Nov. 15th, 2020


Rift Alert!

Nexus Opening: Staircase between Food Court & Bar’s balconies
Howl Opening: Beach
Duration: Two weeks (15th to 29th November)
Arrival Rift? If so for who?: Dora and Quinn’s return

Howl is an island supposedly in the year 2020. The rift opens out onto a beach from going up or down the staircase between the food court and bar’s balconies.

There’s a large town not far from the beach with all kinds of shops and facilities that characters can get things to stock up on.

Feel free to play with the layout and decide what shops, buildings or areas are on the island of Howl. Put it in a comment here so everyone else knows :)

Oct. 6th, 2020


PLOT - Return to Nexus Island

On 21st March 2018, at 12:00 NST (Nexus Standard Time) multiple rifts opened up around the island. These rifts dragged (almost) all characters through into a realm known as the Nevernever.

Then the rifts closed. And Nexus Island became almost dormant. Rift activity, except for the odd tiny one - that wasn’t big enough to admit new arrivals - ceased.

Over two years has passed, and now on 10th October 2020, at 20:00 NST, the Nevernever rifts reopened and deposited some of the characters back onto the Island.

To the “Returned”, they have been gone for an hour. Of course, an hour in the Nevernever is definitely not an uneventful experience. What happened to them during that time? How will they react once they find out how long it has been on Nexus?

To those “Left Behind”, it has been over two years and they have been living and coping by themselves. How have they changed? What happened to them during that time? How will they react to the sudden rift activity?

With the return, Nexus Island begins to function again with its sporadic rift activity. Soon there will be “Newcomers” once more.

NB: Any characters that haven’t returned (i.e. have been dropped) can still return in the future. Players choice, they can have been deposited back into their own world for a while, or an AU!Nexus or time period etc.

Make new threads rather than posting in this one

List of Characters Involved )
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Feb. 25th, 2018


WHO: Kerry Campbell, Jason and open
WHERE: Through the rift
WHEN: Backdated to the rift plot
WARNINGS: Violence, abuse

... )

Feb. 23rd, 2018


WHO: Lacey Burrows, Rift Brent Leroy, Rift Stephen, and open!
WHERE: Through the rift.
WHEN: Way backdated to shortly after the rift was discovered.
WHAT:Running into her exes and trying not to be seen.
WARNINGS: None probably. They're sitcom characters and this is backdated to early in the rift plot.

... )

Feb. 22nd, 2018


WHO: Lisa Cuddy, rift House and rift Lucas and OPEN!
WHERE: Through the rift.
WHEN: Backdated to before the rift closed, say the 16th.
WHAT:She's lost, being stalked and a 'car accident'
WARNINGS: Car crash, potential for injuries

... )

Sep. 20th, 2017


Who: Jay, Rhiannon, Charlie, Izzy and (eventually) Edmund
Where: Narnia Rift
When: Backdated to when Jay put his comms up about new Rift (because I'm crap)
What: Exploring Narnia and finding a newbie
Rating: TBD
Open: Probably not

Feb. 3rd, 2017


Where: Potterverse 2006 Rift.
When: 20th January to 2nd February (feel free to make individual/separate threads to this one for the time period of the rift being open)
What: Supply runs. Exploration. Experiencing post-Battle of Hogwarts Potterverse.
Rating: TBD
Open: YES. Multi-threads welcome.

The portal that led back to Archie and Dora's world was still present within the beach cave. Ocassionally a glint of light would catch an edge and give the impression that something was there but for the most part it is difficult to spot.

Upon stepping through it, you find yourself no longer feeling soft sand beneath your feet but rock and dirt. You are still in a cave but it is darker, with no seabreeze wafting pleasantly through it. Archie explains that the cave is one of several in the mountains that are on the outskirts of the village of Hogsmeade - the only all-wizarding village in Britain. The same mountains that surround Hogwarts castle.

It isn't a long walk to the village but apparating would be quicker (of course, you can't apparate into Hogwarts). It is up to you if you wish to learn first hand how it feels to be 'forced through a very tight rubber tube' but do expect to throw up on your first side-along.

The Village of Hogsmeade is still a popular visit for Hogwarts students, so expect to see third to seventh years excitedly running around and probably a few Hogwarts staff in the Three Broomsticks or the Hog's Head enjoying a drink or five. The latter of which used to have a tunnel to the Room of Requirement within Hogwarts, however, this was destroyed during the Battle of Hogwarts eight years ago. There are plenty of shops and places to visit.

As well as living in Hogsmeade, Archie used to work as a barman at the Three Broomsticks before the Seconding Wizarding War so he has a good relationship with Madam Rosmerta and a lot of villagers. Which should help with supply gathering and assuring people that the newcomers are not dark wizards or some such.

Note about paths: Through hogsmeade they are paved and flat - sloping in places and most doorways are street level. The roads from Hogsmeade station towards Hogsmeade and Hogwarts are pretty flat or windy, country path style but bear in mind the carriages pulled by thestrals go along them to hogswarts so they probably aren't too bumpy. The mountain paths are probably not ideal for Jake's chair so he may have to brave side-along apparition.
Nexus side, sandy beach and sandy, little bit cobbly cave interior.

Jan. 17th, 2017


Who: Archie and OPEN
What: Arriving
Where: Potterverse = Mountain caves on the outskirts of Hogsmeade (2006, 8 years after Battle of Hogwarts) // Nexus = Cave in the main beach cliffs
When: This evening, just as night falls

Jan. 1st, 2017


If there had been anyone on the beach to see it, well they'd probably have run and hid as the island began to terraform and change. The landscape shifted so chaotically and rapidly that there were audible cracks and swooshes as great buildings rose from the flat ground, starting with a gleaming apartment building. The island was ready to receive its first charges.

The sky began to broil as the land settled into it's new formation. Lightening of a hundred hues split the sky. The wind screamed crazily, though the ground beneath stayed serene. There were voices that could be heard within the calls in the sky. Within seconds the cloud formation began to split, a deep void appearing, a black tunnel emerging and hitting the ground.

Within the tunnel there were images of...somewhere else.