July 19th, 2008

[info]ex_fantome768 in [info]onceuponanooc

Woo! New character! So hit me up with lots of plotting, srsly. :)

[info]thegloaming is James Sanford, reincarnation of Count Dracula! He's 39 and living in LA, doing the city of scandals a favor by offering his services in paralegal. ;D He's incredibly laid back and easy-going, yet selfish and confidently demanding of the things that he wants.

He was born in Washington, but moved to NYC when he was twenty-six. He stayed there until he was about thirty-five, before relocating to LA -- so he could potentially know a few people in both locations!

His full bio is HERE, so go wild!!

[info]happygoizzy in [info]onceuponanooc

Hi-hi! Some of you will recognize this girl already, but...

Meet Izzy Sawyer. She's Mari's daughter, Jeremy's half sister and she's a great big bundle of energy. She just turned 17 in February, so she'll be a senior in high school for this coming school year and she lives in Chicago with her mom and Jeremy's dad and their 125752467517635 siblings.

Okay, technically, the older ones have all left home, so it's just her, her younger brother and their baby sister who will be a year old at the end of this month. Exciting times, yo. :P

Anyway... she's a little bit spoiled, very energetic and curious and lots of fun. She's not snobbish in the least. Hit me up for some plot, because I love playing this girl. Her app is up in her journal and she could use both friends and people who aren't so fond of her. Drop me a comment or IM me on AIM at macgirl50. :D


PS I have a boy in the works, probably PBed by Jesse Spencer, so let me know if anyone needs a sibling, love interest, etc that he might fill. :D