Nov. 23rd, 2020


Who: Loki and Esme
Where: On the other side of the rift...
When: Early afternoon
What: Two troublemakers exploring
Rating: TBD but likely middlish?
Open: No

o.o.o.o )

Nov. 3rd, 2020


Who: Harry and open
Where: Bar balcony
What: Meeting of minds
When: 03/11
Rating: TBD
Open: Yep

“xxxxx” )

Oct. 20th, 2020


Who: Loki and Open
Where: Jungle, not too far from the beach
When: 20th October, shortly after Kat's first post
What: Exploring
Rating: TBD but it's Loki so...
Open: Yes!

oxoxoxoxo )