Feb. 27th, 2018


WHO: Maggie and open, or Sookie and open. Pick one :)
WHERE: Bar, join one of them for a drink.
WARNINGS: possible mentions of bad ex behaviour through the rift, more likely drinking and being affected by the alcohol.
Note: If you'd like to do a drinking plot with any of my other characters, let me know.

... )

Apr. 17th, 2017


Who: Open! And Open! :)
Where: Jungle, and other areas on the island.
When: Backdated to the day after Prentiss arrived.
What: A place to thread abby attacks before the rift closes. Feel free to put up threads! Have your characters attacked! Anyone can write an abby or abbies!
Warnings: Violence, abby attacks.
Note: Kerry's still in quarantine. I used her journal because she's from that world.

Abbies )

Apr. 1st, 2017


April Fool's prank-ish.

(left out for Jay - candy 'sushi' made with green fruit roll-ups as the seaweed, rice krispies as the rice, etc.)

Feb. 27th, 2017


Who: John, Sookie, Ten and Tommy
Where: Seventh Floor
When: February 27th
What: Two technomages, a Timelord and his not-a-twin having a parley with some electricity. As you do.
Rating: Sparky

~*~*~*~*~*~ )

Feb. 9th, 2017


Who: Sookie Sully and open!
Where: Beach
What: Arrival
Warnings: None, will update if needed.

... )