Posts Tagged: 'player:+becky'

Sep. 8th, 2022




Becky here.

Mobius is back! A different Mobius! But also MCU canon! Mobius Number Three!

He's coming in the middle of Westworld week. Because of this, he didn't get cowboy clothes and the park initially mistakes him for an intruder. MCU!Loki (who he is pretty sure is a new Cowboy Loki variant) is doing the initial rescue but he may need some help hiding out on the Derleth campus or whatever.

Log incoming, depending on how fast we crank it out, his netpost may come first. He's confused because security snatched him up before he could read Eliot's paper airplane. Whoops.

Anyways, I am here for all your plotting. ♥

Jul. 27th, 2022



New Character Alert!

Hi All,

I was struggling with Vampire!Julia, so instead, have a grumpy former footballer turned coach. No, not American football, and don't you dare call it soccer.

Roy is basically an angry muppet who swears a lot. In terms of sports, he's "ancient" and finally retired last season. Being here, as a mundane human, is going to be weird for him. Fellow mundane humans? Fellow olds? Fellow grumpy people? Come be his friend.

He's gunna need them.


PS. If you haven't seen Ted Lasso, it's the comforting show we need in these dumpster fire times. I need season three like yesterday.

PPS. I'm going to wait to bring him in until the new plot! Watch out for him come August!

Jun. 11th, 2022



I guess I should intro this idiot. <3

Becky here with Eddie Munson. Eddie is the first character to make me regret the no canon puncture rule, lol. But that's going to lead to some very important notes at the end of this to make him work so he doesn't unfairly infringe on anyone.

WHO IS EDDIE? Eddie is a metalhead and geek from the 80s who loves comic books, Lord of the Rings, and Dungeons & Dragons. He's on attempt number three to graduate from high school. The 80s were not a great time to be into geek stuff socially and the Satanic Panic is in full force. Eddie wears his differences like a badge of honor.

ON CANON PUNCTURING. I will reference D&D when it comes to Eddie, it's pretty central to who he is, but he will have no idea anyone is a TTRPG character. AD&D is different enough from 5E that I don't think he'd automatically make that connection anyway. Vecna is going to be weird because Critical Role also has a Vecna character, but I think we can chalk it up to an AU version rather than "a fictional character that's real". It's a fuzzy line, please talk to me if you have concerns and we can work it out. Eddie's D&D club, The Hellfire Club, is now just a funny coincidence of Eddie playing into the Satanic Panic rather than a nod to the Marvel Comics.

I think that's it. Enjoy!

May. 7th, 2022



New Character Alert!

Becky here. Meet Julia! I didn't mean to collect Julias but this Julia is Polish and her name is technically pronounced YU-lia rather than JU-lia.

She's the main character of the visual novel (aka video game) Vampire: the Masquerade - Shadows of New York. She's a vampire like Carver and Mal, but she has her own quirks/powers/weaknesses like not being able to see her own reflection and technology not working around her. Since the network is magic, she can use that, but it won't be able to capture her image so no one using the network will be able to tell what she looks like.

I'm excited to bring her in for this plot, there's some vampire stuff that might sound like latin to some people, but there's some non-vampire plot stuff in there, too.

Empire City Plot Stuff )

Okay, so for normal game plotting after this plot:
  • Unlike Mal or Carver, Julia will have no problem on feeding people directly. It's a very pleasant experience and can get addictive, so... Let me know if that's something you want to plot. Julia isn't as thoughtful as those two.

  • Speaking of feeding, Julia spends blood on stuff to... use her lungs to smoke cigarettes. Kinda seems like a waste? She tends to use her abilities more regularly, which means she needs to feed more often than Mal or Carver likely do. Again, she's not as thoughtful as they've been.

  • She can't see herself in the mirror. She's probably going to look for someone that can do her hair and makeup. It's a sore subject for her. We'll see who she vibes with.

  • Without giving too much away, the "real" Julia is no longer associated with the Cam. Cam or Anarch, she doesn't really care who you're with. She's pretty over all of it.

  • She sees ghosts. That might be a thing on campus. Fellow ghost-seeing people? What's up. Sometimes the ghosts help her. Sometimes the ghosts puppet her. Oops. That could be bad. Sorry in advance.

Let's plot!

Feb. 2nd, 2022




Becky here. I brought this lady back. I'll intro her this weekend.

I played her briefly in this game before, but she's getting a fresh slate.

Please be her friend.

Jun. 30th, 2021



New character, who dis?

Hi all. This is Becky with my sixth and final character (unless Black Widow or Shang-Chi make me reconsider my current cast list. I don't pretend to be strong, okay.)

This is Stevie Universe. She's a genderswapped version of Steven Universe just because I couldn't find a PB I liked, and Maisie has the eyebrows and the right vibe. But honestly, the character reads as nonbinary to me (like Rebecca Sugar and the Crystal Gems, Stevie uses she/her pronouns).

Folks, if you have seen this entire show, Khushi is just watching it now and on season two. Stevie is from the end of the prologue series Steven Universe Future. So please lets not spoil anything and I'll be sure to mark spoiler warnings when appropriate for all IC stuff.

So what can I say?

She's sixteen and raised mostly by aliens and her homeless but supporting father who lives in a van. She never had a formal education or went to a doctor. She's not college bound. She's half human and half gem/alien. She has a stupid amount of powers.

For you MCU folks, she gives of HUGE Steve Rogers vibes. Not only is her name Stevie, she fights with a pink shield with a rose at the center, and she's always been the leader of her motley crew of rebel alien resistance fighters. Please take her under your wing.

Also, for you other teen characters:

Please be her friend. TEEN SQUAD!

May. 29th, 2021



New Character Coming Soonish

Hello All!

Becky here with character number five. This is Amalia True, who is probably going to confuse people. She's from 1899, but maybe it's because she gets glimpses or "ripplings" of the future, she's not going to struggle with modern tech and seem a bit anachronistic.

She's almost Sherlock Holmes-y, being fighty but also very posh, and smart when it comes to figuring shit out. She's not a world class detective, she just runs an orphanage Charles Xavier style with Penance Adair, and the fact that all these ladies have powers means a lot of different people in London are lined up against them for one reason or another.

Please feel free to ask her over and over again if she's seen any sign of the next world everyone is going to be going to. She's gunna love that. >>

I enjoyed this show and recommend it. (But also I think it's better being spoiled by the episode six twist, but if you don't wanna be spoiled don't look at her app or icons. >>) I hope you guys love the super srs Mrs. True who as proper as she seems, has some very improper tendencies, particularly with the other sex. She's not sorry about it.

I'll bring her into the game probably Day Two of the upcoming plot, just so I can focus on getting the new plot up and running first and focus on finishing that up.


May. 3rd, 2021




Eliot has a black eye throughout the week, if anyone wishes to comment on it. It'll be pretty much healed up by the end of the week. He may be trying to avoid certain people to hide this fact. Ahem.

Apr. 2nd, 2021



[No Subject]

Ahem. By the way, I snuck Harley Quinn into the game. I'd say play with her, but lbr, she's gunna do that whether you want her to or not. Especially if you don't want her to.

Jan. 30th, 2021



The Doctor is in.

Hi all, this is Becky with my final character.

This is the eighth doctor from Doctor Who. I had a longtime PSL with Dy (♥) which we called the "MC-Who" where the Doctor was part of, you guessed it, the MCU. Pre-Cap Steve Rogers was her companion until she realized he was kind of important and had to mindwipe and put him back in his timeline. Nearly all my PBs for this Doctor's generations were Doctor Who companions because those actresses were amazing and could have easily played the lead. (Jenna Coleman was Ten, Karen Gillian was Eleven, etc.)

Anyway, not super relevant because this isn't the MCWho version. This is just The Doctor. Who happens to be a lady instead of a dude. Also her whole history is simplified because I don't have time to read 73 novels or all the audio dramas. Just assume she's been on adventures and travelled with people from time to time.

Eight is more elegant, her style is a bit Victorian, she's more of a romantic than her other regenerations, and there are certain moral compromises she just cannot bring herself to make (which will eventually be her downfall and lead to The War Doctor).

She thinks you're all great and doing your best, and she's here to help do her best, too.

Lines? :D

Jan. 8th, 2021



Becky is open for plotting.

Hi all! Becky here. I'm super excited to do this thing, and quite frankly need the distraction. So, let's do the plotting thing. A brief intro to all my characters.

Eliot Waugh

JOURNAL: [info]professorwaugh
SOURCE: The Magicians, post canon
DORM HALL: Butler Hall
ROOMMATE: Carol Danvers
Eliot Waugh had perhaps the least happy ending out of the entire cast of The Magicians. Since season five doesn't come out on Netflix until the 15th, that's all I'll say about that. He's currently a professional sad sack, making a living as a professor of magic at Brakebills, drinking his way through most of his classes. He will have the enchanted flask of alcohol on him. Yes, he will share. Despite being fairly depressed about his lot in life, he's social and on occasion can show leadership when he actually has to.

Julia Wicker

JOURNAL: [info]juliawicker
SOURCE: The Magicians, late S2
DORM HALL: Carter Hall
ROOMMATE: Tony Stark
I've played a lot of different Julias it feels like. The one Julia I haven't played is shadeless!Julia. In season two, Julia loses a piece of her soul that's responsible for things like guilt, regret, pain, love. So if she seems only barely human, she kinda only is. I think the lines I'm looking for for Julia are those willing to take advantage of the fact she can carry out just about anything without remorse and those willing to be a check on her.

Julia's going to start the game mad because in the final week if the IC/OOC event, she tried to avoid getting trapped on the campus by being halfway around the world. It didn't work.

Dahj Asha

JOURNAL: [info]dahj
SOURCE: Star Trek: Picard, episode one
DORM HALL: Butler Hall
ROOMMATE: Moonshine Cybin
Dahj is going through an identity crisis. She's only just found out she's not human, but a synthetic or android in a flesh and blood body. All of her memories are simply programming. For being from the year 2399, she's still about a thousand years ahead of her time technologically speaking, thanks to stolen technology of another ahead of his time android, Data. Please be her friend. She is tiny, afraid, and can fite like a pint sized terminator.

Dahj doesn't believe magic is real and thinks there's a scientific explanation for all of this. It might take her a while to figure out it's not a simulation.


JOURNAL: [info]booed
SOURCE: The Witcher, season one
DORM HALL: Butler Hall
ROOMMATE: Wanda Maximoff
Jaskier is a bard. He will sing to you. He will sing about you. He wants to hear all your stories. He will get into trouble and need help. He's fussy about a certain Witcher that said mean things to him and they're not on the best terms right now. He will most certainly fumble to hit on all ladies he is not currently roommates with. He will happily and privately enjoy your company somewhere discretely. He's kind of an idiot and will be your friend whether you want him to or not.

Jaskier will be seeing The Void for the first time in game and it will really hit him that he's not on "The Continent" back home. He may, understandably, panic a bit.

HMU for plot, lines and fun! ♥

Dec. 29th, 2020




→ Hi! Thanks for joining the game!

→ I think most people are going to wait until closer to the game's official opening (Jan 15th) to post OOC intros. In the meantime, we're partying on discord. The link to the discord is in the player page and welcome message.

→ The IC/OOC event is happening now. (Link in the welcome message or peek at the IC community.) It's friend locked because we're super mysterious and cool like that.

→ It does count toward AC. January is a short month due to the late game start and so if you want your AC prizes, you may wanna get a jump on that.

HINT: YOU MIGHT NOT WANNA SPEND YOUR AC UNTIL YOU SEE THE PLOT HAPPENING JANUARY 29TH. Normally AC rewards and where the campus goes won't matter, but there is a little extra something planned you can use AC toward on the Jan 29th plot.

→ Normally I'd give a plot hint for upcoming weeks, but that's gunna be your hint.

→ Let me know if you have questions!