March 13th, 2022



The Future of No Exits!


I mentioned this in our one year post that the game is going to be evolving. I wanted to take the time to ramble about that more here. Please feel free to message me or ask me any questions with concerns!

During this transition you'll notice the plots between now and the "backdoor pilots" as I call them are going to be simpler and easier to run. I'm trying to write and develop three full landing pads for the game, so that's where my focus and plotting has been.

  1. Transitioning the format of the game. For the majority of this year, the game will continue as normal; travelling two times a month, equaling two IC weeks. However I'd like to transition from a "Hell Adjacent" model (the format of the game now) to a "Displaced" model. Displaced is a game Dawn ran for 5 years that had an "anchor" world, but also travelled and explored other places for part of the year. I think that's going to help the overall longevity of the game. As long as you guys are happy to play here, I'm happy to keep this sandbox going!

  2. Backdoor Pilots. So what is our "anchor" world going to look like? I've come up with three options that I want you, the players to vote on! I'm also going to give a vague description of all three. If there is something missing you'd like to pitch to me, there's still time to add one or two more pilot options.

    • Option One (May 1 -15). This is the plot Mobius and company are working toward: creating a new sacred timeline everyone belongs in. It will primarily take place in a NYC type metropolis. Everyone will have their regular memories + new sacred timeline memories as if they've always belonged in this combined singular canon. The world's tech is near future, with aliens, magic and superheroes, similar to a comic book kind of world.

    • Option Two (June 15 - 30). This plot is going to start off as mostly normal. Derleth appears to have "fallen asleep" for 100 years and grown into it's own fairyland style reality. The Green is huge now. Everyone wakes up sleeping beauty style in the now ruins of Derleth. It's almost a post-apocalyptic format of the game where characters need to work together for survival, but with a fantasy Narnia circa The Magicians Nephew kind of flavor. Instead of the world ending and trying to rebuild, this world has just started and is trying to develop it's identity. Instead of fighting mutants and zombies, it'll be more fighting fairies and curses. Characters have the opportunity to develop into archetypal fairytale roles, both heroes and villains.

    • Option Three (August 1 - 15). Much simpler than the first two options, a sentient city in its own pocket dimension has gotten lonely and snatched up Derleth, wanting the residents to keep it company. The city is filled with "fake" people of its own creation and will do its best to keep everyone happy and occupied. (Spoiler Alert: the city is very misguided.) This is what I call the "We Coexist" model game. Travel will happen when characters try to escape its clutches.

  3. Balancing plot, developing character lines, fighting Slice of Life-itis.

    • Why change the formula? I want to ensure the long term success of the game. While I love coming up with and writing plot, I don't want plot to get in the way of developing lines. The current format I think gets in the way of characters being able to set up individual long term goals.

    • Anchor world vs travel? I haven't figured out the balance yet. The game will likely travel 2 to 3 times per year on a six month or four month cycle. There will be IC reasons for it. (Option One could be threats to the sacred timeline. Option Two could be fairy deals made. Option three could be attempting to escape the sentient city, etc.)

    • Will the game become Slice of Life? I have nothing against Slice of Life games, but I am a plot minded person. I think there are elements of slice of life that are useful for character development/developing lines (getting a job, figuring out what to do in a new world), but I plan on organizing the anchor worlds in plot arcs, like a "season" of telivsion where their may be a big bad to face off, etc, to keep the game fresh and active.

So when are we going to an anchor world?
The end of the year. The exact timing is going to depend on plot, what we've voted for, and how much I need to prepare in advance.

How is voting going to work?
It will be a poll on a paid account. Other than that, I don't have any decisions made about how the voting is going to work.

Can we switch anchor worlds?
There may be opportunities for that in the future! (Or perhaps we just revisit them in a normal travelling plot.) It really depends on what's going to help players interact with the game and keep it going best.

The second world seems really off brand for the game.
Fun fact: this game was almost a hotel run by fairies, but there was another panfandom hotel game that sprung up while I was developing it. You can check out the game that almost was at [info]thegoodfellow. But mostly with a "near future" city type setting, a TBD time period type city setting, I wanted a pretty different alternative.

Would you use an existing fandom for an anchor world as another backdoor pilot?
No. I find those games "favor" characters from that fandom and creatively feel more limiting to me. I'd rather create an original world that gives everyone equal footing, allows for me to do whatever I want, and leaves surprises for everyone.

Will one IC week = half a month OOC on the anchor world?
TBD! I'd like your feedback if you think the same slowed down time frame is appealing in a single setting or not.

I want to give you an idea for an anchor world!
Message me! It does have to be an idea I'm willing to run long term, but I'm open to your ideas.

I have a question! Feedback! Or just wanna say how excited I am. (Or concerned. That's valid, too.)
Please leave a comment! Or message me.