchtime, feels physically ill (and he deserved it is doing absolutely nothing to settle her)* *halfway wonders if she might be able to sneak out under the pretense of being sick?* *but no, that would attract Ecthelion's attention faster than anything (he's a nice guy like that)*

*is at the water fountain by the break room when she hears Cass coming her way, chatting with a serious-sounding Lucas Yates* *wonders why the Harp Second is loitering around, now that he's apparently finished whatever business brought him to the Fountain...?*

*freezes when she hears the word "awards" floating in the midst of the conversation* *flees back to her office, and spends a full five minutes breathing deeply, holding her stomach and eyeing the trash can*

*finally, shakily, raises the phone receiver to her ear and presses Ecthelion's extension*
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