Christine ([info]spaghettitoes) wrote in [info]no7_awz on January 6th, 2011 at 04:41 pm
Firstly firstingtons: You girls ROCK! You are like big rocking rocky things (I'm trying my damnest to come up with Plymouth Rock, Rock of Gilbralta, Blackpool Rock or Boat that Rocked compliments but I cannot! OMG you have rocked me out of the ability to pun!!!)

Secondly I'm doing my holiday catch-up (of all your rocky behaviour) and looking back and forth for a reveals post I have missed....THERE IS NO SUCH POST! I AM MAKING UP POSTS IN MY SLEEP NOW - THIS IS WORRYING!

Maybe I should do this guessing game thing, just wait until I've dreamt up a few more reveals posts so I can fill my answers in.

In all seriousness, you are so amazingly fabulous and this entire fest beginning and end has been magical, fabulous and restorative to so many I just can't say enough how much I adore you both for doing this.
c'mere - I feel the need to sing auld lang syne at you *mwah*
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