July 15th, 2022



[No Subject]

Well hello again, it's me Artemis making more bad wonderful choices. I bring you Commander Shepard from the Mass Effect franchise. For those who played the games, he's got the Colonist + Sole Survivor background aka angst central. He's also a vanguard so he tends to favor an SMG and to biotically charge into the enemy (maybe a bit of an adrenaline junkie). He made mostly paragon choices (if you're curious which ones, I detailed them under the history section) with a sprinkling of renegade for flavor.

He's coming to us straight after Priority: Rannoch in ME3, and he just brokered peace between the geth and quarians, which is a big fucking deal, so he's in a considerably better mood than he could have been had he come from later on in the game. Really looking forward to seeing how he gets along with the other spacefaring and captain-y folk -- I'll probably introduce him with the next plot since we're wrapping the IC week up shortly!