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May. 27th, 2013


Week 2

Who: Ley Ley and OPEN to all Chets
What: It's Ley Ley's 31st birthday and girl is getting drunk before she hits up the New Years party.
Where: Her room in the Toll House park.
When: New Years eve before the big party.

31 years young )

May. 12th, 2013


Who: Scotch, the kids and Open to Cano
Where: Forest south of town
When: Saturday 2nd January, 2016 - Afternoon
What: Arrival (finally)
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

Daniel kept a careful eye on the two children as they move along with him. )

May. 6th, 2013


Who: Raven and Barbie.
Where: The bar.
When: January 2nd, 2016.
What: Pretty much just drinking and being Raven.
Rating: TBD
Status: Closed: In progress.

Run, run, runaway, runaway, baby
Before I put my spell on you
You better get, get, getaway, getaway, darling
'Cause everything you heard is true )

May. 5th, 2013


Thursday 31st of December- New Years Eve Party

This is an event that everyone will remember from before the’s New Year’s Eve and it’s time to party, to drive away the sadness of the Memorial and the associations of the End Of The World Party. This is a time to drink, dance and be merry and will not be separated into more than one group. This group thread is pretty much an open season to everyone to have fun. It will take place at the Trading Post, and is open to all.

Mod Post

Please put the name of your character and either open or who you’re playing with in the subject line, just makes it easier to follow and tag the main post

May. 3rd, 2013


Who: Theo and Open
Where: The bar
When: Wednesday Dec 30th, 2015, afternoon
What: Pretty much just drinking
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

Drink and be glad of it )


Who: Sparks and Marigold
Where: The Trading Post
When: Tuesday Dec 29th, 2015, afternoon
What: Trying to find something special for New Years Eve
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

New Years Eve was a huge deal to him, and he wanted to stand out )


Who: Saga and Topher
Where: Saga’s quarters
When: Wednesday Dec 30th, 2015, afternoon
What: Questions, questions
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

She was suspicious...that was dangerous )

Apr. 22nd, 2013


Who: Mari and Tiger and Open
Where: The forest
When: Monday Dec 28th, 2015, early evening
What: Investigating the camp fire smoke
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

Into the forest )

Apr. 20th, 2013


Who: Mac and Topher
Where: Mac's place then Topher's clinic
When: Week Two; Dec 29, 2015, afternoon
What: Mac inquires Topher about Melody
Rating: PG-13
Status: In progress

It had been a triumphant night, now for it to be a triumphant day. )

Apr. 15th, 2013


Who: Barbie and Open
Where: Bar
What: Working and being bored.
When: Saturday January 2nd, 2016 about 9pm
Rating: PG to start. Will change if needed
Open: Open
Status: Pending

Leave the bottle )


Who: Scotch (and the kids)
Where: Old barn or lodge somewhere south of Cascade Locks
What: Memories after a lot of travelling
When: 27th December, Evening
Rating: PG
Open: Closed
Status: Complete

Apr. 9th, 2013


Who: Kahea and Reb
When: December 31st, afternoon
Where: Tawa territory, Reb's place of living
What: Kahea bug Reb about doing entertainer stuff with her for New Years.
Rating: PG for now, will move up if language gets too bad
Status: In-Progress

I simply cannot do it, ah-lone! )

Apr. 2nd, 2013


Who: Pixie, Skellington, and Allen
When: December 30th, evening
Where: Lawu territory, Museum Bar
What: Pixie is working on a slow night and wants to teach her son how to dance. Teenage attitude ensues to the hilarity of those who notice.
Rating: PG for now, will move up if language gets too bad
Status: In-Progress

You're going to dance with your mother, deal with it. )

Apr. 1st, 2013


Who: Libby & Mustang
When: December 27th.
Where: Lawu territory
What: Libby doesn't know whether to attend the Memorial or not. Mourning in public is not her thing.
Rating: PG, I suppose.
Status: Ongoing

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give )


Sunday 27th of December- The memorial

The memorial takes place on neutral ground, at the Church. It is a chance for everyone, from all tribes (and none) to gather and speak, remember or simply pray for those they lost during and after the Pulse. While the 21st was a chance to celebrate being alive, today is a day to remember the lost and dead.

This is open to all members of all tribes and any Enks who wish to attend, while emotions will be running high, violence will not be tolerated in any form.
It takes place in the Church at twelve o’clock and in the vestry will be the memorial wall. The wall is where photos, items and names are stuck up to remember the missing and the dead.

Mod Post

Please put the name of your character and either open or who you’re playing with in the subject line, just makes it easier to follow and tag the main post

Mar. 30th, 2013


Week Change - Week Two

Week Two

Sunday 27th December 2015 to Saturday 2nd January 2016


Very cold with maximum temperatures of 4 degrees and minimums going as low as -3. It has at least stopped snowing and raining, but existing snow will have frozen and winds are still very strong.

Tribal Birthdays

- 1st January - Ley Ley (31) and Priest (44)

Week Events

- Sunday 27th of December- 'The Memorial' The memorial takes place on neutral ground, at the Church. It is a chance for everyone, from all tribes and none to gather and speak, remember or simply pray for those they lost during and after the Pulse. While the 21st was a chance to celebrate being alive, the 27th is a day to remember the lost and dead.

- New Years Eve Is another community wide party taking place on, of course, the 31st. This is a chance to really party, leaving behind the clinging sadness of the end of the world and welcoming in the new year, with new chances, new opportunities and possibly new tribes and new loves.

Wide plots - Rumours are flitting around about Doc apparently having a ‘deal’ with the Lawu, while a couple of questions are being asked about other tribes’ (and Enks’) medical supplies - or rather where they are getting them from.

Hagar has disappeared this week, and rumors and accusations are abound.

Also, in the forest, campfire smoke has been sighted by a Cano scouting party.

Mods Notes - For ‘The Memorial’ and ‘New Year’s Eve’, group threads will be set up by the mods.

We’ve decided to make Hagar’s disappearance into a plot point for next week (week three) in game, so please no one find a body.


Who: Lot & Mustang
When: After the christmas dinner 25th December
Where: Lots cabin
Why: Mustang needs help undressing
Cut for pron )

Mar. 18th, 2013


Who: Bridget and Angler (Mikey)
Where: Their cabin
What: Sibling stuff
When: Saturday morning 26 December 2015
Rating: TBD, likely low
Open: Closed
Status: In progress

Something witty )

Mar. 13th, 2013


Who Mac, Doc, Amy
When December 23rd
Where Chet territory
What Amy wants to see Christmas lights and takes a shine to a particular Chet woman.
Rating PG due to bitty.

Tags: , , ,


Who: Orion & Lot
Where: Trading post
When: December 26th, early evening
Why: Confusion

Say what? )

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