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Nov. 3rd, 2013


Aftermath of War

Who: OTA
Where: Varies (please specify in post)
When: Sunday 10th, January - varies times
What: Aftermath of the war against the slavers
Rating: TBD - probably high considering the subject matter
Status: Ongoing

In the aftermath of the events on Saturday, the town residents deal with their injured, dead and regroup.
All injured will have either been taken, or can go to the temporary trauma/triage centre near the Town Hall where Topher and Mari will be treating them.

Note: This is a group thread for you to play out the immediate aftermath during the following day. The events of the war threads would probably have stretched right through to the night, so this could be from the early hours to any other time on the Sunday.

Oct. 27th, 2013


Who: Saga and OTA
Where: The dense woods close to the far edge of Cano territory
When: Saturday - the same time as rescue thread
What: Killing the scouts
Rating: Probably High
Status: In progress

...or to kill )


Who: Buck, Honey, Scarlet and OTA
Where: The slavers clearing
When: Saturday - after THIS
What: Freeing the ‘new slaves’
Rating: Probably High
Status: In progress

Oct. 26th, 2013


Who: Honey, Scarlet and NPC slavers
Where: The woods
What: Kidnapped
When: Early morning Saturday
Rating: High
Status: Ongoing

Honey woke groggily. Her first instinct was to reach back to touch the egg shaped lump on the back of her head, but her hands were tied. All she remembered was going out to the hives as usual and hearing something move behind her, something that was really unusual at that hour of the morning. She’d smiled expecting to see Buck.

When no tribal leader appeared she had squashed her disappointment and assumed it was an animal, turning back to the hives. The something had crashed down across the back of her head, not quite enough to knock her out. She turned trying to raise her hands to defend herself, but a huge fist had landed on her face, once, twice, three times, cracking her nose, splitting her lip and blacking her eye, before she passed out. Her last thought as the blackness swallowed her, that she hoped her bees had stung the person who hit her at least a little.

She looked around, wincing at the pain in her head and spotting another woman bound up on the ground. “Hey” She whispered. “Hey”


Scarlett groaned as she slowly came to, the first thing she realized a raging pain in the back of her skull and her temples. She made the mistake of opening her eyes, but the light hurt, even if it was just a little light. So she closed them again, taking a deep breath. Good, that didn’t hurt. No broken ribs. She listened in on herself for a few moments, trying to localize any pain, but besides the raging headache (and what felt like a concussion) there was only some cramping of muscles from the way she’d been thrown on the ground here.

That didn’t explain how she’d gotten here. After the first relief of knowing she wasn’t too badly hurt she tried to remember. She’d been on her usual rounds, checking on some of the patients that had partied a little too hard on New Year’s and had gotten hurt in drunk stupor. But all in all it had been nice and quiet. She’d been on her way back home and then...nothing. The last thing she remembered was a hit to the head.

She frowned when she heard another voice, female and probably in about the same situation and pain as she was. She opened her eyes slowly, now not taking as badly to the light. “Hey…” she muttered, trying to turn around to face the woman who was being held captive with her. Which turned out to be not as easy as she thought, with her hands and feet bound. “Are you alright?”


“I think they broke my face.” Honey murmured in a low voice, her tongue roaming to check her back teeth, one was definitely loose and there weren’t even any none butchery dentists within a hundred miles of Cascade Locks...if they were still in Cascade Locks. “You?”


Scarlet winced in sympathy, finally moving to sit up, even though it took her a couple of moments. “Can you sit? Let me take a look, okay? I used to be an EMT.” she explained. She didn’t remember ever talking to this woman before, but then again, she didn’t have too many ties to the tribes yet. “I’m okay. Concussion, my head is killing me and I kind of want to puke, except there’s not much in my stomach.” she said with a wry grin that quickly faded. “Do you have any clue where we are? Or who the fuck took us?”


“I think so...I’m dizzy...” Honey shoved herself upright, a wave of nausea washing over her as she moved. “Thanks...for wanting to look, I suppose.” Honey murmured. “If I didn’t know I was sober I’d say I was very,very drunk...Forest...maybe Cano territory.” Oh God, she hated that she wasn’t sure where they were, or why they were there. “‘M Honey...” She was struggling to speak as her face swelled. She wanted to call out for Buck or the others, but she didn’t want to draw any more attention to them than necessary


“I’m Scarlet.” she said quietly as she squinted to get a good look at Honey’s face. “They got you good, huh? It’s swelling up fast and there’s nothing to cool it with. I think they broke your nose, too.” Setting it wouldn’t have been a problem if her hands weren’t bound and she wasn’t feeling so damn slow and dizzy. She frowned softly, trying to remember the different territories. “Guess you’re not too wrong. I couldn’t see any faces when they took me…”


“The Cano wouldn’t do this...the territory’s not big enough to support people that don’t want to be here, and I’m an Oma, the moonshiner, they’d know that...I don’t mean that much to Buck, but, I’m known, it wouldn’t be worth it for them...they...we need to get out of here.” Honey muttered.


Scarlet nodded slowly (because quick nods would make her nauseated). “I wouldn’t have thought the Cano to be this territorial or aggressive. So...that means it’s someone else? An outsider?” That would make matters kind of complicated. “How? We were both knocked around quite a bit and we’re all tied up…”


“I dunno, but do you really think anything good can come of this if we stay here?” Honey murmured. “My Tribe...someone has to miss me soon, I live with people.” She hoped she’d be missed, Sparks deafness meant there was no chance he’d heard her being taken, but if she was lucky JD might have heard and either followed or gone to find help.


“No, absolutely not.” Scarlet had to agree with a slow nod. “You’re lucky then. I don’t have a tribe, I’m not sure who would miss me...Topher maybe? Or Doc.” Those were the only ones who really knew her. She’d treated people, sure, but they didn’t really know her. “You think we can get out of here? Because honestly...I have no clue how.”


“I don’t foster brother would tell me to fight this, to find a way, something sharp to cut through the bindings, but I can barely see in front of my nose to find anything...and there have to be people who bought us here, they aren’t exactly going to just let us out of here.” Honey replied.

“Shut it.” Two men appeared from the undergrowth to their left, strangers to Honey.

“They fit what he wants? We have them all now?” The second asked

“We need a blonde, natural blondes are so hard to find” The first speaker responded, before almost casually kicking Honey in the ribs.


Scarlet was trying to think, but the sledgehammer going on inside her skull was making it hard to come up with anything useful. “Can you see what they’re made of? Maybe we can untie them somehow even without something sharp?” Unless it was wire strap, then that of course would not work at all.

She was about to reply when a rough voice cut her off. She bit her tongue to keep quiet, but her eyes were open, trying to take in as many details as she possibly could. “What who wants? Who are you?” she asked, but she wasn’t expecting any answers. Marcus..he would know what to do in a situation like this.

“Hey!” she called out, eyes narrowed angrily, even though she knew that there was nothing she could do being tied up like that. “Leave her alone!”


“I’m OK...Buck’s coming for you...” Honey spat at the slavers. “And he’s going to kill you for this.

“So many girls thinks someone is coming to save one does, you’ll either go crazy or learn to enjoy it....and you...” The slaver turned on Scarlet. “You’ll get the same if you don’t shut up.”


Even though it wasn’t Honey’s fault, those words stung. If Marcus was still alive, he would tear those men to shreds for laying a finger on her, but he was dead. She closed her eyes for a moment, pushing the thoughts of him away as far as she could.

She bit her tongue again, though a small growl escaped her. She hated being helpless more than anything. “And what use are we to you all beaten up?”


“You’ll heal as we take you back to the people that ordered you...We get paid as long as you’re alive.” The slaver laughed softly. “Some are even into the victim look.”

“He’ll come for us both...all...” Honey snapped, whimpering as the slaver kicked her again, before leaving them.


At least that was some information, though not a whole lot. They still didn’t know where they were supposed to be taken, only that it took a while to get there. She had a pretty good image of what kind of place it was going to be and felt nauseous just at the thought of it.

She winced in sympathy at the kick, shuffling closer once the brute was far enough gone not to see it immediately. “Okay...we have to get out of here somewhere. Do you have anything we could use as a knife?”


“Had one in my coat but they took it off me...I think they have it now...if we can find a sharp stone or something, we can try to McGyver out of here somehow...That...really hurt.” Honey murmured


It definitely looked like it had hurt, too. "Once we're out of here I'll take a good look at it. For now, can you breathe okay? I wanna make sure they didn't break a rib or something." She kept her eyes on Honey for a moment longer, then started looking around. Most of the rocks she saw were perfectly round, they wouldn't do.


“They didn’t take my ring...if I can smash it....maybe...” Honey wondered.

“Try to move slowly, okay?” Scarlet said, worried. They had beaten Honey up pretty bad, after all. “With one of those rocks?” They looked solid enough for the job. Carefully crawling over she placed herself so she could grab a rock, then robbed over to Honey. “Think you can do it?”


“Gotta one’s comin’” Honey murmured. A bolt of agony ran through her as she tried to smash the ring, but she couldn’t get her arm high enough, and she fell back with a whimper.


Scarlet winced in sympathy, again, then held out her hand. “Alright, let me try it. You just keep your eyes and ears open.” She took the rock, which seemed large enough to do damage, then focused on the ring. It seemed sad to have to destroy it to get out of here… She took a deep breath, then rose her arm to bring it down with as much force as she could muster.


“Siddy would have wanted it to be used for something like this...He’d also have smacked Buck by now...The man’s meant to be everywhere, so where the hell is he when I need him...this is a definite black mark.” Honey bit back another cry. “How much do broken ribs hurt?”


“He’ll notice you’re gone soon.” Scarlet said with a smile, then concentrated on the ring again. The first strike hadn’t quite broken the ring, so she tried again until it did. “A lot..” she said honestly. “Do you have any trouble breathing? Any pain breathing?” If she had..well, that wouldn’t be good.


“It hurts, but I think I can breathe ok, as long as they don’t kick me again.” Honey murmured. “You need to get out, you’re gonna be able to run better than me.”


Oct. 22nd, 2013


Who: Holang-i, OPEN
Where: Wandering Around Outside
Why: Holang-i is curious to get a look at these tribes up close
When: Fri, Jan 8, Afternoon
Rating: Low
Status: OPEN, Ongoing

Oct. 17th, 2013


Who:Lou & Kahea
When: Mid-morning, Wednesday, January 6th
Where: Kahea's room
What: Sneakattack!
Rating: PG, probably
Status: In-Progress

If she was awake, surprise ruined and they'd skip right ahead to hanging out. If not, sneak attack was a go. )


Who: Dove & Knight
When: 1am, Friday, January 8th
Where: Oma main house
What: Late night meeting
Rating: PG
Status: In-Progress

He didn't get a chance to see her since then, but she didn't stray far from his thoughts. )
Tags: ,

Oct. 16th, 2013


Week three- Monday night- Lawu

Who: Pixie, NPC client, Niro
When: January 4th, night
Where: Lawu territory, a warehouse used for the Red Light women and their clients
What: Pixie is working her 'other' job when she comes across a difficult client
Rating: PG-13 sexual situation, violence and cussing
Status: In-Progress

Needing some back-up for the pretty lady. )

Oct. 14th, 2013


Who:Sparks and Buck
Where: The Ranch
When: TBD
What: Messy mornings
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

He didn’t know he could move so fast )

Oct. 13th, 2013


Who: Leaders & Seconds

Where: City Hall

When: Wednesday, 6th January - early evening

What: Buck calls an impromptu meeting

Rating: Probably high for swearing

Status: In progress


Who: Dove and Buck
Where: The Ranch
What: Troubling news
When: After breakfast with Evelyn and Knight
Rating: High
Status: Ongoing

This was not good )

Oct. 4th, 2013


A morning song or two

Who: Lou & Cat, open to Tawas
Where: Tawa house (the weightmaster's office)
What: Morning music with Lou and Cat
When: 10am, Tuesday, January 5th
Rating: We'll say PG-13 for language
Status: Ongoing

Lou had always been good at waking up early. )

Sep. 28th, 2013



Who: Holang-i, OPEN
Where: A kitchen (tagger can decide which tribe/who's place, etc)
Why: Snagging the day's meals
When: Fri, Jan 8, Early Morning
Rating: Low
Status: OPEN, Ongoing

Sep. 1st, 2013


Who: Knight, Robin, Dove, OT Buck & Others
Where: The perimeter of the Oma territory
When: Mid-morning, Wednesday/January 6th
What: A warning & tribe collaboration
Rating: TBD, but not high
Status: In progress

It was time for his morning perimeter sweep. )

Aug. 10th, 2013


Who:Honey and Buck
Where: The beehives
When: Monday 4th Jan
What: Because she always has to work
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

The bees hadn’t noticed Christmas )


Who: Shine and Open
Where: The Oma kitchens
When: Tuesday 5th Jan
What: Getting warmed up
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

It was bitter out there )

Jul. 28th, 2013


Week Three

Sunday 3rd January 2016 to Saturday 9th January 2016

Weather -

Very cold with maximum temperatures of 4 degrees and minimums going as low as -5 degrees. It is not snowing or raining, however existing snow will not have had chance to thaw and winds are still very strong.

Tribal Birthdays

There are no birthdays this week

Week Events -

The slavers in the woods that were discovered last week will attack Cascade Locks and kidnap some residents.

Saga will declare war on Enks, as they are strangers, much as the murderous strangers were. The borders will be tightened and security will be pumped up and more violence will be allowed.

Wide plots -

Slavers in the woods, will kidnap one or more characters. When they are found Hagar’s body will be found

Mods Notes -

We’re really really sorry. Also the characters kidnapped will be chosen by the mods, we will contact you but you are allowed to say no


Who: Tigerlily, Marigold, Scotch, Runt, Mensa and open to Enks
Where: The Church
When: Saturday 2nd Jan 2016
What: Finding safety.
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress
Welcome to sanctuary )

Jun. 19th, 2013


Who: Smith and Open
Where: The Trading Post
When: Tuesday 29th December, 2015 - Afternoon
What: Hawking his homemade jewellery
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

He’d done well over Christmas, but New Years was a good time for bling...even if he wasn’t sure what bling was... )

Jun. 8th, 2013


Who: Reb and Tiny (plus Lawu NPC/s)
Where: Lawu Bar
When:  Tuesday 29th December, 2015 - Afternoon
What: Calling in a favour and dealing with a cheat
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

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