January 8th, 2017

[info]cleowhosees in [info]nexusthreads

Who: Cleo and Cuddy and open
What: Meeting
Where: Apartment building
When: Backdated to their arrival
Babies on a beach...fun )

[info]cleowhosees in [info]nexusthreads

Who: Cleo and Quinn
What: Meeting
Where: The not Giant’s Causeway honest
When: Backdated to his arrival
She wouldn’t believe he was here )

[info]shoedesigner in [info]nexusthreads

Who: Lola and Bobby and open
What: Meeting
Where: The apartment building
When: Backdated to their arrival (Bobby’s comm post)
Wondrous things )

[info]harry_dresden_ in [info]nexusthreads

Who: Harry and open
What: Post arrival
Where: The apartment building
When: Backdated to 02/01/17
Hells bells )