April 16th, 2011

[info]ijustknow in [info]notionsic

WHO: Eisen to John
WHAT: Email; that Lavina clue is driving him nuts.
WHEN: 04/15, late afternoon.

Inbox (1) )

[info]not_as_i_do in [info]notionsic

Who: Arthur Mortis and Bianca Stone (NPC)
What: Killin’ time
When: Tuesday, April 5, 3:07 AM
Where: Behind the TD Garden, VIP parking lot
Rating: R for gore, rape, and death
Status: Complete (solo)

To the deep woods, to some ramshackle building
Dark in that darkness, and he shut her in there,
Pale, trembling, fearing everything )

[info]eclipser in [info]notionsic

a night of making the rock.

Who: Galen Howard and anyone else! OPEN!
What: Friday night bands at the Misty Moon!
When: Friday, April 15, any time after 9 PM
Where: The Misty Moon, downtown Boston
Rating: PG-13 for... uh, a rock show in a bar, c'mon.

They tell me you look pretty when the lights have all gone out )