Mar. 13th, 2013


Who Mac, Doc, Amy
When December 23rd
Where Chet territory
What Amy wants to see Christmas lights and takes a shine to a particular Chet woman.
Rating PG due to bitty.

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Mar. 4th, 2013


Christmas - Oma

Christmas Day

Christmas Day is a time for togetherness, and each of the Tribes are drawing together for the day, for the building of friendships and new family - though all have time to go and see those they care about from other area’s. The Enks are welcome at most of the tribes to eat, and everyone’s movement is much freer as the Chet patrols are looser and often a lot drunker than on normal days. This will also be the last day that Saga keeps the lights on.

The Oma

The Oma’s Christmas is pretty traditional in the sense that they give gifts, eat well and toast to family and friends. They also take the season as a reason to help out any Enks at the church by taking food and some blankets (if needed). Enks and certain other tribe members are also welcome to join them if they wish to.

Mod Post

Please put the name of your character and either open or who you’re playing with in the subject line, just makes it easier to follow and tag the main post

Feb. 23rd, 2013


Who: Hagar and Doc
Where: Church, neutral territory
Why: Accidental meetings
When: Thursday 24th Dec midday
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress

As these things went, Christmas had never held much appeal for Hagar )