October 15th, 2021




Hello! So I totally was the first to cross this line which was... not surprising. I've been trying to find a place to play her, and I'm terribad about multiple games.

SO this is Kate Bishop, 616 flavor. She's been a superhero for a good chunk of time and started off in the Young Avengers along with Billy Kaplan! Unlike the rest of the Young Avengers, Kate does not have super powers. She spent years training with weapons, hand-to-hand, and her bow and arrow due to something that happened to her. After the Young Avengers broke up, she and Clint Barton teamed up and did some stuff. There might even be a Disney + show inspired by it.

Then she went to the west coast and eventually, did some work for SHIELD. Opened her own Hawkeye Investigations. And then started using West Coast Avengers. Got on TV a bit for it, got a sweet new work/office space aaaaand showed up here.

She's going to hate that Loki (616) is here, so expect snipping. For most other people, she can expect a friendly face, memes, and well.. sarcasm because that's my love language.



Revealing the plot for the rest of 2021.

Alright folks,

We're getting into the holiday season. Traditionally RP can slow down, especially in December, so I wanted to reveal what I had in store for the rest of the year. December especially will be lighter, sillier plots, so we can all just be a little goofy and use game to destress during what can be a very stressful time.

Okay, with that out of the way, onto the next four plots*!

(November 1 - 15)
What it says on the tin: New York in the early 80s, when crime rates were high and gentrification wasn't a thing. While this world lacks native magic, superheroes, vampires, werewolves, etc, your powers and abilities will still work. On day four there will be a full moon.

(November 16 - 30)
Some of you were in Dawn's game [info]thedisplaced and know the drill. Essentially players will get the opportunity to NPC or try out characters for a plot. Give your characters some resolution with temporary lines that have little chance of being filled or try to decide if you really wanna pick up that extra character or not. Details will be coming this upcoming week or so with rules and the sign up.

(December 1 -15)
I honestly didn't mean to plan this around the new update but hey, whatever works? Derleth will be going to the digital world of Animal Crossing. Yes, your character will look like a weird Animal Crossing avatar (either human or animal, you pick). Tom Nook can saddle you up with debt and you can go around shaking trees for furniture and catching bugs for money. It'll be weird af.

(December 16 - 31)
Really it should be vampires vs werewolves vs humans. For this plot 1/3 of the characters will be vampires, 1/3 werewolves, and 1/3 humans. You are strongly encouraged to change which team your character plays on if they're one of those three categories already. Think early 2000s goth Underworld. It's going to be completely ridiculous. Vampires will start out pretty hungry and there will be three nights of a full moon to make sure things don't stay boring. Sign up, vampire & werewolf rules, coming sometime before the plot.

*I don't expect the plots to change but if something weird in the RL came up that makes a certain plot a bad idea, (wealmostwenttoHothbutthenTexasfrozeover) I'll try to give you as much warning as I can if something needs to change. Thanks.