May. 21st, 2017


Who? Harry and open
Where? The edge of the jungle
When? Backdated to when Harry put up the note
What? Team Violence assemble
Rating? TBD
Open? Yes
Something to fight )

Apr. 5th, 2017


Who: Jyn, Harry Dresden, John Crichton, Jay Sully, and open!
Where: Through the rift. If anyone wants to thread the walk over, that's cool too.
When: Backdated to after this -
Warnings: Violent Abby Encounters. Possible violence with panicking townspeople if they make it to Wayward Pines.

... )

Mar. 7th, 2017


Where: Various locations (see subthreads)
When: 3rd March
What: Forcefields Day #4
Rating: Probably high (especially with certain characters)
Open: YES. There will be subthreads for each group

Fourth day of their entrapment. Characters will be starting to panic, worry, argue amongst other things.

A new arrival is deposited onto the beach.