Feb. 27th, 2021


Who: Anders and Max
Where: Anders and Max's place
When: 14th Feb
What: Valentine's Day and talks
Rating: Have you met these two?
Open: No

This was usually a good day right? )

Nov. 12th, 2020


Who: Anders and Max (with Archie)
Where: Bar
When: Today
What: "Helping" Archie stock-take
Rating: It's Anders and Max
Open: Maybe

They needed a rift soon... )

Nov. 2nd, 2020


Who: Max Black and Abigail Hobbs
Where: Abigail’s place
What: Medical attention
When: After their phone call
Rating: High
Open: Yep

xxxxx )

Oct. 16th, 2020


Who: Miguel, open
Where: Inside the mountain complex somewhere
When: 16th October
What: New Arrival, exploring
Rating: eh.
Open: Yes

~*~*~*~*~*~*~ )

Oct. 12th, 2020


Who: Max Black and Anders Johnson
Where: The Beach (opposite side of the Island to Rose and John)
What: Returning
When: 10/10
Rating: TBD
Open: Yep

“Well...here )

Feb. 19th, 2018


Who: Anders and Max
Where: New Rift/Land of Exes
When: 13th February
What: Checking out the new rift and possibly restocking stuff
Rating: High - look at the names ;)
Open: Probs not

Nov. 27th, 2017


Who: Anders and Max (Open to Malc and Abigail) [brief appearances from Archie cause barman ;)]
Where: Bar
When: Today, evening
What: Drinking (what else?) Maybe some talking.
Rating: High (look at the who!)
Open: To those mentioned - maybe others, depends how they feel (ask first)

Jul. 2nd, 2017


Who: Max, Anders, Lacey, Abigail, Dmitri and Malc
Where: The new kitchen
When: Backdated to 9th June
What: Max's 30th Birthday Party
Rating: High should think
Open: Nah

Feb. 5th, 2017


Who? Max, Anders, Abigail and open
Where? The apartment building
When? Backdated to his arrival
What? Reuniting
Rating? TBD
Open? No
Happiness is... )

Jan. 1st, 2017


If there had been anyone on the beach to see it, well they'd probably have run and hid as the island began to terraform and change. The landscape shifted so chaotically and rapidly that there were audible cracks and swooshes as great buildings rose from the flat ground, starting with a gleaming apartment building. The island was ready to receive its first charges.

The sky began to broil as the land settled into it's new formation. Lightening of a hundred hues split the sky. The wind screamed crazily, though the ground beneath stayed serene. There were voices that could be heard within the calls in the sky. Within seconds the cloud formation began to split, a deep void appearing, a black tunnel emerging and hitting the ground.

Within the tunnel there were images of...somewhere else.