01 January 2011 @ 05:09 pm
HoHoHo fest | Anon Masterlist + Guessing Game!  

Before we get to reveals, let's have a bit of fun, yeah? First, to help you with the guessing game, here's a list of all HoHoHoFest gifts!

HoHoHo Fest Anonymous Masterlist
Only One Thing To Do - VID (Deniz/Roman/Marc; PG-13/R *NWS*) for [info]samedy

Icons Galore - ICONS (Deniz, Roman, Marc, Florian, various) for [info]fanatic03_99

Run Like Hell - FIC (Roman/Deniz, Deniz/other(s); PG) for [info]aldiara

Bed Scenes - FIC (Vanessa/Nina; Teen) for [info]aldiara

Slayer - Love Hurts (And Then The Mop Goes Into The Dragon) - FIC (Deniz/Roman, Marc, Isabelle, Tom, Vanessa, Florian, Marian; NC-17) for [info]ktbob

Icons - ICONS (Tim, Mike, Nina, Marc, Roman, Deniz,Jenny/Roman, Dr Hase, various) for [info]klutzerina

you wanted kissing in the rain - FIC (Nina/Vanessa, *R*) for [info]alsha

Damaging This Apartment - VID (DeRo, Marc) for [info]vitacrudelis

Entscheidungen - FIC (Roman/Marc, Erwähnung Deniz; PG; Language:German) for [info]placebo_effect

New In Town - FIC (Deniz/Roman, Marian/Jennifer, Annette/Ingo; R; *AU*) for ALL FEST PARTICIPANTS

Icons - ICONS (Deniz/Roman/Marc, Simone/Florian, Roman/Axel,various) for [info]amberbluebell

Roses and Cinnamon - FIC (Simone/Max; PG) for [info]graspthethorn

Eye on Essen - FIC (Tom/Flo, Vanessa/OC, Deniz/Roman, plus others; R) for [info]4nn4

Fragments - FIC & ART (Isabelle/OC; PG) for [info]lilithilien

Do Not Disturb - FIC (Deniz/Roman, Marc; R) for [info]amilee123

knock out (love is like a car crash) - VID (Mike/Lars) for [info]redcouchaddict

Snoggage, Angst and Other Randomness - ICONS (Deniz/Roman, Roman/Marc, Flo/Frank, Axel/Luna, Deniz/Vanessa) for [info]antiteb

Truth Begins - FIC (RoMarc; NC-17) for [info]amyriadfthings

Shiny Icons - ICONS (Deniz, Roman, DeRo, RoMarc, plus others) for [info]melliferra

Rock 'n' Roll Dreams Come True - FIC (Deniz/Roman, and...???; PG-13) for Dechro

A Family Affair - FIC (Isabelle/Ben/Tom; NC-17) for All Participants

Looking Glass Self - FIC (Jenny, MaJe, PG) for [info]notoriouslyuniq

Hit over the Head - FIC (Roman, Axel; PG-13) for [info]wildepet

One Day in Essen/Icons - GRAPHICS/ICONS (Deniz/Roman, Ben/Tom, Ceramnic Stovetop, Vanessa, Annette, Lena) for [info]hannah_dee

Instant Gratification - FIC (Axel/Axel's hand, Axel/?; NC-17) for [info]spaghettitoes

it's you (walking ~dramatically~) - VID (AWZ dramatic walkers) for [info]sdk

Pandora - FIC (Deniz/Roman; Adult) for [info]geekchick1013

Five Times Marc Hagendorf Called Roman Wild - FIC (Marc, Roman, Jenny, René; Gen) for [info]giorgiakerr

Guessing Game

Now keep in mind when you're filling out the poll that all participants received a gift, so you can use the usernames above as a guide. However, because we had a couple of drops, two of the above participants created two gifts, so it might get a bit tricky. ;) Note: You don't have to be a HoHoHo Fest participant to take part in the poll; everyone is welcome to guess!

Poll is split in half because I ran out of room.

Poll #5857 HoHoHoFest Guessing Game!
Open to: All, results viewable to: None

Only One Thing To Do (VID)

Icons Galore (ICONS)

Run Like Hell/Bed Scenes (FIC)

Slayer - Love Hurts (FIC)

Icons for klutzerina (ICONS)

you wanted kissing in the rain (FIC)

Damaging This Apartment (VID)

Entscheidungen (FIC)

New in Town (FIC)

Icons for amberbluebell (ICONS)

Roses and Cinnamon (FIC)

Eye on Essen (FIC)

Fragments (FIC/ART)

Do Not Disturb (FIC)

knock out (love is like a car crash) (VID)

Poll #5858 HoHoHoFest Guessing Game! #2
Open to: All, results viewable to: None

Snoggage, Angst and Other Randomness (ICONS)

Truth Begins (FIC)

Shiny Icons (ICONS)

Rock 'n' Roll Dreams Come True (FIC)

A Family Affair (FIC)

Looking Glass Self (FIC)

Hit over the Head (FIC)

One Day in Essen/Icons (GRAPHICS/ICONS)

Instant Gratification (FIC)

it's you (walking ~dramtically~) (VID)

Pandora (FIC)

Five Times Marc Hagendorf Called Roman Wild (FIC)

We'll be back on January 7th for reveals and the results of the Guessing Game and some other fun stats! See you then!!

With much love <333333333
Your HoHoHo Fest Mods,
RedCouchAddict & Shellydkitty
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Christine: AxelSigAwesome[info]spaghettitoes on January 6th, 2011 04:41 pm (UTC)
Firstly firstingtons: You girls ROCK! You are like big rocking rocky things (I'm trying my damnest to come up with Plymouth Rock, Rock of Gilbralta, Blackpool Rock or Boat that Rocked compliments but I cannot! OMG you have rocked me out of the ability to pun!!!)

Secondly I'm doing my holiday catch-up (of all your rocky behaviour) and looking back and forth for a reveals post I have missed....THERE IS NO SUCH POST! I AM MAKING UP POSTS IN MY SLEEP NOW - THIS IS WORRYING!

Maybe I should do this guessing game thing, just wait until I've dreamt up a few more reveals posts so I can fill my answers in.

In all seriousness, you are so amazingly fabulous and this entire fest beginning and end has been magical, fabulous and restorative to so many I just can't say enough how much I adore you both for doing this.
c'mere - I feel the need to sing auld lang syne at you *mwah*
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