July 20th, 2008

[info]intartarus in [info]onceuponanooc

Hi guys, it's Jewels again.

This is Rowan Lockhart, the current incarnation of Hades. She lives in London and she is both a prostitute and a drug dealer. Fun times. All of her info is here and if you've had a pup who likes either drugs and/or hookers, she's definitely the gal to call. Oh also, because of her Hades thing, she can go invisible, like she's got a helm of darkness. And she's up for just about anything at all.

[info]fulloflight in [info]onceuponanooc

Hey, y'all.. just a heads up that I am back from my real vacation, BUT, I am leaving Tuesday to pick up Crystal and then she'll be staying with me for a week, so, while I'll probably be able to squeeze in a reply or update here or there, I really won't be back for about another week or so. I would say call me officially back on August 1st.

Feel free to attack me on AIM if you see me on, though. Also, allow me to shamelessly pimp my CDJ: [info]dejavroom. If you have one, you should totally friend me. :D

In the meantime.. I have a list of who I play along with what plot they have/have open. If I'm missing anything or if you have any new plot to offer any of my characters? Please to be letting me know.

♥ Lena

[info]whiteassnow in [info]onceuponanooc

Snow White!

Hi! I'm new here, so this is my intro. I'm Emily, and I usually RP Harry Potter, but this isn't my first foray into literature rp. I'll be 21 in three weeks, I'm an art major, and I'm excited to get back into RPing after a much needed break.

As for my character, Wendy is the reincarnation of Snow White. She's a sweet girl, and lonely, and definitely looking for some friends to get her out of her house...and her Prince Charming, of course. She's 23, and she lives in Atlanta and runs a bookstore. Her info is all here if you want to know more. :)

[info]onceuponamodly in [info]onceuponanooc

We have someone asking if there are any wanted reincarnations in the hold post. I said that I would point you guys in that direction.

GO HERE and make a few suggestions?

♥ Crystal

[info]alwayslate in [info]onceuponanooc

It's Lena with another new one. I swear, I need a twelve-step program or something.

Anyway, this is Ryan Williams and he is Laura's big brother by four years. He's 23, a medical resident, and he lives in ATLANTA. He and his sister lived south about 5 hours in Blackshear until he was around 13 or 14 and then the family moved to Atlanta and he's been pretty much taking care of his sister since the end of his first year of college, because their parents win.

Anyway, his app is in his journal and you can comment or catch me on AIM for plot. -> macgirl50

[info]neverlandsgirl in [info]onceuponanooc

Hello All!!

Hello everyone! I'm new to this asylum and am really excited about it! My name is Sarah and I've been rping for something like 14 years. Started in chat based ones on WBS when I was a lot younger and moved on from there. Right now I'm 26, love to write and rp, am into anything artistic and.. yeah.. guess that is about it.

The character I'm bringing in (my first of many since I'm a bit of an addict *L*) is Verity Riley whose the reincarnation of Wendy from Peter Pan. Verity is quiet, thoughtful and a dreamer... though beneath it all there is a wild streak in this high society ballet dancer that is just yearning to break free. Will you be the one to do it? She's gonna need friends and some fun!! So feel free to meet her, torture/terriorize her, love her... everything!!

She's 22 and living in LA. She works with the LA Ballet as a Prima Ballerina.