May 29th, 2017

[info]heartofthenexus in [info]nexusthreads

Who: Searchers and spider victims
Where: Jungle / Underground Spider Lair
When: 29th May
What: Rescuing the missing and extermination
Rating: Probably high for violence and certain characters' language
Open: Yep

With Jay's escape the previous day, the location of the spider's lair was now known.

It was situated deep in the jungle. Deeper than the waterfall and lake they had found on the 27th - along with a patch of the Doctor's blood. It was well hidden and underground. Instead of a burrow or cave, a crumbling archway marked the entrance. Evidence of an underground building and tunnels perhaps.

The fact that everyone who had gone missing were still alive - albeit injured - was good news. All they had to do now was rescue them and avoid anyone else being killed by the spider.