Nov. 1st, 2020


Who: Jay and Jake(AU)
Where: Beach, end near the jungle
When: 25th October (after texts with Jake)
What: He needed to talk to someone
Rating: TBD
Open: No

~******~ )

Oct. 12th, 2020


Who: Archie and OPEN
Where: Somewhere in the jungle
When: 10th October, evening
What: Returning... in pain
Rating: TBD
Open: YES

***** )

Jun. 21st, 2017


Who: Jake and Jay (and brief guest appearance by Tommy)
Where: Jay, Sookie and Tommy's apartment
When: Following straight on from this thread.
What: Jake is checking on Jay. He is Best Uncle Jake.

*~*~*~*~* )

Jun. 10th, 2017


Who? Sullys - Jay, Jake and Sunila in beds, other Sullys visiting
Where? Medical Center
When? 1st June
What? Visiting
Rating? ?
Open? To Sullys and Doctors

*~*~*~*~* )

May. 24th, 2017


Who: Jake, Jay, Sunila, Cleo, Luke, John, Zhaan and The Doctor (+ Spider!)
Where: Spider's lair - exact location but somewhere deep in the jungle and underground
When: 22nd to 28th May (indicate day in your post header)
What: Spider-napped characters dealing with being taken and attempting to stay alive (eep)
Rating: Probably high for violence, creepiness and certain characters' language
Open: Only to those listed
Notes: Remember that it is winter (think February weather for Northern Hemisphere). Characters are listed in order of capture. The Doctor was the last brought in and is probably still unconscious (and bleeding).

The lair was dank, dim and stank of rotting bodies. Bones and shrivelled husks of animals and abbies littered the floor. Some still hung, swinging in the ocassional cold breeze, in the strong silk. This was an off-white colour on the dead but wrapped around the living, it pulsed intermittanty with blue light. This pulsating light flowed down the long thick tubular strands running from the living bundles towards the hulking mustard-coloured egg sac suspended in the centre.

Those that had been taken first, although unsure of exactly what was going on, have already witnessed several abbies dying or being killed before them. Some had been sucked dry by the spider-like creature but others had just been left to die slow and rot or be eaten by smaller scavenging creatures.

With each new arrival, the first worried that the same fate as the abbies would befall them. Whispers rattle through their minds, feelings and thoughts that aren't their own fluttering through them once they awake to find themselves high up, cocooned against the wall and unable to move. Growing weaker as their energy is drained from them to feed the eggs. Always fearful that the spider would decide to 'feed' directly from them or eventually devour them to leave but a husk behind.

May. 18th, 2017


Who? Jake and Jay and "Oh my GOD what is that THING???"
Where? The Jungle
When? Backdated to before Tommy's text messages
What? Creeeeeeeepy craaaaaaaaaaaaaawly creeeeeeepy craaaaaawly creepycreepycrawlycrawly etc (getting captured!)
Open? nope
Rating? Gross Gross Ick.

*~*~*~*~* )

Apr. 17th, 2017


Who: Open! And Open! :)
Where: Jungle, and other areas on the island.
When: Backdated to the day after Prentiss arrived.
What: A place to thread abby attacks before the rift closes. Feel free to put up threads! Have your characters attacked! Anyone can write an abby or abbies!
Warnings: Violence, abby attacks.
Note: Kerry's still in quarantine. I used her journal because she's from that world.

Abbies )

Mar. 7th, 2017


Where: Various locations (see subthreads)
When: 28th Feb
What: Forcefields Day #1
Rating: Probably high (especially with certain characters)
Open: YES. There will be subthreads for each group

Inside the complex, flashing lights accompanied by a rhythmic warning alarm begins to sound. An electronic ‘voice’ can be heard briefly but the words are unintelligible and in a language that even the linguists amongst them can not decipher.

The force-fields (once characters find them) are see-through unless touched and will take on a momentarily bluish opaque appearance before reverting back. They will also be soundproof, so characters will not be able to hear from one section to another. If a character just walks into a forcefield it will feel like hitting a solid structure - it may hurt depending on how hard they impact it. Direct interference will be perceived as a threat and treated as such.
More info here: Link

Feb. 14th, 2017


Where: Pub/Bar
When: 14th February Early evening onwards
What: 'Get together/Getting to know everyone' Party meets Valentine's Day
Rating: TBD
Open: YES. Multi-threads welcome.

The Pub has taken on a bit of a make-over for the day. As promised, nothing 'over-the-top' so that the Valentine's Day vibe overthrew the general party atmosphere. With the supplies they had gathered from the Complex and through the Hogsmeade, Bristol and Glasgow rifts, the organisers have managed to compile a good assortment of food and drink. The food is laid out on a few tables that had been pushed together at one end of the room while the drinks were set out across the long, curving bar that ran parallel with the back wall.

Cleo's influence was clear to see with some cobbled together Caribbean themed treats, intermingled with a selection of items supplied by Lacey and Abigail, and an array of Wizarding delicacies - Honeydukes sweets, pumpkin tarts and some cakes - courtesy of Archie - who was also apply to use a multiplying spell to increase some of the food items.

Archie and Dora had lent their wands to the subtle but pleasing decorations to give a hint of a party atmosphere but nothing that made it distinctly a Valentine's Day event so - as per Cleo's intention - not to exclude or upset anyone who either didn't have a significant other or was missing theirs.

Feb. 8th, 2017


Who: Sunila Montrose-House and open!
Where: Beach
What: Arrival
Warnings: None, will update if needed.

... )

Jan. 15th, 2017


Who: Jay, Jake (sc), Maggie, Rose
What: Exploring
Where: The jungle (starting outside the complex)
When: Morning - 13th January

Jan. 1st, 2017


If there had been anyone on the beach to see it, well they'd probably have run and hid as the island began to terraform and change. The landscape shifted so chaotically and rapidly that there were audible cracks and swooshes as great buildings rose from the flat ground, starting with a gleaming apartment building. The island was ready to receive its first charges.

The sky began to broil as the land settled into it's new formation. Lightening of a hundred hues split the sky. The wind screamed crazily, though the ground beneath stayed serene. There were voices that could be heard within the calls in the sky. Within seconds the cloud formation began to split, a deep void appearing, a black tunnel emerging and hitting the ground.

Within the tunnel there were images of...somewhere else.