Feb. 2nd, 2014


Who: Shine and Mel, open to Topher, Scotch and the kids
When: Week four (post timeskip) Sunday morning
Where: Mel's
What: Panic attacks and tears
Rating/Warnings: TBD
Status: In-Progress

Tis better to have loved and lost...bullshit )

Jan. 10th, 2014


Who: Topher & Mel
When: Week four (post timeskip) Wednesday after this
Where: Topher's running route
What: Squeeing!
Rating: PG
Status: In-Progress

Melody was so happy right now, she felt like she was about to explode. )
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Nov. 27th, 2013


Who: Shine and Open
When: Week four (post timeskip) Wednesday morning
Where: The farm
What: Taking the air
Rating: PG
Status: In-Progress

It was time to be brave )

Apr. 1st, 2013


Sunday 27th of December- The memorial

The memorial takes place on neutral ground, at the Church. It is a chance for everyone, from all tribes (and none) to gather and speak, remember or simply pray for those they lost during and after the Pulse. While the 21st was a chance to celebrate being alive, today is a day to remember the lost and dead.

This is open to all members of all tribes and any Enks who wish to attend, while emotions will be running high, violence will not be tolerated in any form.
It takes place in the Church at twelve o’clock and in the vestry will be the memorial wall. The wall is where photos, items and names are stuck up to remember the missing and the dead.

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Mar. 4th, 2013


Christmas - Tawa

Christmas Day

Christmas Day is a time for togetherness, and each of the Tribes are drawing together for the day, for the building of friendships and new family - though all have time to go and see those they care about from other area’s. The Enks are welcome at most of the tribes to eat, and everyone’s movement is much freer as the Chet patrols are looser and often a lot drunker than on normal days. This will also be the last day that Saga keeps the lights on.

The Tawa

The men and women of the Tawa use this time to renew their bonds and indulge their creative side, not for trades, but for the pure joy of it, many of those who rarely sing and dance often get up and take a turn, and Swifts alter ego makes a foul mouthed and hilarious entrance. The Tawa will also openly take in members of other tribes who wish to spend time in a different environment and even the Enks who are brave enough to approach them and ask for a space at their table.

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Christmas - Chet

Christmas Day

Christmas Day is a time for togetherness, and each of the Tribes are drawing together for the day, for the building of friendships and new family - though all have time to go and see those they care about from other area’s. The Enks are welcome at most of the tribes to eat, and everyone’s movement is much freer as the Chet patrols are looser and often a lot drunker than on normal days. This will also be the last day that Saga keeps the lights on.

The Chets

The Chets take the opportunity to live it up on this one day, Saga gives in to the opulence and joy her tribe can afford as tithe taking community leaders. They eat well, drink well and get high, relaxing and bonding, they treat it as their one proper day off all year.

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Who: Mac and Melody
Where: Tawa territory
When: Week One; Christmas Day 2015; AFTER the morning Christmas mass
What: Mac hates Christmas, goes for a walk to get away from people, but finds someone to pull a prank on.
Rating: PG-13 for language
Status: Complete

Christmas should be outlawed. )
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Mar. 3rd, 2013


Who Vesper and Christmas Spirit (Open to Everyone/Multiple, see OOC)
When December 25th, early morning to early afternoon. Prior to celebrations.
Where Begins in the Church area, spreads to just about everywhere save Chet territory (though Chets are welcome to approach Vesper!)
What Gift giving, socializing, avoiding socialization
Rating PG-13 at the highest
Warnings Some discussion about religious related things in the first paragraph during the ceremony of Mass. The rest reads fine without it.

Mass was yet another event Vesper had to endure... )

(ooc: Vesper is making gift rounds. Some people have been informed they have gifts but she might surprise your muse with a gift if you tag in. Or not. Whatever makes sense. However this is opened to everyone and for multiple threads. For example, Vesper could see Anne, then after Anne she sees Bob, and after Bob she sees, Charlie, and then Daisy. You can assume she went your home, ran into you, or you caught her before she left the Church yard. Please assume any interaction in the Church yard comes first due to it's location and it's where she begins.)

Mar. 1st, 2013


Melody and Swift
Before the End of the World party
Tawa territory
Makeup advice!

Melody wanted to look nice for Topher. )

Feb. 24th, 2013


The End of the World Party

Who: Tribe Wide (i.e. everyone and anyone)
Where: Trading Post and Church
Why: Party time!
When: Monday, 21st December, evening through to night - times vary with threads within
Rating: TBD

The End Of The World Party is an area wide celebration of the anniversary of the day the world went dark. All of the tribes are involved and contribute their own trades and products to make it run well. It takes place at the Trading Post with music and entertainment on a temporary stage, booze and mingling, running loud and late into the night. It will also be in the Church to avoid the cold night. As with outside, there will be a temporary stage area for music and entertainment and, of course, food will be available inside.

It is freedom from normal tribal life which can become terribly grinding over time. The party is not a time to remember, it’s a time to forget and celebrate being alive.

For those that want to avoid the party altogether or want a more ‘family-friendly’ kind, they are welcome to spend the night in Oma territory - as long as they have Buck’s permission.

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Feb. 23rd, 2013


Topher and Melody
The clinic on Chet territory
Mel stops by for a little early Chrstimas present
Monday 21st Dec noon-ish

Melody had lived in Cascade Lock all her life, and it was still weird to think of the different parts of the town as some kind of territory. )