October 16th, 2020

[info]montycora in [info]nexusthreads

Who: Alec & Open
Where: The beach
When: 11/10, afternoon
What: Arrival
Rating: TBD, but definitely some swearing
Open: Yes

This was not Seattle. )

[info]miguelohara in [info]nexusthreads

Who: Miguel, open
Where: Inside the mountain complex somewhere
When: 16th October
What: New Arrival, exploring
Rating: eh.
Open: Yes

~*~*~*~*~*~*~ )

[info]barricadeboy in [info]nexusthreads

Who? Enjolras & OPEN
Where? The jungle
When? Friday
What? A new arrival
Open? Yes

xoxoxoxoxoxoxo )