Posts Tagged: '%21mod+post'

Aug. 19th, 2022






The polls are now closed for the future of No Exits. Thankfully, we had a pretty clear winner. So clear, in fact, that it won using three different vote calculation methods. Why would I tabulate the vote using three different methods? Because I’m a big fucking nerd, that’s why.

Your mod rambles about the vote calculation methods looked at, as well as the data. If you don’t care about that, feel free to skip all that. Also there are multiple image captures of my google spreadsheet under here which might be annoying. )


So More Pilots won. Which means the status quo is going to basically be extended a little longer until we get the right pilot.

What happens after each new pilot? We’ll do another vote like this. This options will likely be, this one!, another!, or go back to a previous pilot!

Do I have an idea for the next pilot after Dunwich? No. I will however be looking at your feedback on this post for inspiration, as well as open to suggestions if you’d like to conspire with me in my DMs.

When is the next pilot? It’ll be October 1 - 15, which I personally will be perfect for those spooky Autumn vibes.

Thanks everyone! ♥ This was weirdly fun for me.

Aug. 16th, 2022



Clarification on the "Sleeping Beauty" Mechanic.

There's a mod ramble under here! )


Please discuss with the mod first. Let's team up and make sure it's appropriate, or make sure there isn't a solution that's easier or more original to make sure everyone continues to enjoy the game.

Please comment on this post to let me know you read this ramble where I try to err on the side of transparency and my way of thinking about things.

Jul. 29th, 2022



You can have a little incursion, as a treat.

Marvel comics characters and marvel tv/movie characters are officially split into two tags. Ikol actually gets a tag for their IC name, Loki! Woot! No more confusion (unless you use the wrong tag by accident).

Marvel (tv/movies) still makes up our largest fandom at 15 characters. Marvel (comics) makes up the second largest fandom at nine characters. Stranger Things is catching up at eight characters.


Jul. 24th, 2022



I just can't with Joanne anymore.

Hey folks.

I'm going to add a new rule: No Harry Potter characters. Given the news, or a certain person's never ending trashfire of a twitter feed, and given that I want this game to remain a friendly and affirming space to all of our players, I'm going to ask no Harry Potter folks from here on out.

  • Discussing HP characters in an IC pop culture sense is fine. Trashing on famous TERF authors ICly is also totally rad.
  • We haven't had an HP character in game for almost a year. I think by now we can totally retcon the specific fandom they were from, instead referring to them as a generic magic user type that disappeared some time back.
  • This is merely what I no longer want in my game. This is not meant to be a judgement against anyone who plays HP characters in other games. After all, the characters themselves aren't transphobic trashfires. I get that. But it's not a fandom I wish to give space to in the sandbox I maintain.

Comments are disabled, but please feel free to message me on discord or email if you have any questions.

Jul. 16th, 2022



No Exits: Final Stretch!

Alright folks. This is a big post. I'm going to break it up into parts so you can read the bits that are relevant to you. I'm going to reference the backdoor pilots and the future of No Exits a bunch, so if you're new here...

I wrote about the future of No Exits here! For the purposes of keeping things simple, and so I can sound cool like Kevin Feige, I'll be referring to the game in its current state as PHASE ONE and the game in the next stage as PHASE TWO.




Thanks to everyone who took the time to carefully read all of this! ♥ I appreciate you all!

Jun. 28th, 2022




Remember the zombie apocalypse plot starts on the 1st! It might not get posted until very late on the 30th or on the 1st itself, due to the fact that I will be in Idaho.

I'll keep you up to date on discord! And remember, if zombies aren't your thing and you need a plot accommodation, please come talk to me. ♥

Jun. 20th, 2022



Room Assignments Changing Again (Sorta)

Alright folks! You know how Derleth likes to switch things up! Your roommate will be staying the same, but the building will not! It has electricity again! Showers! Sane stairs! Even elevators! Read on to find out more!

→ For the next plot, you may be in a zombie apocalypse but at least Butler Hall is a somewhat sane dormitory again. This layout change will remain until the chosen pilot switches up the housing situation one last time. (Maybe. >.>)

→ For those of you who have been in the game since the beginning, you'll recognize the layout as Butler's original layout! The rooms are a little larger, the beds are a little longer and you have closet space again!

→ And hey! No ghosts! (Well, still ghosts on campus, just none locked away on forbidden floors of the building.) It appears the rooms are randomly divided between all floors, east and west wings.

→ Each wing on each floor has
  • it's own large communal bathroom with toilets, showers and one questionable bathtub that you probably don't want to use! Large enough to handle 50 students, luckily just shared between 4-8 of you.

  • a stairwell to access the other floors.
→ There are two elevators at the center of the building where the east and west wings meet.

→ Even number rooms are on the south side of the hall, odds on the north side. Consecutive numbers are directly across from one another.

Check out the description of Butler Hall here. It's underneath the current housing description post.

→ Want to know where your room will be located? Check out the "NOTHING TO SEE HERE" tab. Please do the mod a favor and make sure all your characters are accounted for and there are no obvious errors. I'm sure there is at least one mistake somewhere on that sheet. :B

Apr. 24th, 2022



Some Clarifications About Out First Backdoor Pilot

Okay, hopefully these things will help you think about the upcoming backdoor pilot!

  1. You can adjust! You aren't locked into this concept!
    Let's say you came up with a character concept for the pilot, but it didn't quite work. That's okay! Should this be the pilot we go with, you can tweak the version that ultimately ends up being in that world. Don't feel like everything is set in stone. This is essentially a play test so you can try out this world as the major game setting for phase two of No Exits.

  2. About time travel...
    If you read my 14 page document (yikes) you'll see in the FAQ that there is no time travel. There's already space and a fantasy land to help folks out with old timey fantasy characters and futuristic space characters. Adding time travel is hard for me to manage as a mod.

    However, if you want a one time, time travel deal in your character's backstory that's okay. They can have the "oh no, I'm in the wrong time now and stuck here!" backstory or goal. They won't get back to their time. This is their home now. Sorry.

  3. Let's talk about lore. (AKA, what your character knows.)
    I wrote a long document about magic, vampires, aliens, superheroes, the DSS, etc. This is one of those times where I want you to think realistically about what your character knows. Please don't assume everything you know OOCly your character gets to know ICly.

    Let's take aliens for example. Pretty much everyone knows on planet eaarth that aliens exist because they say aliens attack Empire City with Loki. But who would know that some aliens pass for human? Who would know about the different empires and politics of aliens? Likely not folks from planet eaarth unless they have a very good reason to.

    When it comes to vampires? Vampires specifically like to make sure they aren't known. It's part of their whole secretive schtick. Maybe your character has IC reasons for knowing they exist, but does that mean they know about the cam? About clans? When in doubt, talk to our two resident vampire players and just make sure the knowledge your character has doesn't step on their ability to RP their characters in this setting.

    Same logic for magic, same for the DSS... etc.

    Now complicating this is some of your characters might remember things from their previous game history. But they also have seen non-humans turn human, or humans turn non-human over the course of several different AU timelines they've visited, so again, it's probably wise for them not to assume anything.

Please hit me up if you have any questions! Hope this helps. :)

Mar. 19th, 2022



Gender, Consent and Body Swaps

Alright, folks. Before the upcoming swap plot, I've had some concerns brought to my attention. I just want to make sure going forward we're all mindful and considerate of one another when it comes to writing gender and gender swaps, and that we avoid any yucky consent issues.

This is going under a cut tag because it's a lot. )

Okay, with that said, please comment below to let me know you've read and understood. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me.

Mar. 13th, 2022



The Future of No Exits!


I mentioned this in our one year post that the game is going to be evolving. I wanted to take the time to ramble about that more here. Please feel free to message me or ask me any questions with concerns!

During this transition you'll notice the plots between now and the "backdoor pilots" as I call them are going to be simpler and easier to run. I'm trying to write and develop three full landing pads for the game, so that's where my focus and plotting has been.

  1. Transitioning the format of the game. For the majority of this year, the game will continue as normal; travelling two times a month, equaling two IC weeks. However I'd like to transition from a "Hell Adjacent" model (the format of the game now) to a "Displaced" model. Displaced is a game Dawn ran for 5 years that had an "anchor" world, but also travelled and explored other places for part of the year. I think that's going to help the overall longevity of the game. As long as you guys are happy to play here, I'm happy to keep this sandbox going!

  2. Backdoor Pilots. So what is our "anchor" world going to look like? I've come up with three options that I want you, the players to vote on! I'm also going to give a vague description of all three. If there is something missing you'd like to pitch to me, there's still time to add one or two more pilot options.

    • Option One (May 1 -15). This is the plot Mobius and company are working toward: creating a new sacred timeline everyone belongs in. It will primarily take place in a NYC type metropolis. Everyone will have their regular memories + new sacred timeline memories as if they've always belonged in this combined singular canon. The world's tech is near future, with aliens, magic and superheroes, similar to a comic book kind of world.

    • Option Two (June 15 - 30). This plot is going to start off as mostly normal. Derleth appears to have "fallen asleep" for 100 years and grown into it's own fairyland style reality. The Green is huge now. Everyone wakes up sleeping beauty style in the now ruins of Derleth. It's almost a post-apocalyptic format of the game where characters need to work together for survival, but with a fantasy Narnia circa The Magicians Nephew kind of flavor. Instead of the world ending and trying to rebuild, this world has just started and is trying to develop it's identity. Instead of fighting mutants and zombies, it'll be more fighting fairies and curses. Characters have the opportunity to develop into archetypal fairytale roles, both heroes and villains.

    • Option Three (August 1 - 15). Much simpler than the first two options, a sentient city in its own pocket dimension has gotten lonely and snatched up Derleth, wanting the residents to keep it company. The city is filled with "fake" people of its own creation and will do its best to keep everyone happy and occupied. (Spoiler Alert: the city is very misguided.) This is what I call the "We Coexist" model game. Travel will happen when characters try to escape its clutches.

  3. Balancing plot, developing character lines, fighting Slice of Life-itis.

    • Why change the formula? I want to ensure the long term success of the game. While I love coming up with and writing plot, I don't want plot to get in the way of developing lines. The current format I think gets in the way of characters being able to set up individual long term goals.

    • Anchor world vs travel? I haven't figured out the balance yet. The game will likely travel 2 to 3 times per year on a six month or four month cycle. There will be IC reasons for it. (Option One could be threats to the sacred timeline. Option Two could be fairy deals made. Option three could be attempting to escape the sentient city, etc.)

    • Will the game become Slice of Life? I have nothing against Slice of Life games, but I am a plot minded person. I think there are elements of slice of life that are useful for character development/developing lines (getting a job, figuring out what to do in a new world), but I plan on organizing the anchor worlds in plot arcs, like a "season" of telivsion where their may be a big bad to face off, etc, to keep the game fresh and active.

So when are we going to an anchor world?
The end of the year. The exact timing is going to depend on plot, what we've voted for, and how much I need to prepare in advance.

How is voting going to work?
It will be a poll on a paid account. Other than that, I don't have any decisions made about how the voting is going to work.

Can we switch anchor worlds?
There may be opportunities for that in the future! (Or perhaps we just revisit them in a normal travelling plot.) It really depends on what's going to help players interact with the game and keep it going best.

The second world seems really off brand for the game.
Fun fact: this game was almost a hotel run by fairies, but there was another panfandom hotel game that sprung up while I was developing it. You can check out the game that almost was at [info]thegoodfellow. But mostly with a "near future" city type setting, a TBD time period type city setting, I wanted a pretty different alternative.

Would you use an existing fandom for an anchor world as another backdoor pilot?
No. I find those games "favor" characters from that fandom and creatively feel more limiting to me. I'd rather create an original world that gives everyone equal footing, allows for me to do whatever I want, and leaves surprises for everyone.

Will one IC week = half a month OOC on the anchor world?
TBD! I'd like your feedback if you think the same slowed down time frame is appealing in a single setting or not.

I want to give you an idea for an anchor world!
Message me! It does have to be an idea I'm willing to run long term, but I'm open to your ideas.

I have a question! Feedback! Or just wanna say how excited I am. (Or concerned. That's valid, too.)
Please leave a comment! Or message me.

Feb. 24th, 2022



Community Reminders

Things kinda suck right now. I want to make sure this game remains a happy, creative outlet as we all try and figure out what cosmic entity we pissed off to put us in the Darkest Timeline while cackling evilly at putting our pretendy fun characters in dark timelines.

So let's talk guidelines and a new official rule.

Yes, your character might make snarky or biting remarks about other characters. You might be talking about other characters behind their backs or using crossouts to express what your character really thinks.

Please make sure to check in with the player of that other character when doing this. Make sure they are in on the joke. Make sure the other player is enjoying that conflict and also having fun. No one RPs to have their characters feel bullied, or be made into someone's personal villain without their knowledge.

Let's keep this place fun for everyone! You can read more about my thoughts on character conflict here.

This is going to become an official rule now. Please do not make in character posts on the game and then delete them.

Folks, I in my own game, have made posts here that have gotten zero replies, on more than one occasion. I know it's a bummer. However, if the posts are deleted and they either (a) have comments -- congrats, you've deleted that person's AC or chance to get AC or (b) don't have comments -- congrats, that player who was busy at work and thinking up a response no longer gets the chance and you've lost the line. Lastly (c) it discourages people from replying to posts if they have to worry about the post being deleted.

If you want to delete an IC post from the game, you need to talk to me first to get permission. We need to make sure no one loses AC over it and what the reasoning is behind is beyond I didn't get a bunch of replies.

Hey, it happens. Sometimes you start a log and then real life hits you in the face or the emotion in the log is hard to deal with the emotion you're feeling in real life. Please communicate with your writing partners if you need to drop a log. Please do not ghost on your fellow writers.

On the flip side, if someone needs to drop a log, treat them with understanding and kindness. Offer to do a private message or comment post instead? It can be an easier way to get plot across quickly. It's chaos out there, darlings.

Thank you.

Feb. 21st, 2022



Plot Heads Up.


On Day Four Butler Hall is getting destroyed. The pink kaiju is being purposefully unleashed. Because this is something that came up impromptu in the plot, but also helps explain why everyone gets a new Butler/room assignments next week, I wanna be kinder in this plot.
→ We'll do damage rolls in the post. You can decide if your character was in the building or not when it went down. Please do not feel obligated to have your character get hurt unless it is a fun plot for you to do so.

→ Normally, anything destroyed that did not come with you would not reset and remain destroyed. There will be a special exception this plot and your things will be back on campus, unharmed, next week with the new dorm.

→ The only mean thing is your characters won't have a room to hide in with warded protection for the rest of the week, which was the objective of Team Bad Derleth in an effort to tag everyone and swap places.
The IC/OOC post is going up tomorrow. I know it's a lot of IC/OOC posts, but I want to give everyone a chance to participate who wants to. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

Feb. 15th, 2022



New Housing Sneak Peak

The housing spreadsheet now has a tab for future housing assignments.

The write up for what the new Butler Hall is like is now here.

Questions? Anyone missing on the housing assignments? Did I miss something? Let me know!

Feb. 10th, 2022



Some AU & Other Reminders

  • Starting Feb 15 is the new plot. A dark mirror Derleth is going to show up right next to our regularly scheduled Derleth. You get to play the "good" and "bad" versions of your characters as the bad guys attempt to switch places with our protagonists. The sign up and basic info are here!

  • Completely separate from that Derleth is a backdoor revisiting of the game's very first AU! The details are here, and though your characters won't know or remember that Derleth unless they were there for the original plot, I'm thinking something is going to have to happen in the future to fix that. I really love the concepts and ideas you came up with. ♥

  • Lastly, Butler Hall itself is turning AU on March 1st. The layout of the building will be different and room assignments will be changed. Those of you on our discord channel got to vote on a nice, neutral or mean layout for the building and overwhelmingly you voted for mean. (Players after my own heart.) I can't wait to reveal the new dorm to you then! I hope you enjoy it.

Feb. 1st, 2022



RE: InfoDesk

Hi All!

I want to clean up and make [info]infodesk easier to read and more relevant. I'm also going to make it more setting relevant content. Which sadly means the personal characters pages are going to go. (We have a lot of old player/character stuff that's no longer relevant to the game anyway.)

So! You have the month of February to look over [info]infodesk to collect any personal character codes and info. You can put those codes in your personal journals or CDJs.

Starting in March I will be cleaning up the [info]infodesk community.

Thanks everyone! Let me know if you have any questions.

Jan. 3rd, 2022



But first, some announcements!

[Don't mind me, I've just been watching a lot of Critical Role...]

This game opened up for early applicants on January 1st. Thank you to everyone, running this game is a privilege. Thank you to everyone for all your help and encouragement in making this experience such a success. I'm so grateful for every one of you contributing your time and creativity to the game.

I have a plot calendar that is currently filled out through July 15th of this year, and I think it would be easy enough to keep going as is for the rest of the year. Beyond two years, however, I think this game is going to have to evolve in some way, shape or form if it is going to keep going strong. I'd like to update the format slightly to make it easier for long haul characters to be able to develop more lines and even ... settle? possibly? What that is going to look like or where is still up in the air. It's going to be my goal this year to figure it out.

That being said, I'm going to mark some plots as "back door pilots", potential settings or format ideas that characters could go back to and spend more time in. If you have ideas for the future of this game, how it could evolve, a setting to test drive as a back door pilot, please hit me up!

In a perfect world, this would be character driven plot. So please think about how your characters can work together with their many talents to reach this goal. I don't want it to be one character does something to fix everything. That's not fair to everyone else and those types of plot proposals will be rejected. In a worst case scenario, I can Mod Ex Machina this, but I want to give characters the opportunity for agency first. So please hit me with your ideas as we take this year to map out the future of the game! :D

I've made a spreadsheet to track any logs, IC/OOC events or perhaps if you guys get real creative, a "Telephone Hour" style net post where those who reply, reply in song.

If I missed your log or post, please let me know! Plots will be revealed as soon as we hit each goal. Just as a reminder, the details of the musical challenge are here.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Feel free to hit me up or hit up the comments!


Oct. 15th, 2021



Revealing the plot for the rest of 2021.

Alright folks,

We're getting into the holiday season. Traditionally RP can slow down, especially in December, so I wanted to reveal what I had in store for the rest of the year. December especially will be lighter, sillier plots, so we can all just be a little goofy and use game to destress during what can be a very stressful time.

Okay, with that out of the way, onto the next four plots*!

(November 1 - 15)
What it says on the tin: New York in the early 80s, when crime rates were high and gentrification wasn't a thing. While this world lacks native magic, superheroes, vampires, werewolves, etc, your powers and abilities will still work. On day four there will be a full moon.

(November 16 - 30)
Some of you were in Dawn's game [info]thedisplaced and know the drill. Essentially players will get the opportunity to NPC or try out characters for a plot. Give your characters some resolution with temporary lines that have little chance of being filled or try to decide if you really wanna pick up that extra character or not. Details will be coming this upcoming week or so with rules and the sign up.

(December 1 -15)
I honestly didn't mean to plan this around the new update but hey, whatever works? Derleth will be going to the digital world of Animal Crossing. Yes, your character will look like a weird Animal Crossing avatar (either human or animal, you pick). Tom Nook can saddle you up with debt and you can go around shaking trees for furniture and catching bugs for money. It'll be weird af.

(December 16 - 31)
Really it should be vampires vs werewolves vs humans. For this plot 1/3 of the characters will be vampires, 1/3 werewolves, and 1/3 humans. You are strongly encouraged to change which team your character plays on if they're one of those three categories already. Think early 2000s goth Underworld. It's going to be completely ridiculous. Vampires will start out pretty hungry and there will be three nights of a full moon to make sure things don't stay boring. Sign up, vampire & werewolf rules, coming sometime before the plot.

*I don't expect the plots to change but if something weird in the RL came up that makes a certain plot a bad idea, (wealmostwenttoHothbutthenTexasfrozeover) I'll try to give you as much warning as I can if something needs to change. Thanks.

Jul. 17th, 2021



Plot hint. Ish?

Folks, the next plot is going to be horror based. I promise it won't be zombies.

But if you have concerns, please reach out to me and let me know. I don't think it'll be too scary and I'm picking something that avoids the triggers I know of. I'm happy to work with, reassure and if I need to, spoil and let you know what I'm thinking.

Thanks all. ♥

Jul. 7th, 2021



AC Reward Change.

Alright folks. One of the AC reward options I had was previously...

AU Self. Week Thirteen was a big plot where people physically became their AU self. What does that mean? If you want to spend an AC your character can wake up for a plot gender swapped, power swapped, whatever swapped either for a single plot, multiple plots or forever. The multiverse is weird and unstable here.

Starting August 1st, I'm going to tweak this reward. You can still wake up gender swapped or power swapped or whatever changes you want however, the swap is only good for one in game plot/week. All of you currently in an AU form will revert back to your original default on August 1st. As a mod, I also reserve the right to restrict or say no to your your AU swap idea if the idea will break a particular plot.

Another change: I've tried to run this plot in the past at the beginning of the game but players didn't pick up on it even when I told them directly. But starting on the July 15th plot, anyone sleeping outside of a warded, protected dorm room is going to run into problems. The rest of the campus, as you might have guessed from the Among Us plot, is a much more vulnerable place to be at night when you're sleeping.

So let me know if your character is going to be sleeping outside of a dorm room and we can discuss consequences together. Thanks!

Jul. 3rd, 2021



The mod is a dork that likes to talk about outfits.

Alright folks, fashion time.

As per the plot post your character received:
One temporary outfit for your character that is appropriate for the weather in Florida in July, in a style they would actually find comfortable and wear. This outfit will disappear at the end of the week, but any clothing you purchase at the resorts will remain.
Obviously, if you want to be mean to your characters and say it's something they wouldn't wear, that's fine. I'm always down for being mean to characters.

But if you wanna show off what their temporary default outfit is, or comment with other Disney or vacation clothing your character decided to buy, please feel free to share images or links in the comments! Who doesn't love dorking out about this stuff?

Er, I mean... It's important "reference material" for RP purposes. Yes. >>

Jun. 1st, 2021



Actual Questing Plot Sign Up + Plot Hint


The sign up section on the new plot post ended up becoming a "create your questing group!" which is totally my fault for not making it clearer. SO! Trying this again.

Once you have your group together and you've made some posts (network posts, flash reactionaries, logs) created specifically by and for your group, fill out the form below and comment with it. The mod will respond with your odds and roll the dice! Maybe even an actual d20!

Click here for the details on how that plot works.

Is it too early to worry about the plot after this? Here's your plot hint anyway.

May. 21st, 2021



You can haz plot hint? (For the June 1 - 15 plot!)

Alright folks! Instead of a plot hint, I’m going to do something different. The last world, Planet Vegas, was wide open and you guys got to do pretty much whatever. While there’s still going to be quite a bit of freedom with the new location, there’s also going to be some mod directed plot happening.

To set up one of the upcoming plots, I need you to give me permission to enter your eligible characters for one to be selected in a random roll.

1. No, I will not tell you which characters are eligible and which aren’t.

2. Your character, if selected, will not be harmed by the roll-- unless you really want them to be? I guess you could direct the plot to result in their harm, but it is not an inherent part of being selected.

3. It is a pretty big role for the plot week, so if you’re going to be on hiatus or not available, perhaps consider passing on this one. There will be other things to do and plenty of plot to go around, promise.

See the comment headers to sign up!

May. 17th, 2021




Something often used in games is an IC "disappearance notification".

I haven't done that because OOCly you can just follow the drops page (linked on the player page). However, if someone ICly wants to work and set up disappearance notifications, then I can post notifications ICly to the game.

Lots of stuff happening in game! I'll post the next plot hint later on so you all can focus and have fun with this one.

Thanks all!

May. 16th, 2021




Thanks to Gansey, tvs across campus might randomly turn on unexpectedly to play this short informational video this week. You're likely to see it once or twice. You can read more about it in Gansey's narrative below!

May. 10th, 2021



Steph loves me.

Check out the new map on the setting page. Isn't that gorgeous? STEPH MADE THAT.

Okay, that is all.

ETA Nah, I'm gunna link it here too just so you can SEEE THIS. This is the kinda thing I dork out over.

Image under the cut! )

May. 9th, 2021



Heads up on new plot starting May 16th.


Okay, so. Next week might require some plotting and set up, especially if you need to load some new icons or something* so I’m giving it to you in advance. :D I was going to do it Wednesday, but I also want to give you the opportunity to think about it and go as epic as possible.

*I'm fine if you want to bring in an alt journal for your character so you don't need to delete existing icons, too.


May. 7th, 2021





This was a mod goal of mine. Fifty characters is where I consider a healthy size for the game to keep it going and have enough characters and players to bounce ideas off of. While I have no plans to close the door on additional players or characters at this time, that could be a consideration if the game becomes too large and posts and plot start to get lost. We have a smaller character limit for a reason, I want your characters to shine here and get plenty of plot.

♥♥ Thank you, everyone! I'm so happy to have you here.

May. 4th, 2021




On the player page there is a link to the AC rewards.

For each month you have three pieces of AC, you can claim little monthly rewards for your character. You must request the reward on the AC reward page for it to count.

On the activity spreadsheet, there is a space for you the player to track what rewards you have picked for your character. This is optional. However, you do not get the reward if you do not submit it to the AC reward page first.

I'm also going to reorganize the rewards page so the comments are easier to search going forward. If you need to pick up backdated rewards for your character, comment under this header. If you'd like to redeem a reward for your May AC, comment under this header.

Make sense? Anyone have questions?

May. 1st, 2021



Next Week's Plot Hint.


It's Rick's fault. Are you really surprised?

Note: Do you want your character to be responsible for something insane happening during a void week? Talk to me! I've discussed with a few other players, but I want to open this up to everyone. Pitch me your ideas and general inclinations. :D

Apr. 23rd, 2021



New Com, Who Dis?

Hi folks!

I'm in the process of creating a reference com for the game at [info]infodesk. It's under construction, but don't feel like you have to wait to add pages for your dorm rooms or lab setups your characters may add to the campus, or what have you. I'm just going to try and keep the parts of this layout I like and see if I can make it look more like the other coms.

Please check your asylum invitations and accept those so you can add reference material for your characters. Let me know if you have any questions!


Apr. 21st, 2021





In honor of this week's musical plot, the upcoming plot hint will be in song form. Enjoy!

Apr. 1st, 2021




Hey folks! It's April. Just a few housekeeping things.

1. The activity requirement is now 2 per month for each character. Still relatively low, but I hope this encourages characters participating in both plots each month.

2. I got rid of the "sleeping beauty" mechanic since no one was using it for hiatuses. You are free to come up with your own IC reason a character may be absent if you need to take a hiatus that fits with what you're doing.

3. Plots are now divided first and last half of each month instead of every two weeks. It only adds a day or two to any given plot, but makes it easier to know how long a given plot will last without having to look at a calendar.

4. Please enjoy the new mod/game layouts and tell me I'm they're pretty.

5. PLOT HINT. Well. I'm an asshole. Maybe there's a little bit of an April Fool's here. Because here's your plot hint. Again. (MAYBE IT ISN'T AN APRIL FOOLS. HMMMMMMM. Feel free to speculate all you want.)

Mar. 15th, 2021




  • PLOT HINT? Normally I'd give you guys a plot hint for the upcoming plot, but the upcoming plot is still in flux because of current events. So all I'm gunna say is...

  • NEW RULE: Starting April 1 activity is going to go up to 2 per month, with three still getting a reward. One per plot is encouraged, but if you need to bow out of one, as long as you have two per character you're good.

  • SLIGHT TIMELINE CHANGE: Instead of two weeks for each plot, it's going to be two plots each month. It really only adds maybe a day to each plot and makes the breaks a little cleaner. Each plot still is one week IC.

  • MOD CLEAN UP: I'm going to play with layout and coding pages to make them snazzier, and also working on a new ad. If you have ideas for either, let me know, we'll see if we can attract some new players here.

HMU if you have any questions. ♥

Jan. 29th, 2021



Upcoming plot hint!

Oh my gosh, you guys. I almost forgot your hint for the plot after this. Instead of a one word hint like I originally envisioned, I present this meme to you instead, courtesy of Chuck Tingle.

Using a cut tag for the image. )


Jan. 27th, 2021




So just a plot thing to consider, right now there is no notification system if a character is dropped. I'm going to process our first one later today (♥) but right now it's up to the characters and their previous interactions if they notice or not.

So something to consider in the future if there is a drop that affects your character. Come to me if you want your character to be the one to do something about it.

Jan. 16th, 2021



AC Rewards and Plot.

Hi folks!

So I wanted to discuss AC rewards. Everyone in game should have been invited to a google spreadsheet for activity. You'll see your name and characters. Now you're only required to have once piece of AC each calendar month (which is basically nothing), but you'll have a reward at three pieces of AC.

You can read about AC rewards here.

Specifically, I wanted to talk about plot rewards. If you want your character to find out something juicy about the school or something else, just submit that AC reward and I'll work with you to give you something fun.

But here's the thing.

1. I advised you guys to wait until Jan 29th. So what to do in the meantime?

2. What kind of plot reward is it that you want?

RE: One. Have your characters explore this week. Network post with characters who did the pre-game event and know a little more about the campus. Write logs with your roommates or those you share a floor with. Get to know the place. But also? AMA me in the comments about what your characters might find and what they might want to look at for future plot AC rewards.

RE: Two. I have a ton of RPG game reference books. I can come up with a magical item or plot jumping off point for your character to find. Now I'm tempted to go more Call of Cthulhu and lean into horror. That may not be everyone's speed! So if you want a plot AC reward, give me an idea of what kind of plot you want: temporary, ongoing problem, something scary, something wtf, something lol. There was a lot of shit happening at the campus, so there's plenty to dig up.

I'm not interested in growing this game to be huge, and envision the sweet spot being about 50ish characters. So if you know someone cool, that's usually how we get quality writers in game. We still have room for more people. If we start to get too big, I may have to put a temporary halt on new players, but with the lower character limit I don't see that being a problem.

Thanks all! I'm really hype for this!

Jan. 14th, 2021



Your official plot hint.

Alright, which each new plot post there will be an ooc post giving you a hint about what's coming up. It could be a word, a meme, a song. Idk. Your plot hint for this week isn't a great hint, admittedly. More like advice.

Save your AC reward!

You might want to save your AC reward until you see the plot coming up after this one on January 29th. Happy game opening everyone! Enjoy!

Jan. 7th, 2021




Alright, I am super hyped for this, folks. We have a sizable amount of players here who are returning to RP and getting back into things after a long hiatus. I thought now might be a good time to share some tips and point out a few of the games features.

Tags. Using the tags will make your posts much easier to find. There will be a new tag for each plot week, as well as a tag for each character. Want to go back and read what your character (or another character) has been up to? Be sure to tag your posts!! Want to revisit a favorite plot? Use that plot week tag! Tags are your friends!

Activity. Everyone should have received an invitation to edit an activity google spreadsheet. Whenever you post a narrative, log, or have a great line of comments (5/5 each character or more!) throw that link in the google spreadsheet. It's a lot easier if you fill it out as you go along. (But if you don't, once again, tagging things is really nice for finding your stuff!)

Questions? Let me know! Let's help each other out so that everyone has fun!

Things are crazy right now. I know we all hoped 2021 would chill the fuck out. I'm going to try and be sensitive to the kinds of things you want to write so this place can be a positive and cathartic place to tell stories about our favorite pretend people. If there's something you need from the game, let me know and I can try to help with that.

♥ ♥ ♥

Dec. 30th, 2020



How plot will work.

Is this important or worthy of a mod post? Probably not. Do I like rambling and being excited about what I have planned for the game? Absolutely. So I'm gunna ramble.

Generally speaking, the chunk of what was once the heart of Derelth University will alternate between existing in a white void and travelling to another world. It alternates back and forth, each IC week (but two weeks OOC).

Weeks in the void will alternate between rest weeks where I have no big plot or mean things happening, and plot hijinx weeks where zany things like gender swap plots or whatever could happen. (I don't actually have a gender swap plot on my list, but as an example.)

Weeks travelling to other worlds will alternate between fandom locations and historic/generic/original locations. Just to mix things up.

So putting it all together, generally the plot will go rest week, fandom location, hijinx week, original location.

Except then I had to go and make a fifth plot category: Mythology Weeks. What the heck is that? Basically mythology weeks will be a week focused on the mystery of the college campus and give some kind of insight or clues to what the heck happened.

Which means.... fuck, I don't know what the order of plots is going to look like now because I kind of fucked up my order.

So I'm going to try and emotionally alternate things, try and keep things fresh. I'm going to try and avoid three mean plots in a row, for example. If I do a horror plot for one stretch, something lighter or sillier will hopefully follow.

And while I have not quite a year's worth of plot on my spreadsheet, none of it is set in stone. So if you have something in mind, pitch it to me! Want it to be a consequence of your character's actions? Great! I love those kinds of plots!

There's not going to be a whole lot of slice of life in this game. There is going to be a lot of action and WTFery. I really hope you enjoy! I really want to accommodate your characters getting to do cool things! (Provided, you know, they don't blow holes in the game.)

I don't really know how to close this. So, thank you for reading my super hyped ramble this far. I'm looking forward to the 15th! :D

Dec. 29th, 2020




→ Hi! Thanks for joining the game!

→ I think most people are going to wait until closer to the game's official opening (Jan 15th) to post OOC intros. In the meantime, we're partying on discord. The link to the discord is in the player page and welcome message.

→ The IC/OOC event is happening now. (Link in the welcome message or peek at the IC community.) It's friend locked because we're super mysterious and cool like that.

→ It does count toward AC. January is a short month due to the late game start and so if you want your AC prizes, you may wanna get a jump on that.

HINT: YOU MIGHT NOT WANNA SPEND YOUR AC UNTIL YOU SEE THE PLOT HAPPENING JANUARY 29TH. Normally AC rewards and where the campus goes won't matter, but there is a little extra something planned you can use AC toward on the Jan 29th plot.

→ Normally I'd give a plot hint for upcoming weeks, but that's gunna be your hint.

→ Let me know if you have questions!