Posts Tagged: 'player:+dawn'

Aug. 12th, 2022





IDK what I did without this complete asshole on my roster to be honest. I have missed him since I dropped him, so now I'm bringing his stupid ass back. He has been updated to the end of season 5 (hello crybaby backstory reveal) and will remember his time here in Derleth. (Hopefully, they don't run into any of those worlds where he might have impregnated anyone)

So the thing we Rick and Morty fans suspected was true turned out to be true and so much sadder than we thought. (tw: lots of murder, including a child, alcoholism and war scenes. All cartoon and not particularly graphic. After showing this to Morty, they escaped the Citadel with Rick promising to make their relationship more equal. He'd realized that their relationship was really toxic and wanted better for Morty. So that's the upside; they're more on equal footing. The downside is: you're not that one specific Morty so he'll be a dick!

And he'll supply you with drugs and alcohol that he'll make.

I would apologize to Thor for the mess in their dorm room, but he wouldn't care.


Aug. 8th, 2022



dumb dumb.

I renamed an old journal to Robin's, but I did it the wrong way around, so everything before now is going to said ex-whysosens861. Oops. She's still here.

Aug. 6th, 2022




Hey everyone.

I'm sorry I've slacked the last few week. Thursday, I had to let my precious Angel baby go, and I've been a wreck since. Before then even because she was sick. I'm working on distracting myself so if anyone wants to do comment wars (IDK if I have the brains for logs) or if I've missed something, please let me know.

Jun. 11th, 2022




Hello! Dawn here. I had a hard time getting a niche for Nebula, so I decided to swap out for everyone's favorite Stranger Things lesbian, Robin Buckley. Robin is a senior in high school, weird as fuck, and sadly, very in the closet. The 80s were not a great time for anyone who was gay, with the AIDS crisis, and coming from a small town, Robin is very very in the closet. The only person who knows is Steve Harrington, and he is keeping it close to his chest and she is so grateful for that. It's going to be a little bit of a struggle for her to realize that so many people here are not just queer, but OUT about it.

Robin is also just flat out weird. She tried really hard to fit in for a while there, but then decided it wasn't making her happy, she was just trying to run away, so she decided to just be her. As much as she could without getting too noticed and bullied for it. She's a band nerd, a theater nerd, and a movie nerd.

She speaks several languages and can pick up others pretty easily when she sets her mind to it. She's a weird runner (but not quite as weird as Tom Cruise, thanks), hates all the itchy clothing of the 80s (me too, Robin, me too), and is coming in with the others at the same time. She currently smells like nasty lake water and Upside Down (which is kind of a burnt sulphur/rot smell so yum). She will definitely want a shower and some food. They've been on one hell of an interdimensional journey.

She is rooming with VAX, but she is going to be a chatty Cathy to everyone so yeah. :D

May. 22nd, 2022




HELLO. This is Dawn. I decided to reboot Margo, starting fresh from the end of the series, with an AU twist. Instead of sleeping with Josh to keep him from killing/assaulting someone during the Quickening, she used the Margolem that had been in Todd's closet for seasons in her place. It worked for a little bit, but ultimately, the werewolf std couldn't transfer and killed the golem. Margo went into a tiny magical coma for a bit. Then pretty much everything else went like normal, except Margo never became a werewolf, and her and Josh did not get together.

She is coming from New Fillory, about to retrieve all the Fillorian people from the snowglobe. The snowglobe came with her, however, it is empty since they were all disperse in New Fillory before she was taken.

She's ready to make some new friends.

Feb. 3rd, 2022




Hi so, I completely forgot to introduce Cirilla of Cintra and now I'm bringing in Ahsoka Tano. So here's a little about each one and what point in canon they come from and their mindsets.

CIRILLA (AKA CIRI AKA sometimes Fiona when she's trying to hide who she is) was the princess of Cintra, one of the most prosperous kingdoms in the North Continent of the Witcher. Ciri is what is known as a Source, meaning she is elven and has Elder Blood and unlimited magical potential. Without training and guidance, however, she will inevitably fall into catatonia or something worse. Geralt, the Witcher, saved her father when her grandmother tried to kill him (because he was cursed to look like a hedgehog man) when he tried to claim the Law of Surprise for Pavetta, Queen Calanthe's daughter. Geralt refused to take the child — first because he believed destiny was BS and second because he'd only claimed the Law of Surprise as a joke. Until they found out Pavetta was pregnant immediately after. Now, Ciri has been living with the Witchers (so very few of them) in Kaer Morhen, training like a Witcher and trying to learn about her magical powers. Unfortunately, her powers draw attention from all over because it's basically UNLIIIIIIIIIIIMITED POOOOOOOOWER. So monsters and bad people and stuff are always after her. I deeply apologize for future incidents revolving around her scream. It's been known to shatter unshatterable things. Ciri is used to uncouth men who drink a lot and are kind of gross. She wasn't really a huge fan of all the pageantry of court life. Yennefer is her current guardian and is teaching her magic. In her canon, people who are drawn to power are... you know, drawn to power. So feel free to have people notice something OFF about her.

AHSOKA TANO is from Star Wars, was a commander in the Republic military's 501st before she was framed for a Jedi temple bombing. She left the Order to work things out on her own, and then ended up having to capture Maul for Mandalore. During the trek back, the clones — including Rex — all turned on her during Order 66. The ship went down, all the clones except Rex were killed, and Ahsoka faked hers and Rex's death. She spent the next 18 years in hiding and helping Bail Organa form the Rebellion in the form of Fulcrum. As the first fulcrum, she was the original secretive operative working behind the scenes for intel. She went against Darth Vader way before Rogue One and actually lived (surprise), but that was because Ezra Bridger pulled her out in a weird time construct thing. Yeah. Anyway, so Ahsoka continued working behind the scenes, hiding her Jedi knowledge until after the Empire came down. There's more but for now, this is all I'll say. Ahsoka is extremely friendly and will be offering up any services she can to help out. She'll also be familiar with Hoth, though she wasn't here during this battle.


Nov. 20th, 2021




I'm so sorry that I didn't get this up the other day, but I had a hell week at work which killed my desire to do anything.

So Natasha spent all of the first day delegating and getting supplies, clothing, medical attention, and sleeping items for the new arrivals. Anyone who didn't have someone offer to put them up in their dorm room is welcome to stay in Armitage Hall. The smaller classrooms have been fitted with four mattress, space for clothing and items, and are arranged for maximum space for each person. They were also given privacy screens they found from various places around the campus. It's not perfect, but it's something.

Poke me for anything else.

Sep. 17th, 2021



[No Subject]

I posted this on the hiatus page, but in case you don't get it:

TIMEFRAME • 9/18-9/26 - I have to go home for a family emergency. I will have access to my iPad, but I may and likely will be slow.

CHARACTER(S) • Rick Sanchez, Sylvie Laufeydottir, Natasha Romanoff, Wynonna Earp, aaaaaand Yennefer.
LINE(S) • Rick'll be doing his normal locking himself in the science room (Becky, Julia will have the Meeseeks box so she can get a new one every time she needs someone to do something for her, also assume he's checking in with Dahj). Wynonna is going through tw: alcoholism withdrawals again. I'm sorry, Dan. That'll be gone with the next plot because I have a plot hijinks AC for her to use so she doesn't have to keep being hungover. Yennefer is often on floors 2 and 3, doing what appears to be meditation but highly agitated if you bother her. Consider Natasha out and about and checking in with people. If Sylvie is not with the other Lokis (or Mobius), then she's probably hiding in her room. Last week really took a toll.

DM or email me for questions.

Jul. 28th, 2021



Introducing Sylvie!


Dawn with my sixth character. Whooooooa. Honestly, not surprised. However, I am surprised that I'm doing this woman. This is Sylvie, and as you can tell by her username, she's a LOKI. A Loki who purged the name and (tried to purge) some of the traits. She was Spoilers for the Loki show )

Sylvie is coming from the last moment we see her on screen, as you can tell from the intro that was posted. She's in room 407 with Talia Wagner, Eliot Spencer, and Steve Rogers. Every Cap gets a Loki! She's super distrustful and paranoid so being her friend won't be easy. Just be annoying, like Loki!

Jun. 18th, 2021



Introducing Dolores!

Introducing Dolores!

No, not that one. THIS one.

This is a robot who gained sentience and went on a rampage against the men and women who used her as a thing and did all the nastiest things you could do to a person. Except they never saw her as people so oops. She's got a thing about freedom and free will, as in she desperately wanted it, and she wants everyone to have it. Not just super rich people with all the control. She even sacrificed herself for it.

With that said, she is coming from the point where she SHOULD he erased, but will be waking up here. She's also currently inhabiting a Generation One host, which means that there's not a lot of blood, if any at all, and she's HEAVY as hell. Basically, there's some nice skin over everything metal. Think Terminator, but one day, I will get a Generation Two host body for her which is almost entirely organic in a lot of ways.

ANYWAY, she will be waking up without her memories, so she will default to Season 1 sweet, rancher's daughter Dolores -- even though she'll be coming in with season 3 Dolores black clothes on her. She doesn't have a roommate at the moment, so I'd like for her to wake up somewhere in the Green, if anyone would be open for a log. Doesn't have to be a long one.

Thanks for listening!

Dec. 29th, 2020




→ Hi! Thanks for joining the game!

→ I think most people are going to wait until closer to the game's official opening (Jan 15th) to post OOC intros. In the meantime, we're partying on discord. The link to the discord is in the player page and welcome message.

→ The IC/OOC event is happening now. (Link in the welcome message or peek at the IC community.) It's friend locked because we're super mysterious and cool like that.

→ It does count toward AC. January is a short month due to the late game start and so if you want your AC prizes, you may wanna get a jump on that.

HINT: YOU MIGHT NOT WANNA SPEND YOUR AC UNTIL YOU SEE THE PLOT HAPPENING JANUARY 29TH. Normally AC rewards and where the campus goes won't matter, but there is a little extra something planned you can use AC toward on the Jan 29th plot.

→ Normally I'd give a plot hint for upcoming weeks, but that's gunna be your hint.

→ Let me know if you have questions!