May 10th, 2011

[info]mediumistic in [info]notionsic

Who: Calvin and Gio
What: Gio emails Calvin to give him info on the Redwater Grille's ghost.
When: Tuesday, May 10; morning
Rating: PG to PG-13 for language/varied conversational topics?

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[info]mediumistic in [info]notionsic

Who: Amelia and Gio
What: Text to Amelia to set up a time when they can talk about John - and Frank.
When: Tuesday, May 10
Rating: PG to PG-13 for language/varied conversational topics?

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Who: Mal and Gio
What: Text to Mal to confess he talked to John.
When: Tuesday, May 10
Rating: PG to PG-13 for language/varied conversational topics?

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