March 7th, 2017

[info]heartofthenexus in [info]nexusthreads

Where: Various locations (see subthreads)
When: 28th Feb
What: Forcefields Day #1
Rating: Probably high (especially with certain characters)
Open: YES. There will be subthreads for each group

Inside the complex, flashing lights accompanied by a rhythmic warning alarm begins to sound. An electronic ‘voice’ can be heard briefly but the words are unintelligible and in a language that even the linguists amongst them can not decipher.

The force-fields (once characters find them) are see-through unless touched and will take on a momentarily bluish opaque appearance before reverting back. They will also be soundproof, so characters will not be able to hear from one section to another. If a character just walks into a forcefield it will feel like hitting a solid structure - it may hurt depending on how hard they impact it. Direct interference will be perceived as a threat and treated as such.
More info here: Link

[info]heartofthenexus in [info]nexusthreads

Where: Various locations (see subthreads)
When: 1st March
What: Forcefields Day #2
Rating: Probably high (especially with certain characters)
Open: YES. There will be subthreads for each group

Everyone has been trapped in their sections for a day now. For those outside it is obvious that the season has changed from autumnal to a colder, more wintery feel - particularly for those on the beach who will have to have taken up shelter in the caves due to the tide and rain.

At some point during the day, the warning alarm will finally stop, much to the relief of all those within the complex.

[info]heartofthenexus in [info]nexusthreads

Where: Various locations (see subthreads)
When: 2nd March
What: Forcefields Day #3
Rating: Probably high (especially with certain characters)
Open: YES. There will be subthreads for each group

Third day of their entrapment. Characters may be starting to worry - especially those trapped in places with no food or drink.

Deep in the Jungle the air begins to ripple as if a storm was building amongst the foliage. Suddenly, there is a loud ‘kawhoosh’ and a burst of energy, an unstable vortex, erupts forward, disintegrating all matter in its path before springing backwards into itself to form a large, circular, upright puddle (event horizon).

[info]heartofthenexus in [info]nexusthreads

Where: Various locations (see subthreads)
When: 3rd March
What: Forcefields Day #4
Rating: Probably high (especially with certain characters)
Open: YES. There will be subthreads for each group

Fourth day of their entrapment. Characters will be starting to panic, worry, argue amongst other things.

A new arrival is deposited onto the beach.

[info]heartofthenexus in [info]nexusthreads

Where: Various locations (see subthreads)
When: 4th March
What: Forcefields Day #5
Rating: Probably high (especially with certain characters)
Open: YES. There will be subthreads for each group

Fifth day of their entrapment and tensions may be rising further. Characters who have sustained injuries in places with no medically trained people or supplies may be starting to suffer and be in difficulty depending on the severity of their injuries.

Another new arrival turns up on the beach.

[info]heartofthenexus in [info]nexusthreads

Where: Various locations (see subthreads)
When: 5th March
What: Forcefields Day #6
Rating: Probably high (especially with certain characters)
Open: YES. There will be subthreads for each group

Sixth day of their entrapment and some characters may be starting to lose optimism. Those in sections without food or medical supplies may be lower than others.

Those on the seventh floor (perhaps with the help of other characters) may be getting closer to a solution.

[info]heartofthenexus in [info]nexusthreads

Where: Various locations (see subthreads)
When: 6th March
What: Forcefields Day #7
Rating: Probably high (especially with certain characters)
Open: YES. There will be subthreads for each group

Seventh and FINAL day of their entrapment. During this day a solution will be implemented (probably with some degree of co-ordination between sections) and the forcefields will finally lower and return things to ‘normal’.

Characters will deal with the ‘fallout’ of their week imprisonment - including: injuries, lack of food/water, strained relationships - and will reunite with their friends and loved ones, as well as meeting the new arrivals.