May 4th, 2021




On the player page there is a link to the AC rewards.

For each month you have three pieces of AC, you can claim little monthly rewards for your character. You must request the reward on the AC reward page for it to count.

On the activity spreadsheet, there is a space for you the player to track what rewards you have picked for your character. This is optional. However, you do not get the reward if you do not submit it to the AC reward page first.

I'm also going to reorganize the rewards page so the comments are easier to search going forward. If you need to pick up backdated rewards for your character, comment under this header. If you'd like to redeem a reward for your May AC, comment under this header.

Make sense? Anyone have questions?




Sweeney is quietly losing it and seeking his solace in alcohol, so please imagine a lot of 'aw, he almost made it to his room' shenanigans in the late hours of the morning this week.

One of the buildings around the Green will also have 'I WAS A KING' in big and lazy letters graffiti on one of its walls.