May 18th, 2011

[info]writesthefuture in [info]notionsic

Sisterly Reunion

Who: Tessa and Kate
What: Reunion
Where: Kate's Apartment
When: Tuesday, May 17 in the evening
Status: Complete

Hey stripper, I wanna be your mister )

[info]crackshot_ in [info]notionsic

Who: John and Dylan
What: Drinks & convo
When: May 17, evening
Where: At the cop bar
Rating: Low/Medium
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )

[info]powerandglory in [info]notionsic

Who: John and Glory
What: An inquisitive email
When: Tuesday morning

Subject: Possible Lead? )

[info]notloislane in [info]notionsic

Who: Kate & Jasmine
What: Wake up call
Where: Their apartment/Jasmine's 'friends' apartment
When: Wednesday, May 18, 3am-ish
Rating: PG?
Status: Incomplete

Ring ring! )

[info]writesthefuture in [info]notionsic

Who: Tessa and Rory
What: Tessa pops in unexpected
Where: Rory's Classroom
When: Wednesday, May 18, Afternoon
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Yet I should kill thee with much cherishing.
Good night, good night! parting is such
sweet sorrow )