Posts Tagged: 'player:+alice'

Jan. 15th, 2021




Apparently I'm just allergic to playing characters with last names right now. Cool, cool, cool.

JOURNAL: [info]witchofthe
SOURCE: Dragon Age, between Inquisition and Trespasser.
DORM HALL: Butler Hall
ROOMMATE: John Watson
You can win Morrigan's affections by bringing her shiny jewelry. She's from a world with a roughly late-medieval tech level and a deeply entrenched philosophy about magic being dangerous and bad (which Morrigan vehemently disagrees with, ask her for her strong opinions some time). She wouldn't mind being trapped here so much if she knew where the hell her son was, but she plays her cards close to the chest about that. Would love some other characters to investigate the Secrets and Mysteries of Derleth with, as well as exchanges of plentiful snark. She has a weak spot for heroic types but she'll be the last to admit it.

JOURNAL: [info]friendofmara
SOURCE: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, post-S5
DORM HALL: Carter Hall
This is it. This is 100% Adora. She doesn't have the foggiest idea what to do about this whole situation, but if you point her at a problem she will go try to punch the problem. She is very likely to get distracted and caught up in Whatever is Happening around campus, being predisposed towards reckless heroics and good-guy-ish-ness. She will open any particularly stubborn jars for you, too. This is not what she expected university was like. Put large academic words in front of her and watch her mispronounce them.

Dec. 29th, 2020




→ Hi! Thanks for joining the game!

→ I think most people are going to wait until closer to the game's official opening (Jan 15th) to post OOC intros. In the meantime, we're partying on discord. The link to the discord is in the player page and welcome message.

→ The IC/OOC event is happening now. (Link in the welcome message or peek at the IC community.) It's friend locked because we're super mysterious and cool like that.

→ It does count toward AC. January is a short month due to the late game start and so if you want your AC prizes, you may wanna get a jump on that.

HINT: YOU MIGHT NOT WANNA SPEND YOUR AC UNTIL YOU SEE THE PLOT HAPPENING JANUARY 29TH. Normally AC rewards and where the campus goes won't matter, but there is a little extra something planned you can use AC toward on the Jan 29th plot.

→ Normally I'd give a plot hint for upcoming weeks, but that's gunna be your hint.

→ Let me know if you have questions!