Oct. 17th, 2020


Who: The Doctor, Rose, John & Twins (NPC)
Where: Beach, not far from path to the Complex
When: 10th October (after thread with Dan, and Rose & John's arrival thread)
What: Checking it really was them
Rating: TBD
Open: No

Please let them be real )

Oct. 10th, 2020


Who: John, Rose (& Twins) and OPEN
Where: Beach
When: 10th October, evening
What: Return to Nexus Island
Rating: TBD
Open: YES

Ouch )

Jan. 30th, 2018


Who: John (and Twins) and OPEN (and probably Rose later but until then...)
Where: Cafe
When: Today
What: Looking after the Twins
Rating: TBD - but John does ocassionally swear
Open: Yes - and to multiple threads!

May. 24th, 2017


Who: Jake, Jay, Sunila, Cleo, Luke, John, Zhaan and The Doctor (+ Spider!)
Where: Spider's lair - exact location but somewhere deep in the jungle and underground
When: 22nd to 28th May (indicate day in your post header)
What: Spider-napped characters dealing with being taken and attempting to stay alive (eep)
Rating: Probably high for violence, creepiness and certain characters' language
Open: Only to those listed
Notes: Remember that it is winter (think February weather for Northern Hemisphere). Characters are listed in order of capture. The Doctor was the last brought in and is probably still unconscious (and bleeding).

The lair was dank, dim and stank of rotting bodies. Bones and shrivelled husks of animals and abbies littered the floor. Some still hung, swinging in the ocassional cold breeze, in the strong silk. This was an off-white colour on the dead but wrapped around the living, it pulsed intermittanty with blue light. This pulsating light flowed down the long thick tubular strands running from the living bundles towards the hulking mustard-coloured egg sac suspended in the centre.

Those that had been taken first, although unsure of exactly what was going on, have already witnessed several abbies dying or being killed before them. Some had been sucked dry by the spider-like creature but others had just been left to die slow and rot or be eaten by smaller scavenging creatures.

With each new arrival, the first worried that the same fate as the abbies would befall them. Whispers rattle through their minds, feelings and thoughts that aren't their own fluttering through them once they awake to find themselves high up, cocooned against the wall and unable to move. Growing weaker as their energy is drained from them to feed the eggs. Always fearful that the spider would decide to 'feed' directly from them or eventually devour them to leave but a husk behind.

Feb. 27th, 2017


Who: John, Sookie, Ten and Tommy
Where: Seventh Floor
When: February 27th
What: Two technomages, a Timelord and his not-a-twin having a parley with some electricity. As you do.
Rating: Sparky

~*~*~*~*~*~ )

Jan. 21st, 2017


Who? Rose and Ten (John later)
Where? The bar
When? Backdated to the night of 13th
What? Reunion
Rating? TBD
Open? No
Soul deep )

Jan. 1st, 2017


If there had been anyone on the beach to see it, well they'd probably have run and hid as the island began to terraform and change. The landscape shifted so chaotically and rapidly that there were audible cracks and swooshes as great buildings rose from the flat ground, starting with a gleaming apartment building. The island was ready to receive its first charges.

The sky began to broil as the land settled into it's new formation. Lightening of a hundred hues split the sky. The wind screamed crazily, though the ground beneath stayed serene. There were voices that could be heard within the calls in the sky. Within seconds the cloud formation began to split, a deep void appearing, a black tunnel emerging and hitting the ground.

Within the tunnel there were images of...somewhere else.