August 2nd, 2021



[No Subject]

Hi everyone, I'm Noah and I'm new here. UH. Idk what to say about me. So I'll just talk about Ash.

If you've never seen the Evil Dead movies OR Ash vs Evil Dead, I feel sad about that. Mostly because Ash is the best and most idiotic old guy I know. He'll show up in the dorm, I assume so as to avoid immediate DEATH. So sorry, roomies b/c he's covered in both blood and dirt and is slighty concussed b/c what is life? He's from the last episode of Ash vs Evil Dead season 3 and so he was just dropped in a tank and had a giant demon fall on top of him. It's been a ride.

He will, unfortunately, not be quiet until he realizes wtf is happening and that's Per Bruce Campbell, Ash is a bad slow thinker and a good fast thinker. So he's got thinking on his feet down pretty good and can mostly plan some stuff out when he needs to. He can also build things when necessary. He's got him boomstick, but sadly evil!Ruby broke his chainsaw hand. Don't remind him. He's still very upset about it.

I believe he's living with Delores, May, and Data, so I apologize a little. Will he probably hit on May and Delores? Yes. Can they punch him? Also yes.



[No Subject]

Hello everyone! I'm Sara and I'm also new though I've written with some of you before. I'm bringing in Eleanor Shellstrop from The Good Place. She's coming in from the end of season one. Eleanor can be loud so this is a great scenario for her to land in. lol. She'll show up in her dorm and hopefully will be told very quickly to keep her mouth shut. (I'm totally open for logging this if someone's down.)

If you don't know the show, Eleanor is dead, and she finds herself in the afterlife. The Good Place to be exact. She quickly realizes there's been a mistake and she isn't who they think she is, and she's not meant to be there. She's uh, not the best human that's ever lived, but she decides she's gonna try before she gets found out and sent to the Bad Place. It's a trip. Anyway, she's on her way to becoming a better person but thrown into a new situation like this? Anything is possible.

As for me, I'm currently on vacation but driving home tomorrow, so I'll wait until I'm home to intro Eleanor ICly. Looking forward to it!