Posts Tagged: 'player:+kay'

Jun. 18th, 2021



+1 Magician, nat 20 on intellect.

Hihi~! I'm Kay and I'm bringing in Alice Quinn as my first character. :3

Alice is showing up from the season 5 finale, so you'll get the full dose of self-help neurotic anxiety angel ft a jawline strong enough to kill men, women, and gentlefolk.

A blurb about her brain: True to canon, she's more confident but still anxious. She's got her issues, she hasn't forgotten any of what she did but also isn't still going on that apology tour. Alice never struck me as insecure about other other bad ass women, but has a laundry list of things things like being not seeming "too much/weird," her own body, expressing attraction (still can't tell when she likes a woman, but has accepted it's been an unspoken thing that was repressed along with the rest of her sexuality), accepting help (shout out to Eliot for the crash course to Mt Mordor, and a musical number), and last but certainly not (ayyyy, Q).

She's gotten better about some of it. Her last schtick was -shuffles deck- "am I the metaphorically Virgin Queen and fourth wheel of some potential triad, royal court romance? Because wow, I just wanted Margo to brush my hair and tell me I'm okay first." -shuffle- "Will Fen like me? Am I going to have to schedule Fen time? Will Fen teach me about daggers? Because I can't use an axe. I'm not the axe wielder in this monarchy relationship. I can't cook like Josh. Bow? I can be Fillory's shortest Amazon queen. Amazon Queen Alice the Wise." -shuffle- "FUuck, do I need lasik for this?"

The last thing Alice remembers is sitting beside Margo, talking about the oddities of New Fillory, including the field of bacon that she was low-key pretty hyped for, and the infrastructure that she'd been stressing about but high-key glad Margo brought up. The last thing she saw was Margo eating the Marguerite pizza and pushing the release on the pocket cooch world. So now she's got no pizza, no bacon, no Margo, no Josh, no Fen, and when she remembers any of that she's going to be pretty fuckin' upset. She will break a little when she sees and remembers her friends, will big break about Q.

She's friendly. Maybe suspicious of you. Probably looks suspicious because she thinks you're suspicious. Sarcastic af. Resting Niffin face.

Dec. 29th, 2020




→ Hi! Thanks for joining the game!

→ I think most people are going to wait until closer to the game's official opening (Jan 15th) to post OOC intros. In the meantime, we're partying on discord. The link to the discord is in the player page and welcome message.

→ The IC/OOC event is happening now. (Link in the welcome message or peek at the IC community.) It's friend locked because we're super mysterious and cool like that.

→ It does count toward AC. January is a short month due to the late game start and so if you want your AC prizes, you may wanna get a jump on that.

HINT: YOU MIGHT NOT WANNA SPEND YOUR AC UNTIL YOU SEE THE PLOT HAPPENING JANUARY 29TH. Normally AC rewards and where the campus goes won't matter, but there is a little extra something planned you can use AC toward on the Jan 29th plot.

→ Normally I'd give a plot hint for upcoming weeks, but that's gunna be your hint.

→ Let me know if you have questions!